Spiritual developmentMystic

Ghouls are vampires or werewolves?

Despite the pragmatic world surrounding us, it still has a place for strange and mystical events. They are reflected in urban legends, in literature and cinema, they are full of computer games, and it is sometimes difficult to understand the names and definitions. For example, vampires are vampires or werewolves? The sources available to us contradict each other, new details are constantly being clarified, and instead of the usual world a more complex and, perhaps, gloomy picture looms.

Ghouls in legends and legends

In many tales of almost all nationalities of the earth there are mysterious creatures who, under the cover of night, seek to inflict harm on people. The most widely spread mystical stories about the dead rising from the grave. Despite the country in which these events take place, the intentions of the dead are remarkably similar - to drink the blood of the living, and the relatives and loved ones of the deceased, as well as casual passers-by, are surely leading in the rating of possible production, especially if they are virgin.

In all the ghoul giveings, these are evil beings, in which there is not a drop of good. With them it is impossible to agree, to win over to their side, only to deceive, to escape by flight or to kill. In this case, you can not get rid of such a monster with a conventional weapon, you need a special blade, an aspen stake, magic or consecrated objects or drugs.


In modern reading, ghouls are vampires, legendary bloodsuckers, endowed with eternal youth, beauty and temperament of the Arctic glacier. Some researchers attribute the migration of ghouls to the clan of vampires Pushkin, it is he who described in the poem of the same name a ghoul, giving it a typically vampire trait. However, in the Slavic tradition, these are other creatures that are closer to the animal world than to the human world.


There is an opinion that in itself the word "ghoul" is a distorted form of the term "wolf", that is, a werewolf. A ghoul, therefore, is a classic lycanthrope, turning into a monstrous beast of prey in full moon. Of course, the wishes and aspirations of the beast are far from humanism.

The werewolf, as a rule, is born a man, and only a couple of nights a month becomes a monster. Much rarer is the reverse legend of the Wolfs - wolves, who in full moon or at their own will become people. They look for a couple among themselves among the people, and the chosen one or the chosen one after the wedding night also turns into a wolf.

The combination of mystical qualities in one being

Another direction of the legends is more democratic, because in this version the ghouls are not easy vampires, they can by their own desire turn into wild animals, including wolves. Terrible night evil spirits were attributed to amazing properties - the ability to fly, turn into a fog, spend a long time without human blood, but still retain the ability to move and harm people.

It can be said that all these mystical stories unite all or almost all frightening phenomena that can instil fear or cause harm. Even the usual pallor from malnutrition was a sign of persistent persecution by vampires. If the village was terrorized by a particularly elusive wolf that cut livestock, the hunter's failures could be attributed to a mysterious werewolf, who do not take bullets and do not catch simple traps.

Variety of interpretations and explanations

Attempts to bring all this mystical community into an order led to the emergence of a certain hierarchy among the bloodsuckers. In part, we owe this stormy fantasy of writers and other creative people. At the top of the social ladder of bloodsuckers are vampires - elegant, refined, though demonic. These are the true "children of the night", leading their race from Cain himself, the first murderer of the human race. According to another version, vampires lead the race from Lilith, Adam's first wife.

Below the vampires are ghouls and ghouls, these are people bitten by vampires, who have reborn and have also begun to experience an irresistible craving for human blood. Sometimes ghouls are called inferior vampires, who steal bodies from graves.

Ghouls are tied up with all the unpleasant and repulsive, while vampires have been unduly romanticized lately. Probably, this could be called discrimination if the vampires actually existed.

The attractive force of mysticism

Otherworldly forces are an inexhaustible source of inspiration. They are written about poems and whole poems, they make films, write books and dedicate songs. For example, the Gaza Strip group recorded the song "The Black Ghoul", Nautilus - "The Gentle Vampire", it's hard to find a performer who was not seen in a creative relationship with the evil spirit. Mysticism is frightening and at the same time attracting, so every day there are new theories that justify the existence of ghouls, werewolves and other nonhumans.

The belief of people in vampires is confirmed by historical research. In Europe, burials were found, the bones in which were in such a form that it clearly betrays fear of vampires. For example, with an aspen stake hammered into the chest, cut off by the head and even with a brick bitten into the mouth. According to people of the past, this should have prevented the bloodsucker from using his fangs.

According to doctors, people who suffer from serious illnesses were accused of vampirism. For example, porphyria changes the appearance of a person to such an extent that it is difficult not to suspect evil forces in this. It is hoped that the ghouls really do not exist, otherwise it would be too scary to walk around the city at night.

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