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Esthete - this sounds proudly!

How often happens in our world, when a concept is used both in business and not in business, then words are dragged and lose meaning! This happened with the words of aesthetics and aesthetes, who came to our language from the gracious ancient Greece.

Esthete and aesthetics - words not abusive

Aesthetics, in the original sense, is a philosophical, book concept that reveals the essence of the process of cognition by a person of the world through his sensory perceptions. That is, an esthete is a person who is able to feel. And since there are no people in the world who can not feel, then we are all in the philosophical sense of aesthetes. The opposite is the logic of the esthete. And there are few such people, but for some reason they are the ones who abuse the word "esthete" in our time.

Beauty and expediency

Nature aspires to expediency, and hence - to beauty. So somehow Aristotle counted and wrote down the given thought, but, after reflecting on this topic a little, moved on to other issues. And after him his followers made an axiom out of this almost accidental phrase. And there was a dead-end philosophical current. For a century it descended into emptiness, but their words were picked up by the artists, and it turned out that the esthete is not any man any more, but somehow a very sensitive world.

The philosophers gave the artists these terms for use and engaged in deeper questions. And the words went out to walk among the people until they acquired an ironic, disdainful coloring. Now for most ordinary people, an esthete is someone who is not understood by others, because, in his opinion, they are all too rude. In the Russian language, to define this type of people, there is an exact term - "with a prank", ie, a person behaves this way without the goal of deceiving someone for the benefit of himself, but simply because of the intuition, because in a different way he does not live can.

But anyway, beauty and expediency in the world exist. The connection between these concepts is doubtful, but the artists still managed to systematize them as they were. With logic, they are usually not at odds, so the world of the esthete, in the artistic sense of the phrase, is ambivalent and pretentious.

Aesthetics is the science of beauty

When the philosophers returned to the theme that was abandoned for 2000 years, at the beginning of the twentieth century they formed the science of beauty for artists - an aesthetics with the help of which they try to find out: why does one person consider beautiful and the other to be ugly? And some successes have been achieved. It turned out that the object itself is neither beautiful nor ugly. He becomes such only in the feelings of a particular person. Then the philosophers isolated from the general mass of humanity a special type and called these people aesthetes.

Most of us take in their inner world years to 5 canons of beauty in the process of education and then follows them to the end of life. A esthete is one that shapes the canons of beauty for himself, and not until 5 years, but until the end of his life. With such people are obtained real artists, pioneers, lovers to the point of insanity and other troubled personalities.

A normal portion of aesthetics is useful to all

If from the life of man to exclude the concepts of beauty and aesthetics, then he grunts a pig the next day. It is beauty that often keeps us from ugly acts. Some do not even hang because the person does not look aesthetic at all. And people of art, for example actors in theaters, even try to make themselves beautiful and aesthetic. Most would take in this example, and not in anything else. The same actor's "bullying the nose up" is difficult to call beautiful.

In normal measure, designers have grasped the meaning of aesthetics. They make everyday and useful things attractive in appearance. And it's nice that they do not pretend to be exceptional and do not teach us. But the workers of the so-called high fashion are somewhat overplayed. After all, aesthetics is not a mockery of human nature. And then from the sneers of their research sometimes turns. For example, a woman should not, whoever would argue, be like a nail. The law of golden sections does not exist for geometry.

So, all that is not in the measure, it's not sanity, even beauty.

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