HealthDiseases and Conditions

He turns his legs. Causes and methods of treatment.

All people are susceptible to various diseases, which are now a great many, as well as a deficiency of vitamins and minerals at certain moments of life.

A common problem for many of us is that periodically before changing the weather or the season it twists its legs, at night especially. These are very unpleasant sensations, which you want to get rid of as soon as possible. What this says and how to ease the state, we'll talk in this article.

If you have pain in your knees, this can indicate problems with the heart and blood vessels or the presence of inflammation in the body. The first colds and a sharp change in temperature and weather strongly affect the vessels and joints, and therefore twists the legs. How to deal with this unpleasant state? First, you need to contact your district doctor who will send you for a checkup or other narrow specialists - a surgeon, a rheumatologist, etc. You can make a compress to ease the condition of the legs - cut a wide layer of fat and tie it to the place where the joint hurts. Keep the compress until the time when the layer becomes thin and leaky. Compresses from peppers are also very good - hot pepper (three pods) should be chopped with a meat grinder, mixed with a glass of juice of plantain and half a glass of onion juice, add a little bit of interior or bone fat. Applying compress on the sore spot, keep it longer, wrapped in warm material.

Twists his legs often because of the affected joints. In other words, it is the deposition of salts in the body. Also, the causes are polyarthritis or atherosclerosis of the vessels and expansion of the veins of the lower extremities (varicose veins).

A pretty unpleasant feeling when you twist your legs. What to do in this case? If the problem is in the vessels, the treatment will consist in the use of drugs that dilate the blood vessels and undergo physiotherapy procedures. Warm baths made of chamomile or pine needles will also have a curative effect. But if a person has problems with joints, experts do not recommend such baths categorically. Anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory drugs and dry heat will help in this case.

Many quite healthy people twist their feet in the summer, especially after the heat. This is because the widespread "struggle" with overheating - the adoption of a cool shower, for an unprepared organism is fraught with the development of inflammation in the joints and vessels due to hypothermia. Still twists legs or foots at the people who are having problems with occlusion of internal veins, often about such disease even do not suspect, in fact external veins look normal and are not increased. In smokers, of course, this symptom is also often manifested, because smoking disrupts the supply of oxygen to all cells and peripheral vessels of the lower limbs narrow, slowing blood circulation and promoting the formation of atherosclerotic plaques and narrowing of the arteries. Various infections that cause pain and inflammation, getting into the blood and blood vessels, also have a negative impact on the body.

If the legs twist the child, it indicates that he lacks vitamins. In this case, the regular use of vitamin complexes, or at least calcium alone, will help. In the diet should be a lot of vegetables and fruits. Correct, healthier nutrition and a healthy, full-fledged sleep is the guarantee of good health for a small family member.

Pregnant women often also complain about unpleasant sensations in the extremities, especially at night. It also signals a lack of calcium to the body, which is necessary not only for the future mother, but for the baby, so you need to tell your obstetrician-gynecologist about such symptoms, so that he appoints special vitamin complexes and determines the dosage.

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