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Development of speech in the senior group of the kindergarten: classes and topics

Speech is the main tool of communication between people, which children begin to learn in the first years of life. The ability to clearly and consistently express their thoughts positively affects the psychological development of the child, forms sociability, intelligence and overall progress of thinking. The development of speech in the senior group of the kindergarten is an important and indispensable tool for improving preschoolers and has its own characteristics.

Purpose of the lessons

Speech development in the senior group is aimed primarily at improving the already existing knowledge and skills of children who will soon be going to school. By the sixth year of life the child must be able to:

  • Use about 2-3 thousand words;
  • Competently build sentences, using all parts of speech;
  • To argue, express their opinion;
  • Know stable phrases and expressions;
  • Explain the meaning of words.

Classes contribute to the formation of necessary for this age knowledge and skills, enrich the vocabulary of the preschooler, teach the correct form of communication. A child who speaks fluently and well has the opportunity to express and maintain an interesting dialogue, which positively affects the intellect, logic and imagination of the little man. Methods aimed at developing speech in the older group are selected according to the age characteristics of pre-school children.

Methods of speech development

The main stages of improving children's speech is learning, correction and education. The work of educators in kindergarten includes such moments as:

  • Training in verbal and non-verbal communication ;
  • Work on the pronunciation of complex words and individual sounds;
  • Correction of speech defects;
  • Development of expressiveness;
  • Learning the correct emotional color of speech.

The development of speech in the older group is more entertaining in nature, since preschool children better absorb the information that is given in the game form. Games, quizzes, songs and fairy tales are involved in the formation and improvement of the necessary speech skills of children. Intellectual tasks should harmoniously be replaced by physical activity - dances, exercises, active games. Exemption from excess energy contributes to even more successful results.

GEF for preschoolers

Education of preschool children is an important condition for the further successful development of each child. The importance of improving the speech skills of pupils of the kindergarten is emphasized by the Federal State Educational Standard, which came into force in Russia not so long ago, but is already used in every training program, including in work with preschool children.

The development of speech in the senior group on GEF includes the following tasks:

  • Enriching vocabulary;
  • The ability to use speech as a means of culture and communication;
  • Acquaintance with literature, its genres;
  • Development of phonemic hearing (correct arrangement of stresses in words, expressive speech);
  • Formation of the possibilities of speech creativity.

An important goal in the educational system is to instill in the child a love of literature and the formation of a need for reading. Such skills contribute to the development of the preschooler's intellect and literacy, which positively affects the level of learning in the future.

Development of speech in the senior group: lessons and their structure

To get maximum efficiency from classes, experienced teachers have developed many different programs and techniques. To ensure that children are not overtired and not bored during training, there is a certain structure of classes. It is often recommended for conducting classes aimed at developing speech in the older group.

  1. Attraction of children. Entering the process of classes should be interesting and exciting for restless children. Preschoolers are curious and playful, so inviting children to participate in a fairy tale will be the best decision.
  2. Execution of tasks. While children are concentrated as much as possible, the main stage of training is conducted.
  3. Game pause. During the break, children should be allowed to get rid of energy. This can be dance, role play, the performance of tasks that require physical activity.
  4. Fairy tale. Reading a fairy tale, discussing it, playing around and performing various tasks contributes not only to improving speech, but also to the formation of social and moral concepts in children.
  5. Recreation. Final conversation.

A thematic variety of assignments is recommended, which can be based on fairy tales or other sources. Preferred seasonal themes aimed at developing speech in the senior group: "Autumn, hello!", "How I'll spend the summer," "Winter fun".

Introduction to the learning process

To organize children and attract their attention it is necessary to organize an interesting, but simple combination of phrases and exercises. You can collect preschoolers in a circle and organize a finger game.

  1. On account of one to five children alternately bend their fingers (" we will play together" ).
  2. With the inverse account, the fist is unclenched - three, two, times (" new knowledge awaits us" ).

After the game, children are introduced to the upcoming topic of studies, whether it be studying the professions, getting to know nature or the fairy-tale world. It is recommended that you conduct a brief conversation pertaining to the topic. In the conversation it is necessary to involve all children with the help of auxiliary questions and individual invitations of timid participants to a dialogue.

Development of facial expressions and intonation

The main exercises depend on the chosen subject of the lesson. The process should include tasks for the development of expressiveness and facial expressions. Below is an example of the main stage.

Development of speech in the senior group on the theme: "Autumn, hello!".

  1. The educator invites the preschool children to greet the autumn: "We so waited for you, autumn".
  2. Children repeat sentences, putting stress on the first word.
  3. Then the greeting is repeated, but the emphasis is on the second word.
  4. The phrase is voiced with emphasis on the next word and so on.

The teacher comes up with a new sentence: "Autumn came to replace the summer." Children should repeat the statement in different intonations - fun, disappointed, offended, spiteful. It is necessary to praise and encourage the pupils during the game.


Even those activities that are aimed only at developing speech, in the senior group are recommended to dilute the game, requiring physical activity. It is desirable that it fits into the general mood of the lesson, be consistent with the subject and use game attributes in it. If the lesson is devoted to the autumn pore, you can ask preschoolers the following tasks:

  • Jump over puddles (cardboard ovals, for example);
  • Podkidyvat paper foliage;
  • Run away from the rain, which will play one of the pupils;
  • Show birds that fly away to warmer lands.

It's great if children themselves offer ideas for entertainment, offering options for those entertainments and occupations that are associated with the chosen time of the year.


This stage is devoted to literary works and creativity. The teacher can read a fairy tale, a story or a poem about the subject chosen for the lesson. After reading, you must use the imagination and imagination of preschoolers. Children can figure out how the story ended by offering their options. You can arrange a quiz, the answers to which were found in the work.

It is preferable to use additional attributes that are prepared in advance. With their help pupils can beat the read history. For example, the teacher told the children a fairy tale about a hedgehog who was stocking up food for the winter. The educator offers a large basket for children, in which various objects lie. What will the forest animal take: apples, mushrooms or, perhaps, a ball?

End of classes

At the end of the lesson, the results are summed up, where preschool children are given the opportunity to analyze the information received. The teacher asks the children about what the occupation was devoted to, what new and interesting children learned. It is important to praise preschool children, it will encourage them and stimulate them to actively participate during the lessons in the future.

A small reminder of the past occupation in the form of a gift will especially please the children. It can be a sticker, a delicious candy or another nice bonus. The guys can give an interesting homework - draw a picture about the topic or learn a verse.

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