
Gregor Strasser, leader of the NSDAP: biography. Gregor Strasser against Hitler. "The Night of Long Knives"

Gregor Strasser was one of the most prominent figures of the National Socialist Party of Germany. His ideological influence was decisive at an early stage of the Nazi ascent. The political activity of the Strasser brothers still raises controversy both in German and in world society. Some put them on a par with the most terrible representatives of the Reich, while others consider them heroes and the only force that fought against Hitler.

Gregor Strasser: Biography

Gregor was born on May 31, 1892 in Bavaria. His parents were quite prosperous officials. My father was fond of politics and wrote in various newspapers. His love of history and political science, he instilled in children. Gregor graduated with honors. Besides him, there were two more children in the family - Otto Strasser and Paul. Ot Otto Gregor maintained friendly relations after he entered the university, since the brother shared his enthusiasm for political life.

Strasser was interested in various radical currents in his student years. He was critical of the Kaiser's domestic and foreign policies. I read socialist literature. At that time various clubs on interests in which youth discussed works of outstanding philosophers of new time were popular. But their conversations did not enter further than conversations. Everything changed after the Sarajevo murder of Archduke Ferdinand. Scandalous incident was a formal reason for the outbreak of war.

The First World War

After they announced mobilization and martial law, Gregor Strasser immediately forgot about his criticism of the Kaiser's policy and socialist views. He enlisted in the volunteers. After two months of training he went to the front. His brother Otto Strasser also went to war as a volunteer. In the war, Gregor's talents were revealed. In the trenches and trenches of Europe began to form his new worldview. He believed in Germany's victory and in the validity of the war. For four years, rose to the rank of captain. He received military awards - Iron Crosses of the first and second class. However, by the end of the war, these orders were contemptuously called among the people "glands", since their owners were several million people.

Even after the surrender of Germany, riots broke out in the country. The imperial system collapsed. Against the backdrop of a successful revolution in the Russian Empire, the Communists decided to begin the performance in Munich. The Bavarian Soviet Republic was proclaimed. The troops controlled by Berlin, including Strasser, protested against the revolutionaries. After the bloody assault, BSR was abolished.

Back in Bavaria, Gregor Strasser became the owner of the pharmacy. At the same time he continued to be interested in politics and write to newspapers.

The Influence

According to the memoirs of Paul Strasser, the key influence on the worldview of Gregor had a father. Many classify him as a harbinger of National Socialism. Peter studied political science and sociology. He was an adherent of new trends, he criticized capitalism and liberalism. In one of the pamphlets his work "New Being" was published. In it he described the political theory of the fusion of classical socialism with a national and religious spirit. Undoubtedly, he shared his thoughts with his sons.

The idea was to build socialism, where the national identity will play a unifying role. In fact, it was an attempt at a symbiosis of all popular ideas of that time. In the early works of Gregor, these thoughts are clearly traced, literally word for word.

Acquaintance with Hitler

In the twentieth year, the Strasser brothers live in Deggendorf. Otto already has experience of political struggle. In Berlin, he leads the detachments of workers who go to the demonstrations. In the same place he meets with the Social Democrats. Gregor also sympathizes with the latter. However, the party leadership's refusal to include an item on nationalization in its program forces Strasser to withdraw from the organization. After that, he meets Adolf Hitler and the "Thule" society.

The new National Socialist Party seems to Gregor precisely what he sought all his life. He finds ideas close to his ideas in the program and he himself completes it. Noticeable deviation to the right does not cause claims from Gregor. He, as well as thousands of other front-line soldiers, regrets the disastrous end of the war for Germany. Therefore, the head goes into the activities of the National Socialist German Workers Party (in Russian, the abbreviation of the NSDAP is used). After Otto's arrival in Bavaria, the elder brother introduces him to Hitler and other prominent figures. He persuades to join the party, but Otto categorically refuses.


In November, the twenty-third Nazis already have significant influence in Bavaria. Armed groups were formed. Then the party leadership decided to start the speech. Gregor Strasser supported Hitler's idea of a mutiny in Munich. On November 9, many members of the local government gathered in the pub, where they listened to the political speeches of the speakers. Assault teams of Nazis surrounded the building and then took hostage all who were there. After that, hoping for the support of the army and the population, moved to the central square.

Suppression of putsch

Instead of jubilant locals, they were met by a police cordon. An exchange of fire broke out. After that, government troops attacked the rebels. Many had to go on the run. Hitler and Ludendroff were arrested. After the arrest of Adolf, a new leader of the NSDAP, Strasser, was elected. He resumed political activities and assisted fellow prisoners. At this point, he decides to finally go into a new sphere and sells his pharmacy. On the proceeds, he opens a printing house and publishes his own newspaper. Her editor is Otto. And Gregor's secretary is the well-known Goebbels.

Political activity in the party

By its sudden rise, the Nazi Party is obliged to Strasser. After the party's leadership, he revised the program somewhat. I started using more leftist and socialist rhetoric. This helped bring the working masses to the side of the Nazis. Gregor did not agree with racist points in the party program. He hoped that he could bring her to the left. Because of this, there were constant disputes with the adherents of these points. Gregor Strasser against Hitler often brought charges of excessive bourgeoisness. He was supported by Goebbels. Even the question was raised about the expulsion of Adolf from the party. Nevertheless, the latter managed to win the support of party members. And Joseph Goebbels, realizing that the majority supports Hitler, also goes over to his side. Because of this, Gregor had a great personal dislike for him.

Agitation of the masses

By the twenty-sixth year, the post of the head of the propaganda department was taken by Gregor Strasser. Quotes of politics are increasingly appearing on the front pages of Munich newspapers. He has greatly succeeded in his new position. Thanks to street and printed agitation, more than seven hundred thousand people joined the National Socialists in a few years. Gregor had a serious influence within the party. He held various posts. Gauleiter of Lower Bavaria continued to bend the "socialist" line. This caused constant arguments with Hitler. Also, his views at Strasser were also on the way of coming to power. Those who fell in the Reichstag were offered the place of vice-chancellor to the Nazis. However, Adolf rejected him. Strasser also believed that, having taken such a high post, it was possible to crush the entire cabinet of ministers under him. It was at this moment that the crisis in relations with Hitler increased. The Führer removed Gregor from his post, but left him in the party.

Escape from Germany

The Nazis are gaining influence. By the thirties, they already constitute a majority in parliament. At the same time, Hitler still refuses to serve as vice-chancellor. He explains this position de facto by the lack of serious influence and the possibility of a decline of sympathy on the part of the people. But in the winter of the thirty-third, Schleicher proposes this post to Gregor Strasser. He takes it. There is a serious split in the ranks of the NSDAP. Strong struggle within the party itself began. As a result, Gregor decides to leave his position and leave for Italy.

While abroad, he continues to monitor political life in his homeland. At the same time, there is practically no contact with the NSDAP, the only source of information is his brother. For a few months in Italy, Gregor loses all his political influence. His place was occupied by Rudolf Hess. For unknown reasons, Strasser returns to Germany.

Night of long knives

By the summer of the thirty-fourth, the construction of a new state begins. The Nazis, who have gained full control over the country, begin an internecine war. Prominent figures of the NSDAP are fighting for spheres of influence. One of the main opposition to Hitler was Strasser, Ernst Röhm did not lag behind him. The latter was the leader of the assault troops. At that time, it was, in fact, the most powerful military force in Germany. Remus tried to crush under him and the government troops.

Hitler and other members of the new government feared the insurgents' mutiny. Strasser was considered as a possible ideological leader of the putschists. However, after his return from Italy, he managed to reconcile with Hitler. He returned it to the party and even intended to provide a ministerial chair.

To deal with his opponents, Hitler prepared a secret operation "The Night of Long Knives." When it began, a wave of arrests swept across Berlin. Ernst Röhm was killed. Goering, who hated Strasser, gave the order to kill him as well, which happened on June 30, 1934. After the end of the Second World War, political views of Gregory and Otto began to be called "tarsarianism."

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