
Folk remedy for acne: several recipes

Adolescents always have a very acute problem with acne. After all, almost everyone in the transition years, there are such eruptions on the face, which does not look very nice. Often they cause a bad mood and even depression. Of course, there are cosmetics for acne. Someone will be approached by everyone, some - only certain of them, and on others in general, no one can act. Therefore, today I want to talk about some folk medicines.

There is a version that acne is a clear sign of a microflora disorder in the intestine. Proceeding from this, it is possible to prepare a certain infusion for the normalization of digestion, which will entail the purification of the skin from various adolescent eruptions. So, the recipe: one large handful of birch leaves is taken, then the same volume of nettle and sage leaves. Stir them, then take two tablespoons of the collection and pour two glasses of freshly boiled water. This means of acne should be infused for fifteen minutes, after which it can be drunk one glass in the morning and in the evening.

Proceed to the next recipe. Take one tablespoon of dried calendula flowers and pour one cup of plain boiling water. All this is insisted for half an hour, after which it is filtered and cooled. This remedy for pimples and acne should be used for rubbing the problem areas, as well as for lotions. You can pour a spoonful of a pharmacy tincture of calendula into a glass with warm water, along with the same spoon of honey, then carefully mix everything. This remedy for acne is also used as a lotion.

The juice, obtained from the leaves of aloe, heals the skin well. To do this, cut off the leaves of the plant, which is five to seven years old. Put them in the lowest compartment of your refrigerator, not forgetting to wrap in thick paper. Let them stay there for about a week. After that, squeeze out the juice from them, and rub the problem skin. The second option is to grind these leaves and pour boiled water (the proportion is one to five). This tool for pimples is infused for about an hour, after which it is subject to boiling for two to three minutes. Use it is necessary for lotions.

You can also try yeast masks that have a cleaning and degreasing action. To do this, mix 20-25 grams of fresh yeast with a 3 per cent hydrogen peroxide. The obtained substance is applied to clean skin, and after 10-15 minutes the mask is washed off with warm water. Soap does not apply in this case. You can also beat egg white into the foam and add to it 20-30 drops of lemon or cucumber juice.

Well, the last remedy for acne is toothpaste. For this purpose it is necessary to use an ordinary white paste that does not have bleaching properties. If it contains an extract of medicinal herbs - this will only be a plus. Lubricate each pimple individually for the night, by the morning they will all have to dry up.

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