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Disinfection of shoes from fungus

Mycosis, or foot fungus is a rather unpleasant problem. It is dryness, redness, burning, cracking of the skin, exfoliation of the nail plate. It is with this you can face, if you do not conduct timely preventive treatment of shoes. Disinfection of shoes from the fungus at home is an integral part of self-care and your health. It must be done regularly. Various means can be used for this. This can be both specialized drugs, and folk remedies that are available in every home.

The need for disinfection

Treatment of mycosis is a complex and rather lengthy process. You can take medicines for months, try out many folk remedies, but never get rid of the problem. It is much easier to carry out preventive work. Disinfection of shoes at home will help in solving this problem.

Disinfection is most often resorted to by those who belong to the so-called risk group. This is mainly a contingent of people who are long standing at work in a damp warm room (cooks, bath and sauna workers and so on), buyers of shoes in second-hand. This group also includes people whose body is weakened for various reasons (old age, long-term illness, reduced immunity, and so on).

Features of processing

Disinfection of shoes (clothes) is not a complicated process. However, before starting the treatment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the general advice and procedure. Treatment involves the use of chemicals. Therefore, in order to comply with safety regulations, personal protective equipment (gloves, medical mask) must be used.

Before proceeding with the treatment, it is necessary to check the effect of the product on the shoes. To do this, it is necessary to apply a drop of the composition on a hidden area. This will make sure that the tool does not spoil the color, texture of the material. Shoes must be clean and dry. Only in this case it can be processed. Disinfection of shoes is carried out from the inside and outside. It is important to treat the entire surface completely, including hard-to-reach places, the bottom of the insoles.

After a complete treatment, the pair of shoes is placed in a sealed bag, which is tightly tied and suspended in a dry, warm place, where it should be for a day. After the time has elapsed, the shoes are removed and allowed to air.

Specialists recommend disinfection at least 2 times a month.

Ways of processing shoes

To date, disinfection of shoes for fungal diseases can be carried out in one of several ways:

  • Sprays. This method is good because the agent penetrates into the most inaccessible places, due to which the processing efficiency increases.
  • Antiseptics. These are substances that can defeat the fungus. They can be special or non-core.
  • Electrical devices. Not only disinfect, but also dry shoes. To do this, they are simply placed inside the shoes for 8-10 hours. After which it can be worn immediately.
  • Folk methods.

From these ways, everyone can choose the most suitable for themselves.

Types of funds

Disinfection of shoes for fungal diseases can be carried out using the following means:

  • Formalin solution with a concentration of 15%.
  • 1% chlorhexidine bigluconate solution.
  • A solution of vinegar is 40%.
  • Wet wipes with disinfectant effect.
  • Sprays of different manufacturers.

Before embarking on the use of expensive means, you can try more affordable folk remedies. They can be much more effective, not to mention the environmental side of the issue.

Vinegar in the fight against fungus

Disinfection of shoes from the fungus is not done with ordinary table vinegar, but with a concentrated solution of acetic acid. Its content should be at the level of 40-70%. This liquid is aggressive and dangerous for the skin. Therefore, you can work with it only in latex (rubber) gloves. In addition, acetic acid can damage shoes. Therefore, to begin with, it is necessary to check the stability of the shoes to the solution. To do this, the product is applied to a small area in small quantities. If everything is good, you can start processing.

The whole process is carried out according to the following plan:

  • Clean and dry shoes;
  • Wear gloves;
  • Prepare the solution;
  • Remove the insole, laces;
  • Wipe the disc in a solution;
  • To process the inside surface of shoes;
  • Cotton wool, moistened with a solution, is left in the toe of shoes;
  • Clean the napkin with insoles;
  • To process shoelaces (they can be simply dipped in a solution);
  • Hide the pair in a sealed bag;
  • Pack tightly and leave in a warm place for the night;
  • Remove the workplace and remove the gloves.

After work, it is necessary to ventilate the room. Shoes after the expiration of at least 12 hours get out of the package and allow it to be ventilated.


Disinfection of shoes from the fungus at home using chlorhexidine is a more gentle option. The agent can be applied to the shoes with a spray gun. And you can use a cotton pad (tampon). When working with this tool, there is one important point. The pharmacy sells a solution, the concentration of which is only 0.05%. But to combat fungal diseases, a 1% solution is needed. You can buy it only in specialized medical stores.

Suitable chlorhexidine for frequent use. The composition has no odor. Thanks to this, the ventilation time can be shortened.

Use of Sprays

Manufacturers offer a large selection of all kinds of sprays. Disinfection of shoes with their help can suppress the development of fungal flora, destroy spores, remove other types of microorganisms. Thus, this treatment allows you to completely protect your shoes from manifestations of pathogens.

Simultaneously with removing the fungus, the spray allows you to get rid of the unpleasant odor. It has an antiseptic effect.

It is easy to use the spray. It is enough to spray the contents of the bottle onto the inside of the shoe and the insole. As in other cases, shoes are left for a day in a sealed bag. Some manufacturers offer a two-component agent, which must be mixed before use. Details of use are indicated on the instructions for each specific preparation.

Use of electrical appliances

Disinfection of shoes using electrical appliances is perhaps the simplest method. They work on the basis of ultraviolet, which destroys fungal microorganisms and other pathogens. No dangerous effect on the surrounding people (or animals) is provided by the device.

For disinfection the device is placed inside the shoes. Time depends on the manufacturer. One needs up to 8-10 hours, while others need 5 minutes.

In addition, a separate category of electrical appliances for the disinfection of shoes also has a drying function. After using the device, shoes can be worn immediately, without additional cleaning or ventilation.

Folk remedies

Acetic acid is not the only thing that helps in the fight against fungus. Disinfection of shoes can be carried out using other means, for example, ammonia, tar.

Use of folk remedies is necessary in the same way as purchase. After processing the cleaned shoes, the moistened cotton swab is placed in the toe of the shoes. A pair of shoes - in a package for a day. In the case of tar, of course, it does not need to be rubbed. It is enough simply to put the cotton disc with the means inside.

An important unpleasant odor when disinfected is a persistent unpleasant odor. Therefore, it is better to conduct the treatment in a well-ventilated room, and even better - on the balcony.

You can use other tools:

  • Hydrogen peroxide with a concentration of 3%. Shoes can be wiped from the inside, or simply pour the product inside (if the look of the shoe allows).
  • Baking soda, which is poured into the shoes and left there for a day. After the time has expired, the powder must be carefully removed.
  • Flour, which is used in the same way as baking soda.
  • Manganese, that is, its weak solution.
  • Alcohol (vodka) will rid of harmful microorganisms and unpleasant odor.

To achieve a greater effect, shoe disinfection can be performed in several ways simultaneously. Comprehensive processing will show the best results. This will be a good preventive work to prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases. In addition, disinfection will have a beneficial effect even at the stage of treatment of the fungus.

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