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"Dancing off the stove" or how to choose a stove for a bath

Everyone knows that the oven - this is the main component of the bath, due to which the heat in the bath will depend and create the necessary microclimate in the steam room. Even in ancient times, building a house or a bath, "danced from the stove," ie, the entire construction of the building was tied to a stove that provided comfortable living conditions in severe winter frosts. Therefore, to choose a stove for a bath is not so easy.

What should be the oven?

Furnaces for a bath must have the following characteristics:
- fire safety, compactness, its construction, to zero the possibility of getting a burn;
- have enough power to heat the bathhouse and heat the required amount of water, provide hot steam for all those who wash and dry the room after water procedures;
- economize fuel consumption;
- quickly heat up and slowly cool down;
- to have simple regulation of heating in wide limits.

Which oven is most suitable for a bath?

At the moment, there are four main types of furnaces for a bath: metal, gas, electric and wood. Each of them has advantages and disadvantages. Let's dwell on them in more detail.

The gas oven is characterized by rapid heating and the ability to maintain the desired temperature in the steam room. Such a furnace will be a good option in the event that a network gas is connected to it, otherwise there will not be any gas tanks for heating the bath. Another disadvantage of this stove is its large dimensions.

An important advantage for electric furnaces is the absence of problems with the chimney, so the carbon monoxide can not be feared. Such a stove has compact dimensions and is completely safe, quickly warms up the room to the set temperature and keeps it at this level as much as it takes. The electric furnace is easy to operate, it is equipped with a thermostat and an overheat fuse.

Its drawbacks include the dependence on the number of kilowatts of energy that is supplied to the consumer and the possibility of its shutdown. Also the high cost of electricity, which makes the use of such a stove unprofitable.

As not cool, and wood stoves - the best option for the bath. Only they are able to create the atmosphere of a real Russian bath, in which the very presence in the steam room will allow you to completely relax and recharge your energy for a long time. This version of the stove also has its drawbacks: it takes a lot of firewood, has a slow warm-up, there is a danger of carbon monoxide poisoning.

In this case, it is preferable to install a ready-made metal stove. The assortment of metal stoves-kamenok is extremely diverse, they use factory details. Such stoves are very practical, economical, environmentally friendly, have fast heating.

They are made of sheet iron, the thickness of which is about 5 millimeters. To install them does not require a special foundation, to fill the stone in them a special thermal chamber is provided. The heating tank can be located on the right side.

But also such a stove has its disadvantages: it cools down quickly, its surface heats unevenly. Therefore, to preserve heat, these stoves are lined from the outside with a brick, leaving an air layer in the middle.

Choosing a stove for your bath, you need to take into account the technical and structural capabilities of the building, what quantity and quality of steam can be allocated by the stove in these conditions. It is from the choice of the oven will depend on the microclimate of your bath, which will affect your mood and physical condition. In a word, "dance from the stove."

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