HealthWomen Health

Fibroadenoma of the breast

Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is a formation consisting of benign cells. It is found in the connective and glandular tissues. Such a tumor is the most common of all possible, occurring in women. The reasons for which the fibroadenoma of the breast are formed are not yet known to doctors. Sometimes you can hear a name like fibroadenomatosis of the breast. Do not confuse these two diseases, although they are very similar to each other. Fibroadenomatosis, better known as mastopathy, is also a benign entity. Often, its main causes is hormonal imbalance. But, unlike fibroadenoma, the factors that have a significant effect on diagnosing mastopathy are diseases of the thyroid gland, ovaries, liver and endocrine system.

Among patients with fibroma, young women predominate, mostly nulliparous, taking hormonal contraceptives. Usually, the fibroid of the mammary glands looks like one whole tumor, although there are cases of the formation of multiple tumors. The tumor is similar to a ball and usually has small dimensions (1-5 cm), it is easily displaced, has clear contours.

Very rarely fibroadenoma develops into a tumor from malignant cells, but, nevertheless, such cases still happen. Gynecologists and mammologists all over the world recommend their patients to examine their breasts themselves before the mirror, and do it regularly. On various posters, which are usually hung on the walls in the corridors of clinics and women's clinics, you can get acquainted with the rules of the examination, or ask the specialist. The right chest should be touched with the left hand with the right hand raised and wound behind the head. Similarly, the left breast is examined. If, during the examination, a woman has found any seals, she needs to see a doctor who will examine the breast more carefully and make the appropriate diagnosis. In addition to self-diagnosis, it is recommended that every six to seven months to check the condition of the breast with various examinations in medical institutions.

The revealed fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is subject to treatment. Depending on the individual characteristics of each patient, the doctor can prescribe either therapy or surgery. In determining the method of treatment, the age of the patient, its individual predisposition to the development of the illness, and the structure and size of the compaction itself play an important role. Of course, if a woman shows a desire for a particular method of treatment, the doctor also takes it into account.

Fibroadenoma of the breast is treated with drugs only in the case of very small sizes. The patient is prescribed special pills that normalize her hormonal background. Weight adjustment is also carried out. In fact, there is an opinion that such therapy has practically no effect on neoplasm. Moreover, it is necessary to constantly observe the specialist and do ultrasound. At the slightest hint of an increase, a woman is sent for surgery.

There are a number of indications for the immediate removal of the tumor. These include, first of all, the intensive growth of fibroadenoma, which can cause suspicion of its phyloid appearance, which can be regenerated in sarcoma. Also, according to the results of various studies, there may be a suspicion of breast cancer.

The removal of fibroadenoma is of two kinds. If there is a slight probability of formation of malignant cells, then a sectoral resection is performed, that is, the tumor and a small sector of the breast adjacent to it are removed. If there are no allusions to cancer or sarcoma, then enucleate, that is, remove only the compaction itself. During this operation, an emergency histological study of the remote site is also performed to unambiguously exclude the possibility of atypical processes. For anesthesia, at the request of the patient, general or local anesthesia is used, and after the operation the formed defect is sutured. Removal of fibroadenoma surgically does not guarantee that such education will not appear again, although this happens rarely.

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