
From the women of Russia, Novine feedback received only positive.

The modern contraceptive is the medical drug Novinet.

Contraceptive pills Novinet are manufactured by Gedeon Richter for many decades, and are intended for oral administration. Novinet is an oral contraceptive that prevents ovulation in a girl and increases the viscosity of mucus in the cervical region, which prevents the full penetration of sperm into the body.

Like any birth control pills, this drug should be taken only according to a strictly specified scheme. If you do self-medication and do not read the instructions in advance, the tablets will cause you to have a huge number of different side effects. When taking 1-2 tablets, the drug does not guarantee 100% contraceptive effect for the current menstrual cycle.

From the girls Novine reviews received only positive. But those who took the drug, note that during the first 2-3 months of taking the tablets, while the woman's body will adapt to taking this drug, short-term menstrual bleeding is possible. It is worth noting that the composition of this contraceptive consists only of components of natural and vegetable origin.

However, Novinet contains artificially synthesized gestagenic and estrogenic components. This synthetic component of tablets is due to the fact that these components are several times more active than their natural counterparts. But the content of synthetic components in the preparation Novinet contains no more than 0.02 mg.

It is the components of ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel that interfere with the rapid process of ovulation in a girl, as a result of which the release of follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones is prevented . The use of Novinet by physicians is absolutely safe.

Properties and purpose of the drug Novinet.

Novinet is most often used by women to treat irregularities with the menstrual cycle. Most often, such problems are a continuation of the functional character that characterizes the premenstrual syndrome. It is worth recalling that Novinet in its structure contains a minimum amount of synthetic estrogenic components, which allows several times to reduce the risk of various side effects such as nausea, vomiting and pain in the mammary glands.

Basically, all the properties of Novinet are aimed at application in cases when a qualitative oral contraceptive is needed . In general, such problems include functional disorders during the menstrual cycle and severe manifestations of premenstrual syndromes. Begin taking pills Novinet reviews that are only positive, it is on the first day of the onset of menstruation. Within 21 days a woman needs to take one tablet of this drug, and then take a break for 7 days.

Major contraindications and side effects.

Basically, the drug begins to take when a woman develops attacks of hypersensitivity and hypertension, manifested itself in a severe degree. Also, this medication is prescribed for hyperlipidemia and arterial thromboembolic diseases. Side effects, which can cause this drug, are associated with allergic reactions of the body. The reaction of the woman's body can manifest, ranging from severe itching and the appearance of herpes on the genitals, and ending with otosclerosis and the emergence of suspicions of pregnancy.

Novine drug reviews.

The feedback of all women who took this contraceptive testifies that in most cases it helps to overcome the danger of pregnancy, and also that it is best suited for nulliparous women. News reviews have in most cases a positive nature, especially its ability not to affect the figure of a woman and her sexual inclination is noted.

This article describes the main advantages of using the contraceptive Novinet. In addition, reviews of this drug and its side effects are indicated.

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