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Cystitis in dogs, treatment should be done on time

Dogs, like other mammals, are prone to many diseases of the genitourinary system. If the cystitis in dogs is diagnosed in time , treatment can get rid of this disease without serious consequences. It is not necessary to panic when revealing the symptoms of this ailment in your animal, you need to carry out a diagnosis and proceed with the doctor's prescriptions. Treatment of cystitis occurs quickly in the event that you contact an experienced veterinarian who will put the correct diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The most common disease occurs in females. Promotes the occurrence of cystitis hypothermia, as well as weakening of the body. If the acute form of the disease, which has not been cured, is not detected in time, it can go to the chronic stage, which is more dangerous for the animal.

Cystitis - signs, treatment of this disease

Cystitis in dogs, the treatment of which must be carried out in a complex, often arises as a complication, after such diseases as pyelonephritis or urolithiasis, and also possible after a lesion of the urinary organs by dioctophims and capillaries, which are parasites. If cystitis occurs, untreated treatment can even lead to the formation of ulcers, and necrosis of the walls of the bladder is possible, but usually it does not happen to such difficult consequences.

Depending on the severity of the disease, there are various symptoms. If there was a cystitis in dogs, treatment should be prescribed according to the severity of the course of the disease. The main symptoms are frequent urination, as well as fever. Sometimes the disease can be accompanied by vomiting and even anorexia. Palpating the stomach of your pet, you will feel a significantly enlarged bladder. To obtain an accurate diagnosis it is necessary to conduct laboratory tests of urine.

If your dog is sick with acute cystitis, with timely medical care, this illness will quickly and almost completely disappear for your pet. In the presence of a chronic stage, longer and more careful treatment is required. If there was a gangrenous cystitis in dogs, treatment should be performed using cystocolonoplasty, in any other case, the tailed patient will die.

The main way to combat this disease is a plentiful drink (it is desirable to give a decoction of horsetail) and applying a warm warmer to the area of the bladder. From medicines, the administration of antibiotics and baralgina is prescribed for 10 days.

If the animal is ill with chronic cystitis, UHF-diathermy, which is applied in the bladder area, may additionally be prescribed. The disease caused by parasites is treated with piperazine, which is taken for 3 weeks. In the case when cystitis is a consequence of the presence of urolithiasis in the animal, one often has to resort to surgical intervention.

Often, people who live in villages or small towns do not have access to a highly qualified veterinarian for help, so in such cases it is worth turning to proven folk methods of treating this disease.

The most commonly used are natural antibiotics: rhubarb, licorice nude, bearberry. From these herbs, a decoction is prepared, which is constantly added to the diet of the sick dog as a drink. Douching with the herbs of the herbs, conducted in the morning and in the evening, is very helpful. Treatment of cystitis is quickly impossible, you need to show patience.

Various diuretic drugs are used that help to remove pathogenic organisms from the genitourinary system of the animal. With this task, the decoction of parsley is excellent.

This treatment can be carried out for no more than 3 months, then you need to arrange a month off. If necessary, you can repeat these activities.

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