
Effective inexpensive remedies for nail fungus on the legs. Overview, list and reviews

If the standards of personal hygiene are not respected, the fungus on the legs can be transmitted to a healthy person from the patient. Most often it happens when the latter takes off shoes in public places, where the humidity and temperature (for example, a swimming pool or a bath) are increased. In pharmacies, you can find inexpensive drugs from the nail fungus on your legs, which will help to effectively cope with this problem.

Among the drugs - and special creams, and varnishes, and sprays, and much more. How to choose the remedy for the treatment of nail fungus on the legs and what exactly the buyers prefer, you will find out below. Also, let's find out the causes and symptoms of the disease.

Why does the infection develop?

Most often, the fungus on the legs is a problem of adults, which often occurs against a background of low immunity, chronic diseases or a change in skin pH. The most frequent reasons for its appearance:

  • excess weight;
  • diabetes;
  • Problems with blood circulation;
  • Diseases of the digestive tract and thyroid gland;
  • Disturbed metabolism.

The duration of treatment depends on the viability of the pathogen. Therefore, before you start looking for the best remedy for nail fungus on your legs, you should first visit a doctor, he can prescribe a comprehensive treatment. Not always everything is suitable for everyone. For example, the most effective remedy for nail fungus, according to most, you might just not be right.

Symptoms of the disease

Nail fungus is easily identified by such signs:

  • Pain in the fingers;
  • Stratification;
  • Itching;
  • Change of color (darkening and turbidity);
  • Keratinization and nail tightening.

There are people who believe that the best remedy for nail fungus on legs is folk recipes, but they are not particularly effective in such cases. If you are concerned about something, do not under any circumstances prescribe yourself a cure, but it's better to immediately run to a dermatologist. Qualitative and timely therapy will help to keep the nail.

Nail fungus: treatment. Preparations for internal use

Preparations to combat such ailment are used different, depending on the nature of its course. If we talk about the effectiveness and the number of positive feedback, then we can provide you with a rating of the best in this regard. So, drugs for the treatment of nail fungus on the legs and hands, which are most popular among buyers and taken inside:

  • "Nizoral" is designed to fight infection on nails, as well as hair and skin, can be used for preventive purposes. Has excellent reviews, doctors often recommend taking up to two tablets per day.
  • "Lamisil", according to the recommendations, is the most effective remedy for nail fungus. This property is achieved through the use of terbinafine as an active ingredient. Assign a pill a day, but hurry with the result is not worth it. According to the reviews, signs of improvement begin to appear in about a couple of months. Also, the drug can not be used for chronic kidney ailments.
  • Orungal is sold in capsules. It guarantees the complex and effective treatment of nail fungus on the feet due to the fact that it destroys its membranes at the cell level, the action is immediate. The recommended dose is prescribed by the doctor individually.

External means

If you do not know how to choose the remedies for nail fungus on your legs, it is highly advisable to rely on the advice of the attending physician and the advice of others, since it is difficult to predict if a particular drug will help in any given case.

Effective remedies for nail fungus on the legs (external) are:

  • "Mycosis" is a well-known drug that can penetrate deep layers of the skin. It is good that it can be used by children and people who suffer from diabetes. Once a week you need to clean the damaged nail with a saw blade. In the morning and in the evening for a month, apply the product to the entire affected surface. After that, the time of using the ointment depends on how fast the new nail will grow.
  • "The Canison." Has the form of a solution, ointment or cream and is applied to the nail itself and the surrounding skin up to 3 times a day. Before using the foot should be washed with soap and water.
  • "Exoderil" - an external agent that works well on yeast-like fungi. Helps cope with inflammation and itching. However, sometimes there is dryness and burning.

Budget funds and ways of treatment of fungus

Some drugs for effective control of the disease are quite expensive. But there are cheaper tools that can serve as both a primary and an auxiliary medical resource. Among them:

  • "Listerine" (mouthwash, price - about 200 rubles). Can be used to prepare foot baths, if mixed with lemon juice or apple cider vinegar, the reviews on this product are very positive.
  • "Creolin" (used in veterinary medicine, costs about 50 rubles). Has antiparasitic action. Avoid contact with skin. Treat the nails once a day for several months until recovery.
  • Berezhnoi liquid is an excellent and cheap solution against a fungus based on sodium iodide, acetic acid, iodine and glycerin.
  • "Fukortzin" is an effective remedy, which, however, can cause burns when mismanaged.
  • Essential oils of lavender and tea tree. These essential oils will not be too cheap, but will help in complex therapy. They can be used as an antiseptic.

Inexpensive means from the fungus of nails on the feet are often very effective, and sometimes it is better to purchase a more expensive product. In any case, you should check what exactly is appropriate in your case.

Mycosis of the nails: what to consider when treating?

Currently, there are good and inexpensive means of nail fungus on the legs of both general and local action. However, no medicine can be consumed without prior medical advice. It is the doctor who will recommend the best remedy for nail fungus on the legs, depending on such indicators:

  • Stage of the disease;
  • Associated ailments;
  • Pathological changes;
  • Volume of skin lesions.

All drugs of this orientation destroy harmful organisms and prevent the development of fungus. There are effective means of nail fungus on the legs and complex techniques that allow you to shorten the treatment period to several months.

And remember: even the most effective remedy for nail fungus has contraindications. Self-medication not only does not help, but can exacerbate the condition.

Features of the use of solutions and varnishes

With timely access to a doctor, when the disease is not yet in an advanced stage, it can be overcome by local drugs. Here you can apply a remedy for nail fungus on the feet inexpensive, which will give a positive effect. However, reviews suggest that higher-value drugs are often more effective. For example, "Loceril" (treatment course - up to a year), "Batrafen" (lacquer) or "Cyclopyrox", which after recovery can be applied for preventive purposes, will do. Their cost is about 1500 rubles per unit, but if you want, you can find an inexpensive remedy for nail fungus. A list of cheap and effective medicines is presented above. In particular, the budget and effective drugs include "Mikozan" - a special serum, the description of which we already mentioned earlier.

Special varnishes must be applied to the affected nails twice a week with a thin layer. Neighboring it is also desirable to treat them as a preventive measure.

Before using such medications, make a bath based on baking soda and laundry soap, dissolve them in water and dip your legs there for 15 minutes. Then the site is processed by a nail file, and only then the varnish is applied.

Means with exfoliating effect

If you need a remedy for nail fungus on the feet inexpensive, but still effective, try a special product with a peeling effect. We warn that the treatment will be long, and the appearance of the affected area will leave much to be desired. To hide it somehow, you can cover your fingernail with an ordinary manicure varnish.

The peeling drug is a cheap but effective remedy for nail fungus, which can act as an alternative surgical procedure to remove the affected part. The cost of such funds rarely exceeds 150 rubles, so they are available to everyone.

In particular, "Nogtivit" enjoys wide popularity. With its help, you can remove the fungus affected by the fungus without pain, also its components contribute to the early growth of a new one in its place. And tea tree oil prevents the new appearance of fungus, has antiseptic properties.

To perform this procedure at home, you need to do the following:

  • To steam out the affected leg in a solution consisting of water, salt and soap;
  • Wipe your feet dry;
  • Attach a patch to the area around the affected nail;
  • Apply the product, but do not rub it into the skin;
  • Cover finger with adhesive tape and leave for 4 days;
  • Repeat steaming;
  • Slowly detach the exfoliated layer of the nail.

"Nogtivit" and other special drugs can not be used if there are open wounds on the leg. Also, you need to make sure that the product does not get into the healthy area of the skin.

"Nogtimycin" works in a similar way. It is important to know that such drugs are not prescribed in the presence of open wounds, and it is impossible that they get on healthy skin.

How much are pills for neglected cases

If the situation is more neglected, the exfoliating budget funds will no longer suit you. It will be necessary to prescribe a comprehensive treatment, including the use of systemic antimycotics, which will help cure the fungus of the nails. Dear and cheap analogs of such products with indication of their active substance, we will present below.

The active substance fluconazole is present in the drug of the same name, the cost of which does not exceed 50 rubles. Another tool based on it, Forkan, will cost more than 250 rubles. But "Diflucan" will cost about a thousand. The average price for "Mycosyst", "Mikomaks" and "Flukostat".

The funds based on itraconazole will cost at least 400 ("Irunin") or 500 rubles ("Itrazol"). But Orungal is a more expensive medicine. For it it is necessary to give more than 2 thousand rubles.

Ketoconazole is the main for the budget "Fungavisa" and the more expensive "Nizorala". And terbinafine is an active ingredient of the same drug worth about 400 rubles, as well as "Terbizil", for which you will need to pay from 1000 rubles and more.

Means from the fungus in tablets have a significant number of contraindications. For example, they can not be given with liver and kidney disease. Therefore, the patient before the consultation should tell the doctor about his chronic and other diseases.

Local treatment of the disease: cost

Sprays, creams and ointments - it can be inexpensive remedies for nail fungus on the legs, if you choose them according to the active ingredient. Below is a list of budgetary and expensive counterparts.

Terbinafine is the active substance of a cream with the same name worth about 100 rubles, but the spray "Lamizil" will cost 500 rubles. There is also a big price difference between Mikospor and Bifosin for topical application, which are both made on the basis of bifonazole. Many creamy preparations according to the active substance duplicate the means for internal use and can be used both in the initial stages of the fungus and in more advanced cases on the recommendation of the attending physician.

According to the reviews, they all contribute to the elimination of unpleasant symptoms, but the confidence that you are finally cured can only give the test first a couple of weeks, and then a month after the completion of the treatment course. If you find yourself having repeated signs of the disease, you need to contact your doctor again.

Regardless of the drugs and treatments, many patients complain of skin flaking and redness. All this - an allergic reaction to this or that remedy, which can manifest even after the end of therapy and recovery.

Preventive actions

It is much easier not to admit the appearance of the disease than to think then how to choose the remedies for the nail fungus on the legs. And besides the treatment here is a long and unpleasant.

It should be noted that in people with good immunity, the fungus is practically not found. Do not forget to eat and distribute exercise. And if your health is not so perfect, then to avoid picking up the fungus, you need to comply with such hygiene rules:

  • When you visit the beach, do not forget to put on shoes. Of course, it is always pleasant to wander through the warm sand, but getting infected from others in this way is easy.
  • In the pool, water park or sauna, you also can not walk barefoot. These rooms are characterized by high temperature combined with humidity, which is ideal for the fungus. Be vigilant.
  • Socks should be changed daily. The more often you wear dirty socks, the more likely you will get the disease.
  • Do not wear someone else's shoes. This is also a huge risk factor.
  • After the shower, you should thoroughly wipe your feet. Dry skin does not represent an interest for the fungus.

As you can see, the rules are very simple and understandable, to observe them is unlikely to be any problem. Otherwise, you will have a long period of treatment, during which you can hardly sunbathe on the beach, relax in the water park with the whole family or go with friends to the sauna. If the problem is overtaken, then you already know how to cure the nail fungus efficiently and inexpensively.

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