
Healing ointments based on honey and beeswax

To wound-healing remedies, sooner or later one has to resort to every person. Someone manages the familiar ointment from Vishnevsky's ointment, someone uses new developments in pharmacology, such as: Actovegin, Vulnuzan, Betadin. This article will focus on honey-based products that you can prepare yourself.

Everyone knows how useful honey is in viral and colds - in quality as an additional treatment, and as an independent. But honey, moreover, has excellent cosmetic and therapeutic properties for external use and is widely used to make healing ointments. Honey shows a strong antibacterial effect and gently and painlessly contributes to the treatment of open chopped, torn and cut wounds.

External application of honey in ancient times

Honey was used to heal wounds even by ancient doctors, although they came to this experimentally, not understanding to the end of the essence of the action of this product. But they managed to prevent the appearance of terrible diseases with the help of honey: gangrene and tissue necrosis. This documentary evidence has been preserved. It is known, for example, that honey was used to treat wounds in Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia.

How to treat wounds with honey?

Today it is already proved that healing honey based ointments give a powerful effect, which can be compared with the effect of antibiotics. At the same time, it is absolutely harmless, regardless of the dosage.

The method of treatment is the same as with the use of medicinal creams and ointments. First, the wound is thoroughly washed, cleaned of foreign matter, then honey is applied. Depending on the wound surface and the depth of the wound channel, the thickness of honey can be more or less. A small scratch is enough to lightly lubricate, and a deep wound needs to be thoroughly poured. Then apply a usual sterile bandage.

How to stop blood quickly at home?

If blood flows from the wound, there is one very simple and affordable remedy. Coffee is in almost any home, and at work. So, in order to stop the bleeding, it is enough to sprinkle the wound with powder. It will not irritate the skin, there will be no pain. And the blood will quickly curdle. And then you can start washing and further actions.

Using healing medications based on honey, you need to remember one more interesting property: honey "draws" from the wound purulent discharge. Therefore, the bandage needs to be changed in time, each time washing the wound and applying a new layer of honey.

Treatment of burns

A healing ointment for wounds with burns helps very well if honey is present in it. Wounds under the bandage of honey very quickly heal, leaving almost no traces, if the burns are not very strong. For these purposes, these are the perfect recipes for using beeswax and honey:

  • One part of the wax is added the same part of the sunflower oil and mixed gently in a water bath (not overheating, minutes 15), the finished composition is applied to the burned skin;
  • 30 grams of fish oil (if not in the pharmacy, you can buy vitamin capsules) and 80 grams of honey are carefully mixed until homogeneous mass, simultaneous bactericidal action and the presence of vitamins contribute to very rapid healing of burns.

Treatment of skin diseases with honey

Honey - an indispensable assistant in the treatment of many skin diseases. Healing ointments on its basis treat furunculosis, eczema, neurodermatitis, dermatitis. Such funds are easy to prepare yourself or buy ready-made ointments (Prolidoxid, Tentorium, Vundehil) and propolisnye tinctures in the pharmacy and use them in the form of lotions, compresses and bandages. Many people think that it is enough just to disinfect the wound or the place of the burn, but, neither iodine, nor zelenka, for example, does not help the regeneration of damaged tissues, and honey contributes to their rapid recovery.

In wound healing ointments for humans, in addition to honey, extracts of certain plants and fats are added. Often used for this purpose is pork lard interior, from plants add nettle and spruce gum. All this contributes to the rapid restoration of skin with minimal consequences.

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