
Flower of violet color - an element of a fairy tale

In the world there is a huge variety of colors of monochrome and multi-colored all kinds of shades. But among this set, of course, a flower of purple deserves a separate place because of its mystery and a touch of magic. Violet - color ambiguous. Someone it causes serenity, calmness or, on the contrary, a sense of excitement, well, someone - irritation or anguish. Some people associate this color with death. But this only proves that they do not treat him indifferently, some like it, some do not.

Use of purple flowers in flowerbeds and gardens

If the garden near the house looks like a fairy-tale corner, fascinates with its mystery and magic, then there is no doubt that purple flowers were used, especially if they grow in combination with pink ones. It can be achieved that the garden will be pleased with this color range almost all year round, planting varieties in such a way that they succeed each other and have different shades.

There are a lot of flowers with such color, but what are the purple flowers used in gardening? For each season of the year - their own. Spring planted crocuses, hyacinths, tulips, mesh irises. For the summer - poppies, lupines, delphiniums, aquilegia, phlox, aconite and such scented ones as lavender, sage, cat. Well, magic in this bouquet will add ipomei and clematis. A flower of purple in autumn is gladiolus, aster, chrysanthemum and ornamental cabbage. Viola is the decoration of the garden throughout the season. A special place among all the flower variety is lilac. There is a large selection of her varieties, the flowers can be bright-violet, and gently-purple, and white. Here, as they say, for every taste and color. And, of course, not a single flowerbed can do without such an ornament as the inflorescences of a decorative bow and queen of flowers - roses.

Iris is a favorite among the colors of this magical shade

And indeed it is! Such a violet flower is truly iridescent. After all, how many there are all kinds of tones, shades and combinations! The most common among irises is the bearded with a multitude of varieties. Iris Japanese or sword-shaped also differs by its exquisite beauty, in addition, it has larger flowers, and it blooms longer than others.

Indoor violet flowers

Among the indoor purple plants, flowers such as geranium and violet are known to everyone. It is believed that purple violets have a very strong influence on the home atmosphere. They form benevolent energy, promote reconciliation and understand among the household. Very useful for those who practice meditation. Also among the lovers of indoor plants, there is a flower of violet color, like senpolia. Like other varieties of violets, it has a calming effect, bringing comfort to the house. Separately, I want to say about oxalis, or kislice. It is an unusually beautiful flower, but in the violet coloring it is very rare. In appearance it resembles flocks of butterflies gathered on a stalk. It looks amazing!

Enumerate the violet flowers indefinitely, and this will not be an exaggeration. It's not a secret that nature is very generous with different colors. And of course, the gardeners are very grateful to her for this!

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