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Furnaces "Bulerjan": reviews. "Buleryan" with a water circuit: user reviews

The company "Buleryan" was founded in 1993. Previously, it was called "Laoterm", and then - "Brenner". To date, the company "Buleryan" is engaged in the production of furnaces, as well as fireplaces. Additionally, baths and gas generators are manufactured. All products of this brand are subject to rigorous testing. As a result, a very high-quality product is obtained, for which a large guarantee is given.

The appearance of the "Buleryan" stoves with a water circuit

The first oven "Buleryan" with a water circuit feedback got good. In many respects this was due to the fact that she could safely heat a room with a total area of up to 100 cubic meters. M. They were most often used in large enterprises and factories.

Specialists of the company note that the efficiency of such devices sometimes reaches 70%. Also, one should take into account the high level of performance of the "Buleryan" stoves with a water circuit. Some models of this brand are able to work continuously for more than 6 hours.

Furnace with a water circuit

The furnaces with a water circuit operate exclusively in rooms with an open heating system. It should also be taken into account that the increase in the heat carrier occurs by itself. In general, the oven with a water circuit is composed of two chambers. At the bottom of the device there is a gasification section. The afterburner, in turn, is located on top.

In addition, there are two regulators that control the power of the furnace. Heat exchanging tubes are located above the gasification chamber. They are connected to the secondary department. At the same time on the side panel there is a branch pipe of the chimney with the controller. Below is the double rear wall of the furnace. The primary camera of the device is connected to the ash pan. At the same time, the blown furnace is connected to the handle of the power regulator. There is also a special loading door. The injector is located behind the front wall of the furnace.

The Aqua-Bresenan model

This model "Buleryan Aqua" reviews from buyers have not yet received, because it is not yet very well known. It was created for heating houses, as well as industrial facilities. Its feature is the use of different types of solid fuel. Most often such furnaces are loaded with coal or conventional firewood.

At the same time, on one tab, it is capable of continuously working more than 7 hours, so the boiler "Aqua-Breenaran" ("Bulerjan") has received positive feedback from experts.

Comments of consumers about the furnace "Bulerjany Country" (type 00)

Reviews "Bulerjan Country" is good. Most customers liked this model for its versatility. It can safely load firewood, as well as coal. At the same time, this furnace has good performance and is capable of heating a room up to 100 cubic meters. M. Additionally, please note that the power of this model is 6 kW.

This boiler "Buleryan" reviews also gets good for the fact that its doors are very comfortable. In addition, many were pleased with the compactness of the model. Its height is 700 mm, width - 480 mm, and depth - 685 mm. The total weight of the furnace is 65 kg. The diameter of the chimney, in turn, is quite large and amounts to as much as 120 mm. The furnace body itself is made of strong steel. In addition to firewood and coal, sawdust, briquettes, and peat can be loaded into the chamber. Given this, this stove "Buleryan" reviews from buyers mostly gets good.

Opinion of experts on the furnace "Bulerjan Country" (type 00)

This oven "Buleryan" reviews specialists has different. As some experts note, the case of this model is quite strong. In this furnace, manufacturers used steel grade 08KP. In addition, many are pleased that the withdrawal pipe goes without ovalization. Also on it there are no places with constrictions. The diameter of the pipe is 57 mm, which ensures high productivity.

Also, experts noted the high quality of welding on the furnace. According to the manufacturers, all the details of the device were made on a special machine for plasma cutting. If in the furnace to load firewood or coal, then they will be enough for about 7 hours. The furnace of the device is completely closed. The heat exchanger is also made of steel. In general, the model is considered inexpensive, so all the furnaces of the "Buleryan 00" series of reviews are mostly positive.

Furnace "Buglerian Classics" (type 00)

Reviews "Buleryan Classics" is good, because it is very similar to the previous model. Its power is at a fairly high level and is 6 kW. In this case, the furnace is able to build a house with a total volume of up to 100 cubic meters. M. Also, many are pleased with the fact that the manufacturer can order it absolutely any color.

For loading the furnace, briquettes and firewood are mainly used. In this case, some prefer only wood waste. Whatever it was, the efficiency of this model is at 75%. This is largely due to the use of two-phase combustion of fuel. In the beginning, the fuel simply smolder, and at the same time gases are released. At the second stage, the gases completely go away. All this makes it possible to do the loading for about 8 hours. The furnace casing is made of stainless steel. In addition, buyers noted that the kit is a convenient stand.

Expert appraisal of the furnace "Bulerjany Klassika" (type 00)

This oven "Buleryan" with a water circuit feedback from most experts received good. As experts say, its dimensions are quite acceptable for such a high power device. The height of the model is 700 m, width - 480 mm, and depth - 685 mm. The total weight of the furnace with a water circuit is 65 kg. The diameter of the chimney is 120 mm.

Additionally, experts evaluated the quality of the loading chamber. The handles are quite tight, and the door is easy to open. Also, many on the positive side described the mechanism for regulating the power of the furnace. During heating, everything can be easily adjusted and at the same time monitor the internal chamber. All pipes have the correct ovalization and are manufactured without microdefects on special equipment.

The seams along the edges of the joints are well smoothed, which indicates the high quality of welding. Additionally, experts noted the convenience of fuel loading. The diameter of the input chamber is quite large, and this allows you to quickly make a masonry.

Reviews about the furnace "Buleryan MAXI" (type 00)

Reviews "Buleryan MAXI" deserves a positive. According to the buyers, the capacity of this stove is enough to make a quiet room more than 125 cu.m. M. At the same time, the voltage of the device is as much as 7 kW. This indicator is already higher than that of previous models. Also, consumers noted that with increasing power at the furnace, its dimensions remained the same. The height is 700 mm, the width is 480 mm, and the depth is 685 mm.

The efficiency is at a fairly high level. Peat briquettes and wood waste can be easily used. Directly the furnace of the device is completely modified.

What do experts say about the oven "Buleryan MAXI" (type 00)?

This oven "Buleryan" reviews of experts is for the most part good. As experts say, this model is most suitable for various industrial facilities. Its capacity with a surplus is enough to heat warehouses, as well as large factories.

Since the dimensions of the oven are standard, the weight of the device has not changed and is 75 kg. Also note that the kit includes a special stand for the oven, which is very convenient to install. The diameter of the chimney is also standard - at a level of 120 mm, and this pleases many.

Reviews about the furnace "Bulerjany Country" (type 01)

Reviews "Boulerian Country" is very different. As some buyers say, this model has large dimensions and is not suitable for many. The height of the furnace is 845 mm, width - 560 mm, and depth - 810 mm. Overall, it's pretty nice to use. Wood or coal is very convenient to load. At the same time, the doors to the camera open well. Its handle is comfortable and made of steel. The furnace body, as before, is very durable. The thickness of the metal is exactly 4 mm. At the same time, the efficiency is 75%. Adjust the power is very convenient.

Opinion of experts on the furnace "Bulerjan Country" (type 01)

This bourgeois "Buleryan" reviews of experts earned themselves good. Many experts believe that the capacity of a kiln in 11 kW is enough to build a room of 200 cubic meters. M. At the same time they agree with buyers that the dimensions of this model are very large.

Among other things, many noted the quality of heat-exchanging tubes. All of them are densely laid, and there is practically no trace of welding. The bend of the metal itself is made in compliance with all requirements. No deformation was observed on the inner surface. Additionally, many appreciated the operation of the secondary chamber. Its chimney branch has the right shape and works properly.

At the same time, the scoop has a good diameter. Also, experts have identified the device of the rear panel, which consists of two plates. Considering all of the above, the heating of the "Buleryan" reviews from the experts is only good.

Furnace "Buglerian Classics" (type 01)

Consumers generally appreciated the convenience of using this furnace. Up to 6 kg of firewood can be freely inserted in the loading chamber. This should be enough to heat a room of 80 square meters for 9 hours. M. It is also necessary to take into account the high efficiency. In general, this model is very economical. If you use coal, then one load is enough to heat the room for 12 hours. Also, this oven "Buleryan" reviews users gets good for having a solid construction.

Opinion of experts on the furnace "Bulerjan Classics" (type 01)

In general, experts consider this model comfortable and powerful. In doing so, it has all the advantages that are displayed in previous models. The secondary camera of the device is quite strong. The thickness of the metal in this place reaches 4 mm. Also, experts noted the convenience of the boot compartment. Its door fits snugly and provides good sealing.

The front wall is quite sturdy and protects the injector well. All power controllers are easily configurable. The handle of the chimney, in turn, is securely fixed. In addition, many experts from the positive side noted the work of the ash-pit, which is hidden behind the back panel. In general, this model can be described as a practical and powerful device for heating large houses.

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