Food and drinkDessert

Fruit slicing "Peacock", "Fruit basket", "Fruit cake" - original, magically delicious and fabulously beautiful!

Every holiday with Russian people is accompanied by a beautifully laid table, on which necessarily among other delicacies there is also a fruit sliced. This dish is usually served along with cold snacks. Of course, you can simply lay out whole fruits on a dish, but then there is a possibility that after the feast there will be plenty of snacked apples and pears, broken oranges and crusts from melons. Yes, and much more convenient to treat a small, already cut a piece of apple or pear, pineapple or melon, peeled an orange slice or a slice of grapefruit.

The huge role in the presentation to the table of this dish is played by the decoration of fruit cuttings. After all, there is a whole science of artistic slicing vegetables and fruits, which is called carving.

The simplest dish of this category is fruit cut "Pineapple in combination with other fruits". It will require pineapple, kiwi, strawberry and melon. Melon is cut into slices without peel, cutting them into pieces 3-4 cm. The melon is placed on a platter at its edge in such a way that each subsequent one is slightly superimposed on the previous one. The second layer in the same manner is performed from kiwi circles. The cut pineapple is laid as if it is whole, placing in the very center of the dish. At the "foot" of the main character of the cutting, the strawberries are beautifully scattered. You can also use grapes for this.

Sometimes fruit cuts are performed in combination with fresh vegetables. Using the technique of carving you can create a real work of art. For example, the "Peacock" dish looks gorgeous.

For him, you need to take the daikon, from which you should cut the very body of a white bird. After pouring the grapes on the dish, the hostess should gently place the pile in the center, and then the fun begins - tail design. His role is played by fruit cutting: first put the mugs of orange, they put kiwi or pear mugs on them. You can also use small apples. And on top of each "feather" is crowned with strawberries or black grapes.

You can pierce each "feather" with a toothpick, making such miniature fruit canapes with wooden skewers or toothpicks. Of course, the main idea in this dish is the fact that the fruit cut is laid out in the form of the tail of a magical fairy bird. And what kind of fruit or berries the hostess will use in the dish is not so important at all. The main thing is that it was beautiful and tasty.

You can even make a sort of original fruit birthday cake , even with candles. The role of candles is performed here with grapes strung on wooden skewers, which are placed on the halves of apples, due to which they stand steadily on the platter. In the center, a figured candle from the daikon is quite appropriate. The cake is laid out from the circles of fruit in layers.

Fruit slicing in the "cake" is framed by berries: strawberries, grapes, currants, blackberries or raspberries.

And still very original composition "Fruit basket". For a basket you can use a watermelon peel from a half of a small watermelon, from which all the pulp is pre-selected. For the stability of the "basket" you can use the crust from the other half of the watermelon, which has the shape of a rim - around the cut slice is cleared of the pulp and placed on the bottom. In the middle of this stand, the basket itself is installed. Then the stand is camouflaged with berries and sliced fruit slices. In the middle of this original container, there are bunches of grapes, quarters of apples and pears, slices of oranges and circles of grapefruit. Actually, the choice of products is completely every mistress can do herself to your liking.

In order for the festive table to be truly festive, you just need to fantasize a bit, try as hard as possible to translate your ideas. And we are always happy to help you!

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