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Defender of the Fatherland Day in kindergarten: the plan of the event and the script

The recently adopted Federal state standard of preschool education is one of the most important tasks of cognitive development of children, the formation of primary ideas about a small homeland and the Fatherland, about the sociocultural values of our people, about Russian traditions and holidays. Purposeful activities in this area include conducting classes, talks, holidays, exhibitions and other forms of work with children and parents.

In terms of work on patriotic education, the annual Action Becomes the Day of Defender of the Fatherland in kindergarten. The script can be compiled in the form of a sports competition or musical entertainment (or in any other choice of teachers).

Army Day or a holiday of men and boys?

During the Soviet times, the February event was mandatory and had a political coloring. On this day, the Soviet system was glorified, its strength and power, congratulations were accepted by the military. It was called earlier as the Day of the Red Army and the Navy.

In our time, all men are honored, regardless of their membership in the army, up to the boys, who are considered future soldiers. The holiday is now called Defender of the Fatherland Day. In the kindergarten, the script is prepared in advance, and a lot of preliminary work is being done.

Purpose and objectives of the celebration

Day of the defender of the Fatherland in kindergarten is held in the framework of work on patriotic education. The main goal of it can be formulated as the formation of ideas about the defenders of the motherland through the organization of a variety of activities. Kindergarten with the help of this event also solves a number of tasks:

  • Acquaints children with the holiday, creates a joyful perception of this day;
  • Forms patriotic feelings, pride for one's native country;
  • Fosters in children a sense of respect for the Russian army, love for the motherland;
  • Promotes sex education, teaches boys to be advocates;
  • Interacts with children and adults.

February 23: from toddlers to future schoolchildren

The holiday will be held in all groups of the kindergarten, but in different forms and with different contents. It is necessary to take into account the age features of children. It is necessary to think carefully beforehand about the Day of the Defender of the Fatherland in the kindergarten.

The younger group can organize an interesting lesson with clear characters - a doll, a parsley, a hare or a bear. The holiday must be called, play games for agility, strength, accuracy and other qualities of defenders. And, of course, a holiday for young children is associated with gifts, so you need to take care of small presents for boys and sweet treats for all children.

For children of the middle group, it is possible to organize an activity where cognitive development will be carried out within the framework of the holiday theme, or to hold a small event where the appearance of a hero will be a surprise, and the focus will be boys, their dads and grandfathers.

Older children, besides receiving cognitive information about the holiday, can learn poems and songs of a similar theme. You can read works of fiction.

Suitable for this age and meeting with soldiers. It can be someone from the popes or grandfathers, or maybe just a specially invited guest who will tell in a lively conversation about the service in the army, will be able to answer the questions of the children. In addition, it is advisable to conduct an excursion to the monument to the soldiers.

Forms of work with children

  • Classes and activities.
  • Reading of fiction.
  • Views of feature films and cartoons.
  • Exhibitions of children's or family creative works (drawings, hand-made articles).
  • Photo exhibitions ("My dad", "Our grandfathers").
  • Family festival of military-patriotic songs.
  • Trekking to the obelisk.
  • Conversations.
  • Meetings with soldiers.
  • Construction of snow figures for the holiday.

Who will protect the house?

So, consider the Day of Defender of the Fatherland in kindergarten. The lesson for the first younger group can be organized as follows.

Educator: "Today we are celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day - the holiday of our dads, grandfathers and boys."

The music sounds, the mouse appears. (All roles can be played by teachers, parents or children of older groups, it is possible to use toys and glove puppets).

"I'm a mouse - a norushka .And who are you?"

Educator: "Hello, these are the guys, we have a holiday today."

Mouse: "I know that today all men and all boys are congratulated, and among you there are men?"

Boys get up

Mouse: "Oh, see-see! And you know what it means to be a real man? You have to be strong!"

Educator: "Our guys are strong, because they do exercises every day." So we'll show it to you and teach you! "

Dance "Charging": children perform simple movements according to the example of adults.

Educator: "That's what you guys are! We will do exercises and become stronger every day."

Mouse: "And it's time for me to go to the house, I'll wait for my friends for the holiday."

The teacher: "Guys, you do not hear anything?"

Snoring is heard. The teacher approaches the bear.

"Look, this is the bear sleeping!" The winter is coming to an end, soon spring, and he is still asleep. "Will we wake him up?"

The musical game "Wake the Bear". The children approach the bear, stomping, clapping, he wakes up, jokingly catches them.

Mishka (stretching): "Oh, and I slept sweetly, I sucked a paw in my sleep." It's good that you woke me up! Or I would have missed the holiday. "I invited a mouse to the house at work."

Educator: "You woke up just right, we have a holiday here now."

Mishka: "I'm a witty little fellow, I'll crush my paws, and you do not sit, dance with me!"

Dance "Bear cubs".

Bear: "As you clap your hands well and stamp your feet, it's clear that you are strong and dexterous." "Thank you for waking me." And now it's time for me to go to the house for a holiday. "

The music sounds, the bunny appears:

"I'm a clever boy, a gray bunny.

I am a future man, today is a holiday - that's the reason,

That I came to you here.

On holiday, I'm not late? "

Educator: "Hello, zainka, how fast you are."

Bunny: "And I'm also smart, and accurate! In vain they say that I'm a scythe! Want, compete with me!"

Playing the game - the children should hit the basket with the ball.

Bunny: "Wow! What are you tagged like real men! And I ran to the mouse in the house, on a holiday!"

Music sounds, the chanterell resorts:

"I'm a fox-fox, red-haired.

A fur coat, paws, a nose and a fluffy tail! "

Educator: "Hello, and are you on holiday?"

Fox: "Yes, yes, of course." So she was in a hurry, almost overdue. "

Educator: "So you're a girl, and today congratulate boys."

Fox: "So I came to tell you that it is high time for boys to congratulate."

Educator: "Yes, thanks, that reminded! Girls, let's congratulate our boys."

Chanterelle: "And I'll run to the mouse in the house, we'll treat our fairy men with cakes to our fairy-tale men!" Good-bye, guys! "

Girls give gifts to boys, to all children sweet treats.

Holidays for kids

Defender of the Fatherland Day in the kindergarten in the 2 nd younger group can also take place as a theatrical performance for the boys. Children 3-4 years old can already sing along, actively move to music, walk, run, jump, so the script with the participation of some characters can be supplemented with mobile games, dances or songs.

Military professions

On Defender of the Fatherland Day in kindergarten (middle group), the occupation is aimed at getting acquainted with the arms of the army. In the process of work, the vocabulary of children is enriched, and their lexical stock expands.

Sample lesson plan:

  1. Talk about what is a holiday and what kinds of holidays the guys know.
  2. Story about the holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day in kindergarten. Analysis of the words "defender", "Fatherland".
  3. Examination of illustrations and pictures with images of sailors, tankmen, pilots, border guards.
  4. Reading poems about soldiers of different arms.
  5. Talk about the qualities that a defender must have and the demonstration of these qualities is a physical exercise.
  6. Talk about the form. Didactic game "Find out whose headpiece it is".
  7. A story about military equipment (showing the technique on video or toys on the table). Playing with cars.
  8. The result of the lesson.

"Every soldier dreams of becoming a general" (fragment)

How else can Day of the Defender of the Fatherland be held in the kindergarten? The older group can take as a basis such a scenario.

A festive festive music sounds, under which children and parents enter the gym. For them chairs and benches arranged on both sides are prepared in advance.

The fanfare is heard, and the master comes out to their sound.

"Good afternoon, dear friends, we are glad to greet everyone in this room - both girls and boys, as well as our esteemed adults - parents and teachers." Today we will celebrate the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland. "Who do we call that?"

The answers of children.

"You are all right, our defenders are fathers, grandfathers, older brothers, and our boys will soon grow up and guard our homeland from enemies, that's why today is their day too." To you, our dear boys and men, we dedicate our today's holiday .

Father, grandfather and brotherhood

We did not forget to congratulate!

Defender of the Fatherland Day -

Day of courage and strength.

Airplanes by links

In the sky fly.


Earth will be protected.

Border guard at the post

The border guarded.

If the enemy suddenly strikes -

It is unlikely that it will pass.

Let the soldiers in the post

All of us defend!

Know them in our garden

Today congratulations!

The holiday is joyful, special

She meets a kindergarten.

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Mark everyone happy!

For all our men and boys our musical number! "

In the performance of children, the song "When I grow big" sounds , the music. G. Struve, cf. N. Solovyovoy.

"Very soon our guys will grow up, and maybe one of them will become a military man, and someone will serve in the army and guard us with you and our country."

A military march sounds, a general steps out to him: "Hello, fighters!"

Children answer: "Hello!"

General: "To leave" Hello! "We learn to say hello correctly:" I wish good health, comrade general! "

The children repeat.

"Now, that's better." Today I left my military unit and my trained soldiers and came here to see what the younger generation can do. I suggest that you pass the tests to check how ready you are for military service. Everything is clear? Boys and girls , Are you ready for the competition? "

- Yes!

General: "Well, what kind of answer is this? We must answer:" That's right! "

The children repeat.

"Now we need an experienced staff who will monitor the progress of our exercises." Are there those who served in the army in the hall? "

Select several people from the parents in the jury.

"We begin! To begin with, teams must be built on the parade ground."

Children stand in two rows facing each other.

"Let's see how you are ready to perform combat missions."

In turn, the teams are pronounced aloud: "To the left!", "To the right!", "Step forward!", "Step back!" The pace is gradually reproached.

"But I'll ask the headquarters to note which of the teams carried out more tasks correctly, and we continue: and we will proceed to the uniform." There are two caps in front of you. "

He puts the first team members on.

"You have to quickly overcome the distance to the pointer and, having run it around, come back again, while passing the cap to the next fighter."

Further in the scenario it is possible to include various competitions and relay races which children carry out on the instructions of the general, and to finish the holiday by summing up, awards and sweet prizes.

Work with senior preschoolers

Day defender of the Fatherland in the kindergarten of the preparatory group may well go through the same scenario as the above event for the elder. And it can be completely different. The senior preschool age allows using more diverse forms of work with children:

  • Learning poetry and songs.
  • Conversations "My father is a soldier", "Our army is strong", "Russian heroes" and others.
  • Walk-excursion to the monument to the soldiers-defenders.
  • A film about the heroes of Russia.
  • Making gifts for dads, grandfathers and brothers.
  • Contests and games.

Do I need to involve my parents?

The introduction of the Federal State Standard requires pre-school education to support parents (legal representatives) in the education of children and the involvement of families directly in educational activities.

Defender of the Fatherland Day in kindergarten creates conditions for the participation of parents (legal representatives) in the life of an educational institution.

Dads, grandfathers or other male relatives can tell about their service in the army, show photos, study with children drill exercises or go through the ranks with the song.

What a holiday without presents?

A good educational moment is the making of gifts for the holiday by the hands of children. In addition to developing fine motor skills and developing manual work, handicrafts or postcards made by children will create a festive atmosphere that will allow children and adults to remember this day for a long time.

Gift can be toy tanks, airplanes, other military equipment, made from waste materials or from paper and cardboard. The space for creativity is the creation of postcards. For this, various techniques of execution can also be used.

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