Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Creeping into what dreams? Lizard warns of ill-wishers

Having become acquainted with the information offered, the reader learns interesting things about scaly ones - for example, about what he dreams about. The lizard is taken as a representative of the reptile class. A study of this symbol of dreams will be carried out on the basis of the interpretation of several esoteric sources of knowledge - dream books. Also, being interested in the meanings of dreams, we should not forget that we influence ourselves, and dreams are only clues, pointers to the life path.

Killing a lizard, restore a good reputation

Let us pass directly to the study of the corresponding literature. If you dreamed of a lizard, then there is a high probability of increased activity in the camp of ill-wishers. Try to avoid conflict situations. Just shy away from evil, stay good, and the truth will be on your side. In addition, when interpreting dreams, one should take into account the details accompanying the symbol and other nuances.

Victory over the enemy and enrichment

For example, a lizard dreams, but you kill it. Attempts to avoid, perhaps, will not succeed, but your good name will be restored. It was Miller's Dream. Here it is said that it is not good if a dreaming woman sees a lizard that has dropped skin, or a reptile in a dream bites. This is a sign that warns that you need to spend less money. Apparently, a difficult time is coming in material terms.

Continuing the study, we turn to another source. We learn from Sonny Hasse, these creatures are dreaming. The lizard here also foreshadows the appearance of enemies, but killing her, you will win. A good dream is in which you eat it. Hence, in reality you will receive substantial financial assistance, almost wealth.

The family hid treason

Let us now ask the Dream Interpreter of Freud: "Such symbols are dreamed of"? Lizard, running away from you, warns about the secret change in the companion (companion) of life. Soon there will be an event that will open your eyes and dispel any fog. Remember that while you are dealing with dreams, not with reality. Haste in such matters is a bad fellow traveler. The authors of this dream book also argue that the lizard, which threw its tail, broadcasts problems in the intimate sphere. However, to attach special importance to this also does not follow, since this is a temporary phenomenon.

Hunting lizards is dangerous

Freud's dreambook , contrary to previous research, claims that catching a lizard in a dream is a bad sign, especially if you see in its hand its trembling tail. The problem will arise on the love front, or rather - there is a disappointment from a date with a certain person.

Lizard is able to bring wealth

And yet reptiles to what dreams? Lizard, in particular? Is there anything good in this symbol? Mostly proposed in the publication and other sources contain little positive about this sign. Almost all dream books warn of the appearance in the life of the dreamers of some unpleasant people and even enemies. In consolation, you can offer a good value of the symbol from the Maya Dream Book. Here it is said that to see a running lizard in a dream is good. In reality, success in all matters strives for you. Do you want to find wealth after such a dream? I'll have to wear a dried tail of a lizard as a talisman. Be healthy and happy!

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