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D. S. Likhachev, "The Earth's Native": a summary of the chapters

Do you know such a writer as Likhachev? "The native land" (a summary later in the article) is his outstanding creation, which should be read to every teenager and all those who are on the verge of adulthood. A wonderful book that should be on the shelf of anyone who wants to educate a real person. The work is rather voluminous, therefore we will consider the short content of the story "The Earth is Native." Likhachev, by the way, was not only a writer, but also an art critic and culturologist, doctor of philology and professor. Frankly speaking, he did not call himself a real writer, but his huge knowledge and writing gift allowed him to create wonderful works. Let's get acquainted with the author closer.


In 1914, the boy was trained in the Gymnasium of the Philanthropic Society, and later in the St. Petersburg school of KI May. From 1920 to 1923, he was in the Soviet Unified Labor School. After that, until 1928, Likhachev was a student of the Romance-Germanic and Slavic-Russian branch of linguistics and literature at the Leningrad State University. In 1928 Dmitry was arrested for being a member of the Space Academy of Sciences. The reason for the arrest was specifically that Likhachev made a report on the Old Russian orthography, which was tarnished by the enemy. He was convicted for 5 years, which he served in the Solovki camp. In 1932 he was released ahead of schedule. He returned to his hometown. Soon he had two daughters. After staying in the camp, he wrote his very first work for science about card games in the criminal world. An interesting fact is that immediately after his release he started work in the criminalistic office, which brought him a lot of pleasure, as it provided an opportunity to learn something completely new.

It is impossible to overestimate Likhachev's contribution to the development and study of the literature of Ancient Rus. It was he who wrote the best works on this topic, which are still teaching aids for students. He also took an active part in the re-creation of a pair at the St. Petersburg "Monrepo". Thanks to his assistance, a book series entitled "Literary Monuments" was also published. He changed a huge number of posts, his experience is simply limitless. His awards are innumerable, since in every sphere with which he touched, Likhachev left a significant and significant mark.

Profession and patriotism

We begin to consider the first chapter of the book, which Dmitry Likhachev wrote . "Homeland native", the brief content of which we will consider, is a three-dimensional work consisting of 10 chapters. We will try to briefly talk about each of them.

In the first chapter the author tells that every person in life should have one global goal. In addition to short-term and small actions, a person should strive for something really great. It is very important to be passionate about your profession. Most of all, this applies to teachers and doctors - they should serve the society as much as possible. Likhachev says that such a goal is the love and protection of the Motherland, its people. It is a feeling that awakens hidden early powers in a person, protects him from troubles and dissatisfaction. At the same time Dmitry Sergeevich stresses that a person should try to learn about the past of all peoples and nationalities. Love for one's own people must be inherent in everyone.

Does Likhachev express personal opinion on any issue? "The native land," the brief content of which we began to consider, already in the first chapter appears before us in such lines: "I love Ancient Rus ...". The author is not afraid to talk openly about what he feels and thinks, and this deserves respect. Such boldness in those times was inherent only to those who were ready to lay down their lives for their Motherland. Very briefly in this chapter, the author praises (notice, deservedly) Russian literature and art of the XIX century. The main idea that Likhachev tries to convey in this chapter is that studying the past can enrich the modern society very much, give it something new, vivid and interesting. You can understand today's day only if you see it against the backdrop of the whole historical past.

About Intelligence

What will please DS Likhachev in the second chapter? "Homeland", the brief content of which we are considering, is a guide to life for all young people and the younger generation. In this chapter Dmitry Sergeevich emphasizes the reader's attention to the fact that educated people should be intelligent in any situation. This quality is necessary not only for the individual himself, but also for his environment. He leads in the proof of the popular proverb that honoring his parents a man will live long. The notion of intelligence includes a wide range of concepts, such as respectful argument, inconspicuous help to another, modest behavior, care of nature.

As a personal experience, Likhachev cites the example of peasants from the North who, in his opinion, were truly intelligent people. They were very clean in the houses, they were friendly to others, they could listen and tell interesting stories, their way of life was orderly. In addition, he notes that they could empathize with happiness and misfortune. What did the academician Likhachev ("Homeland Land") have in mind in his work? The brief content of the book will help us to answer this question. Specifically, in this chapter we are talking not only about manners (which is often confused with the term "intelligence"), but also about other important qualities that the person himself is able to cultivate in himself.

Do not be ridiculous

What will Likhachev tell us in this chapter? "The Earth is native," a summary of the chapters we are considering will tell us in this part how people behave in unusual situations. Previously it was believed that if a person has a grief, then he should not show it openly, shift his negative mood on others. It is necessary to behave exactly, not to dive into the problem, to maintain dignity, and even try to be cheerful. But in the nineteenth century, this rule gradually came to naught in the circles of the aristocracy. Young people behaved ironically, it was considered beautiful, witty, modern. In this case, a person who is always cheerful is painful for others. Constant laughter and fun weary anyone. A person who kinks a stick in this matter simply becomes a buffoon to others, he loses his dignity, he is not taken seriously.

It is important for a person to learn how to joke, but do not look too funny. After all, this skill not only raises your weight in society, but also is a sign of the mind. In this case, do not be ridiculous in everything. This does not apply exclusively to humor. It is necessary to apply this rule to different spheres of life: for example, to choose the right clothes for different occasions, so as not to look ridiculous. But at the same time, do not push yourself into the framework. Do not worry about your shortcomings - you need to learn how to use them correctly. Sometimes the stutterer becomes the best orator. "... try to be modest, quiet." - that's what DS Likhachev ("The Earth's Native") teaches. The brief content of the book does not allow to fully reflect the richness of language and wisdom that the reader will find while studying the book.

Large in small

In this chapter of the book, D. S. Likhachev deals with the question of purpose in human life. Let's say the goal is there. In our case, it can be the love and defense of the Motherland, as already mentioned. But how to go to your goal? What are the ways to achieve it? What can you do, and what can not? The chapter "Big in Small" tells in detail about Dmitry Sergeevich's personal opinion on this question. A wise goal must cover the whole life of a person, all of his spheres. Moreover, some link between the goal and the means that are used is needed. What does Likhachev think about this? "The native land" (very brief content in the article) reflects Dmitriy Sergeevich's view as accurately as possible. He says that the goal never justifies the means - this is just an excuse for cruel and immoral acts. And as a visual proof, he gives an example from the classics. To be more specific, the example is the work of Fyodor Mikhailovich "Crime and Punishment", where it is brilliantly shown that achieving the desired through infringement of others never yields good results.

What can give a useful book "The Earth's Native" (Likhachev)? The brief content makes it clear that there are a lot of useful grains in it - only to sit, and to disassemble. The main desire. There are many good teachers in Russia - these are our wonderful authors who created for the future generations untold wealth, a treasure trove of wisdom. This chapter is obligatory for reading to all who want to achieve something in life!

Youth - the whole life

The title of this chapter of the book became an aphorism. And let the author not always know, but the meaning of the phrase is reported - and this is the main thing for the author. What else did DS want to say? Likhachev? "Homeland" (a summary of the book on chapters) will help us to understand this. Here the author pays attention to the fact that youth is the most beautiful time in a person's life. Do not think that Dmitry Sergeyevich is talking about how great it is to live in a young body: not at all. He emphasizes some aspects that are more accessible to people at a young age. For example, the author shares such observations that it is much easier to get real friends in his youth. At this time, the multifaceted nature of the person and the circle of his communication are formed, which, most often, remains for life.

Dmitry Dmitrievich also says that it is easier for a person with friends to go through life. They will help you survive difficult moments, share grief and joy. In fact, the joy that can not be shared with anyone, this is not joy at all. But still it is worth to be attentive, and not to take as a friend the first person to meet. Such people should be chosen patiently and carefully. It's clear that if good relations are established, then further, in theory, everything should go like clockwork. In fact, everything is much more complicated. It is very important to look at the person, notice his features, small details in the behavior. It is also important to know how your friend reacts to the successes of others. Grief with a friend is not so difficult as to experience joy. When trouble happens, pity and empathy themselves knock on our hearts. When a person has everything excellent, a lot of joys, positive things, but in life itself everything goes awry, it's much harder to remain faithful and sincere friends.

Learn to speak and write

What will Dmitry Likhachev tell us in this chapter? The "native land", the brief content of which we are considering, will reveal important secrets of rhetoric. In this chapter we learn about the importance of correctly speaking, following your speech, writing correctly and beautifully. However, Likhachev is considering this issue closer to the end of the chapter, and at first it is a question of the importance of language, as a phenomenon, in the life of society. The Russian language has developed for more than a thousand years, it is one of the most perfect languages of the world. In the XIX century a galaxy of talented writers created an incredible number of beautiful and delightful poems, thanks to the language! The author quotes a real quote from Turgenev: "You can not believe that such a language was not given to the great people!". This is true, because only Russian language can boast of such diversity and brilliance.

So what is Likhachev driving at? The conversation leads to the fact that, knowing how to express himself beautifully and correctly, a person receives a powerful weapon in his hand. A properly constructed speech can save a person from many problems, and also give him many new privileges.

Likhachev emphasizes that language is not only an indicator of the people, but also the personal qualities of each individual person. But if speech can give so many advantages, then why it is necessary to write well? In fact, the ability to beautifully express their thoughts on paper is necessary not only to the poet or writer. This skill is necessary for every person who wants to write letters, keep diaries and decorate paper with a pen. And on the occasion, if someone says that a special gift is needed for this, the author gives a small clue: to learn, one must do.


Do you want to better understand what Likhachev means? "Earth native" a brief (brief) which you can read on any convenient site will help you with this. This section of the book is devoted to one of the most beautiful phenomena - literature. It gives a person the opportunity to try someone's role, to live the life of another person. In this way, you can get a global experience that can help throughout life. Every educated person must have pets in literature, which he can almost know by heart. Back to the old book, in which every detail is known and the plot turns, it's like going back to your home, where you are always loved and waiting.

Will Likhachev give us examples ("Homeland"). The brief content of the brief can be read by everyone in order to find all the examples that the author brings from his life. The article contains only a few excerpts. Dmitry Sergeevich tells that Leonid Georg, a teacher of literature in the school, taught him disinterested reading. For reference, Dmitry Likhachev studied at those times when teachers could be absent from the class for a long time or not at all. How did his teacher act in such cases? He came to the classroom and offered to read something. Children gladly agreed, because they knew how their teacher can read: everyone was delighted and fascinated listening. Likhachev shares his memories that thanks to such unique lessons in reading, he knew many excerpts from War and Peace, the stories of Guy de Maupassant, and some of Krylov's fables. Moreover, his love of literature was instilled in him at home: his father or mother often read to him at night. At the same time, the children were read not trivial tales of Ivan Tsarevich, but historical novels, Leskov's books, Mamin-Sibiryak and other "non-children's" authors.

Throughout the book the author bears the idea that it is necessary to read classical works, as those are checked by the times. Such works help to better understand the surrounding world and people. But Dmitry Sergeevich is not a prude, he insists that young people read modern literature. The main thing, to which the author calls, is not to fuss, because at the same time the most expensive thing that is in a person's life is his time.

Raise a friend

What does Likhachev mean? The "native land", the brief content of which we study, in this chapter tells us about the relationship. Here we will talk about people who can wake up the best traits in others. It will also be said about those who, with their behavior, form around themselves a circle of irritated and dreary people. Likhachev talk about how to be able to find something good and common in every person: in the old, uninteresting, dreary. It is important to be able even in a gnarled granny to find sociability, lightness and a smile.

Specifically, older people pay much attention to Likhachev. "The native land" (a summary of the chapter from the book) tells us that old people are often talkative. Yet this is not an ordinary talkativeness - very often they turn out to be wonderful storytellers. Also, such people remember many different events, songs and funny situations: they are rarely asked. It is very important not to notice the shortcomings of people, because they have everyone. Especially it concerns some physical or age defects. And yet, one should have friendly ties with the elderly, because they do not have to live so long - that's what Likhachev teaches. "The native land" is a complete and concise content - these are completely different things. If you are interested in the topic of at least one chapter, it is better to read the whole work and get the vast experience and wisdom of Dmitry Sergeevich.


Memory is an important and creative process in the human brain. An interesting fact is that a person remembers absolutely everything that happens to him during his life: even the earliest years. This information is not so easy to extract from the depths of memory, but it is there. This function of the brain is always active, because it makes a person develop, think, act, change. For what he wrote this chapter DS Likhachev ("The Earth is native"). The brief content of the book makes it clear that the point is to convey the idea that there would be no memory - there would be nothing!

It is only memory that can withstand time. Even if some memories are erased, they can be recorded. Thanks to it, the past becomes part of the present and the future, and vice versa. Do you want to know in more detail what Likhachev thought about this? The "native land", the summary of which is almost completed, will not allow us to fully plunge into the author's thoughts. It is very important to read such a work seamlessly and without detachment - as Likhachev himself advises ("Homeland"). It is very convenient to read the brief of the brief, since all the main theses are presented there, but this is not enough to fully cover the information.

The author also stresses that there is no conscience without memory. In fact, if this process were not in our head, society would remain at the primitive level of development! It is memory that is the driving force that makes us compare, draw conclusions, it becomes better.

Summing up the article, I want to say: "Thank you Dmitry Likhachev!". "Homeland" (short contents of the brief) is a great contribution to the development of the whole society, which can not be estimated, since it is so comprehensive and rich. Still, the writer's talent is really inherent in Dmitry Likhachev ... or is he just able to correctly express his thoughts? Well, if you do not need talent to write like that, but you just need to be able to express yourself correctly, then, perhaps, it is worth it to learn. This book is a real discovery for those who were not familiar with such a figure as Likhachev, as well as for all those who are in search of a real teacher.

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