
Hair on the face of women

One of the most serious cosmetic deficiencies are hair on the face of women. In brunettes, he meets significantly more often than blondes. Increased growth is most often associated with a period of puberty, and sometimes it becomes noticeable with the onset of the menopause. In such cases, even small hairs, similar to a fluff, become thicker and more noticeable.

Hair on the face of women: the reasons for the appearance

It is not yet clear what causes hair growth in the female face, but the proven fact is that they are dependent on the nervous system, in addition they are associated with abnormalities in the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, ovaries and other organs. The external stimuli, for example, pastes, rubbing, strong ointments and so on, can also increase noticeably. Shaving is also a skin irritant and a hair growth enhancer, as they thicken and become much more noticeable. If individual hairs are removed by pulling, that is, hair removal, then the effect of this will be short-lived, since the hair will grow very quickly again. Promotes hair growth and skin irritation and rubbing with pumice stone. The safest mechanical method is considered to be the cutting of individual hair with the help of a nail scissors. With this procedure, the hair on the face of women is removed, and the skin is not irritated. If everything is done carefully, there will be no noticeable increase in hair growth. This operation takes usually a lot of time, is painstaking enough, while not guaranteeing that soon new hair will not grow in the same places. It turns out that none of the existing mechanical methods of getting rid of hair can not be considered effective.

Hair on the face of women: how to remove

Naturally, when there is such trouble on the face, every woman thinks how to get rid of it. You can remove facial hair with a variety of chemicals. The most simple and harmless is bleaching by means of hydrogen peroxide, which needs to be applied as often as possible. Powdering with a neutral powder will very quickly get rid of irritation. Hydrogen peroxide can be replaced with a perhydrol ointment. You can do it as follows: take 2 grams of perhydrol, 12 grams of lanolin and 8 grams of Vaseline, mix everything, and apply to the areas where the hair grows. The mixture should be left on the skin until dry, and then rinse thoroughly with warm water. Chemicals allow you to remove hair on the face of women. Another option is a special paste - depilatory, which includes calcium, barium sulfurate and lime. Pasta is prepared as follows: powder depilatory mixed with water to form a dough, which must be spread on the skin with a wooden spatula. This paste should be on the skin for about ten minutes, until there is a feeling of tingling. Now it needs to be removed with the same scapula along with the hair. The area of skin where the paste was applied should be washed with warm water, then greased with a fat cream or powder. Such a tool makes a very good impression with its effect, but it is temporary. After a couple of days, hair on the woman's face may appear again, while they become coarser, and much like bristles. Frequent use of depilatories sometimes causes severe irritation and the appearance of various skin diseases.

The most reliable way is electrolysis, that is, electric shock to the hair. However, this procedure is carried out only in specialized institutions. Reinforced hair growth can be associated with the use of ointments from pigmentation and freckles, so they should be discarded.

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