
History of Brazil: interesting facts and key events

The history of Brazil is a very interesting field for studying. In this largest South American country for many centuries mixed a variety of cultures. Therefore, the history of Brazil is so interesting and saturated with diverse facts. Briefly about it we will talk in this review.

Brazil before the discovery by Europeans

The history of Brazil before its discovery by Europeans is not as well studied as we would like. The country was inhabited by various tribes of Indians: ace, piraha, guazhazhara, munduruku, tupi, etc. They mainly led a primitive nomadic and semi-nomadic economy. Although there were agricultural crops, for example, on the island of Marajo.

Neither from the Indian tribes of Brazil in the pre-colonial period even approached the level of the creation of its own statehood.

Arrival of Europeans to Brazil

Basically the history of Brazil changed after its opening by Europeans. The first to open this country for the Old World was the expedition of the Portuguese Pedro Alvarez Cabral, reaching the shores of modern Brazil in 1500. These areas Cabral called the Earth Vera-Krush (True Cross), but a few years later it was renamed the Land of Santa Cruz (Holy Cross). Later, the name "Brazil" was fixed, by the name of one of the trees that grew up here. In addition, the pioneer founded a small fortress on the new earths - Fort Seger, which translates as Safe Harbor.

A lot of other European expeditions were drawn for this traveler to Brazil. Most often this country began to visit the Portuguese, realizing what riches it possesses and what can bring the Portuguese crown. In addition, these lands were considered Portuguese in the division of the world in 1494 between Portugal and Spain.

Colonial Brazil

But permanent immigrants from Portugal to Brazil began to stay only since 1530. The cities of San Vicente (1532) and Salvador (1549) were founded. The latter became the administrative center of the colony.

Soon, Brazil became the center of sugar cane production. Cultivated this culture, mainly, mass imported from Africa black slaves.

In the first half of the XVII century, the Portuguese who inhabited Brazil had to wage a difficult struggle against the Dutch, who also claimed a part of these territories. In addition, the Portuguese colony expanded its territory into the interior of the continent.


After the troops of the French Emperor Napoleon occupied the territory of Portugal, the Portuguese King João VI crossed with his court to Brazil, where he made his residence Rio de Janeiro. As Brazil developed, do not go to this step - it is unknown, but one thing is clear: it was the beginning of a new period in its history, when it ceased to be just a colony.

It should be noted that even after Napoleon was elected, Joao VI did not want to return from Brazil to Lisbon. He did this only in 1821 under the pressure of Portuguese aristocratic circles. In Brazil, he left his son Pedro in the status of vice-king. But when the Portuguese parliament tried to completely destroy the Brazilian autonomy, Pedro refused to obey and proclaimed himself emperor. From this moment the history of the state of Brazil begins.

When in 1826 the father of the Brazilian Emperor Pedro I, the Portuguese King João VI, died, the son refused to become the monarch of Portugal, and left the throne of this country for his young daughter. However, soon his brother Miguel dethroned his niece. Therefore, Pedro I renounced the Brazilian throne in favor of his young son Pedro II, and he himself went to Portugal to call to account the brother.

Under Emperor Pedro II, Brazil has become a powerful power capable of dictating its conditions on the continent. During the empire, a reorientation of the country's specialization in the production of sugar cane for the cultivation of coffee occurred. Slavery more and more receded into the background, until finally it was banned in 1888.

Establishment of the Republic

Nevertheless, despite the success of the government, the history of Brazil soon changed dramatically. The republican forces are gaining strength in the country. In 1889, Emperor Pedro II was overthrown in a bloodless coup. Brazil has become a federal republic.

The period from 1889 to 1930 is usually called the Old Republic. During this period of time, a number of uprisings took place in the country, in particular, a riot in the navy (1893-1894) and the rebellion of Canudus (1896-1897). During the First World War, Brazil officially took the side of the Entente countries, but its real help was minimal.

The era of dictatorships

In 1930, the Old Republic was virtually eliminated, as a result of the coup the political force headed by Zhetuliu Vargas came to power. At the outset of the Vargas administration, a number of progressive laws were passed, in particular the Constitution, and women were given the right to vote. But soon the regime became reactionary and acquired fascist features. Vargas began to pursue the opposition forces, and in 1937 declared a state of emergency, dissolved the Congress and established an actual dictatorship.

Despite the fact that the Vargas regime resembled fascist in its type, during the Second World War it joined the Anti-Hitler Coalition and sent Brazilian soldiers to the front.

After the end of the war, Vargas was forced to resign. The Second Republic was established, with the former Minister of Defense under Vargas Eurik Gaspar Dutra being the president. Also, a new Constitution was adopted. In 1951, Vargas again came to power, already as president of a democratic republic, but in 1954, under mysterious circumstances, committed suicide.

The next president, Juscelino Kubichek, moved the capital to a specially built for this purpose city - Brasilia.

In 1964, a military coup took place, during which the higher ranks of the army seized power in the country. This authoritarian political regime existed until 1985.

The modern stage

But in the mid-1980s it became clear that in today's world, Brazil can not effectively develop under the former regime. The history of the country changed again in 1985, when the military, under the pressure of the people, was forced to give way to power. Democratic elections took place, during which the electors elected T. DiMkreda di Almeida Nevis, soon deceased. His duties began to be performed by Vice-President José Sarné. In 1988, a new Constitution was adopted.

In 1989, the first since 1960, the nationwide presidential elections. They won the victory of Fernando Collor. However, two years later he was accused of corruption and impeached him. This already happened in 2016, President Dilma Russef. Her receiver was Michel Timer.

Currently, Brazil is one of the most economically rapidly developing countries in the world. In addition, it is one of the five largest and most populous states on Earth.

Interesting Facts

We learned how Brazil developed over the centuries. Historical facts can be not only instructive, but also interesting. We will talk about some of them now.

The modern capital of Brasilia was established in 1960 according to the plan of architect Oscar Niemeyr. It is one of the youngest capitals in the world. Brasilia is the third capital of Brazil after Salvador and Rio de Janeiro.

The largest city of Brazil is Sao Paulo, which never had a capital status.

Genetically, most modern Brazilians in the male line are descendants of the Portuguese, and on the maternal line - representatives of local Indian tribes.

In Rio de Janeiro there is a symbol of the country - the Statue of Christ in Brazil. The history of this 38-meter monument begins in 1922. It was then that its construction started, and the occasion was the celebration of the centenary of the country's independence. The building was completed in 1931. Now the statue is recognized as one of the modern Seven Wonders of the World.

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