
Great geographical discoveries

15-17 centuries left a significant imprint in the history and economy of all mankind. In this era, there are great geographical discoveries, which were the prerequisite for the development of the bourgeois mode of production. They were primarily caused by the active growth of the productive forces of the medieval society and the development of monetary relations, in which the need arose to find new partners for trade, materials and gold.

The importance of great geographical discoveries can not be underestimated. Europeans, opening new sea routes and lands, helped to establish cultural and trade contacts between the countries, to acquire new economic and natural resources, to expand the understanding of people's lives in other countries and continents.

It was possible to make great geographical discoveries thanks to the active development of science and technology. During this period, powerful sailing vessels are built, suitable for ocean navigation, navigational instruments are being improved, the idea of planetary sphericity is being asserted, seafaring in the eastern countries is developing.

The impetus for the Europeans to search for new routes to the East was the obstacles and restrictions that the Turks and Arabs created on the way to India. In this connection, a plan is being developed for the achievement of the front East around Africa by sea.

Only powerful centralized Western European monarchical states could afford to equip complex and costly expeditions. Spain and Portugal are the first countries to send their ships to conquer the ocean. In 1486 the navigators of the Mediterranean circled the southern part of the African continent, already in 1498 the famous traveler Vasco da Gamma managed to reach the coast of India. However, Portugal blocked the way for other states along Africa.

Christopher Columbus, having received the support of Spain, went on a trip across the Atlantic Ocean in a western direction. The result of the expedition was the discovery of the American continent.

Describing the great geographical discoveries, we can not fail to mention the round-the-world trip, led by Fernando Magellan. It laid the foundation for the development of the vast Pacific Ocean.

In the 16th and 17th century, discoveries were made by French and English explorers in North America and Russian navigators in Northeast Asia, who left the Pacific coast.

Great geographical discoveries and their consequences.

The result of the VGO was the expansion of the world market, the rivalry of nations in an effort to acquire Asian treasures and a rigid colonial system. The centers of trade routes from this moment are England, Portugal, Spain, France and Holland.

As a result of the colonial policy, large quantities of silver and gold began to be supplied to Europe from subordinate countries. The result of this was the price revolution (a sharp increase in the cost of agricultural and industrial products). In Spain there was a price increase four times, in Holland, France and England - at 2.5. This situation led to the fact that in these countries a prosperous bourgeois stratum of society was formed quite quickly.

Great geographical discoveries contributed to the expansion of the global market and the increase in the number of goods. New products are becoming known: coffee, tobacco, cocoa, tea, corn, cotton, etc.

From now on, colonies for the industry of European countries are capacious external markets. The inability to fully satisfy the increased demand for goods leads to a crisis in the guild system. Instead of craftsmanship, a capitalist manufactory appears, which, thanks to the division of labor, significantly increases the volume of production. As a result, commercial and industrial capital is concentrated in the hands of a new class - the bourgeoisie.

It can be confidently asserted that the VGO facilitated the transition from the feudal to the capitalist mode of production.

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