Food and drinkDessert

Cottage cheese and fruit dessert. Fruit and berry desserts

To say who and when prepared the first fruit dessert in history is difficult. However, he knew exactly what he was doing. It is difficult to imagine a lighter dish in every respect. But most importantly, it will look beautiful and effective on the table. Perhaps, therefore, desserts with the addition of berries and fruits are deservedly popular until now. And some are even a real temptation. Adding whipped cream and tender cottage cheese only adds to them finesse.

Dessert "Mandarins with white chocolate"

It is difficult to even imagine a more winter and New Year's dessert than this. The combination of sweet and sour mandarins and a delicate cream of white chocolate, cream and yogurt makes it look like a landscape outside the window. Moreover, it is still incredibly delicious, tender and light. Yes, and make it easy. Even a schoolboy will cope.

4 servings of dessert will require:

- 8-10 tangerines (without pits);

- 200 grams of white chocolate;

- 300 ml of natural yogurt;

- 120 ml cream with 20% fat content;

- shavings of dark chocolate for decoration.

How to cook?

To make this fruit dessert, you need to break the white chocolate into pieces and add the cream. It is not necessary to use fatty, it is enough and 20 percent. Place the cup on a water bath and stir until the mass is uniform. Remove and cool. In a microwave it is better not to do this, since white chocolate has a very low (only 45-50 degrees) melting point and can curdle.

In the remaining chocolate mass, add the yogurt and mix well. The cream for tangerine dessert is ready. Now you need to clear the tangerines and disassemble them. It is very important to remove all white streaks so that they do not spoil the taste of the dish. Also, do not take tangerines with bones. Only in this case will a tender fruit dessert.

Now you can start assembling it. Prepare deep wine glasses or kremanki. Pour 1-2 tablespoons of white cream, then lay out slices of tangerines. Thus, you should alternate the layers until the crochets are filled. On top decorate with grated bitter chocolate. Remove to the refrigerator for at least half an hour, and you can try a fruit dessert with cream. "Mandarins with white chocolate" will certainly be welcome on any festive table. Especially in winter, when there is not enough sun and bright colors.

Dessert "Three colors"

But the combination of cottage cheese, biscuits and fruits or berries can become the main one for another, but from this no less tasty sweet dish. Unlike the previous recipe, this curd-fruit dessert can be prepared at any time of the year. For him, you can use any berries for the season, and in winter use frozen berries. This delicate dessert with natural sourness of fruits and berries especially will be to taste small sweet tooth.

For 2 servings of 200 ml each will be required:

- 100 grams of any shortbread cookie;

- 250 grams of soft curd or mascarpone cheese;

- 250 grams of natural yogurt or thick sour cream;

- 6 tablespoons of sugar;

- 500 grams of any berries or fruits;

- 2 teaspoons of potato starch;

- a tablespoon of lemon juice;

- Vanilla to taste.

Cooking procedure

First of all, you need to prepare a berry sauce. If frozen berries or fruits are used, they must be unfrozen beforehand. Then the large ones are slightly wrinkled with a fork, and the small ones can be left unchanged. The most delicious this curd-fruit dessert is obtained with the addition of black and red currants, cherries and, of course, strawberries.

Add a tablespoon of sugar and lemon juice to the berries. Stir and place on medium heat. Bring the mass to a boil and add the starch diluted in 50 ml of water. Stir well, bring to a boil again and remove from heat. Completely cool at room temperature.

In the meantime, prepare the rest of the desserts. Cook the crumbs into crumbs, using a blender, meat grinder or rolling pin. For the curd layer, mix cottage cheese, yogurt, the remaining sugar and vanilla. The mass can be gently whipped to have a more creamy texture.

Now it only remains to combine all the ingredients together to make a fruit dessert. At the bottom of the croissants spread out the cookies. Then put half the curd mass and half the fruit sauce. Then repeat the last 2 layers, filling the glass to the brim. From the top decorate at will with whole berries, cookie crumbs or almond petals.

Fruit salad

Dessert, which is difficult to call dessert - it's a fruit salad. After all, in appearance and taste, he does not look like him. However, it enjoys well-deserved popularity among women. After all, with the right preparation, he not only allows you to treat yourself to delicious, but not to violate the diet. After all, you can add your favorite fruits and berries to it and change the recipe according to your taste preferences.

On 4 large portions take one apple, orange, mandarin and kiwi, 4 pieces of prunes, a few grapefruit grains for decoration, 200 grams of granular cottage cheese and natural yogurt to taste. First you need to prepare all the fruits. Wash, peel, remove seeds and cut into cubes. With orange and grapefruit pre-peel.

Cottage cheese rinse under running water from cream. They do not need this dessert. Lay out all the fruits in layers: kiwi, orange, mandarin, apple and prunes. Each layer sprinkle with the grains of cottage cheese. Top with yogurt and decorate with wedges of grapefruit. You can mix at once, but it is better to serve in such a flaky form. So the fruit salad will look more spectacular.

Dessert with red currants and cream

A special place among all recipes is occupied by fruit and berry desserts. They are distinguished by a bright color, sweet and sour taste and a delicate texture. Those who are not indifferent to the red currant and cream, for sure can not stay away. Yes, and the rest too. He only has one drawback - he is eaten much faster than prepared. But it is not difficult to do it at all.

10 servings will require:

- 300 grams of red currant;

- 300 grams of granulated sugar;

- 400 ml of cream with a fat content of 30-35%;

- 30 grams of gelatin;

- 100 grams of chocolate for decoration.

The process of preparing dessert

So, first you need to make a berry jelly. This is what unites many fruit and berry desserts. For him, dilute 20 grams of gelatin in 150 ml of water and leave for swelling. Meanwhile, chop the red currant in a mash. Add to it half a liter of water and 150 grams of sugar. Heat until sugar dissolves. Then add the swollen gelatin and bring the mass to a boil, but do not boil. Dilute the mass in the kremanku, filling them in only half, and put into the refrigerator until completely solidified. This will take at least 6 hours.

Further preparation of fruit desserts should be started only after this time. Soak the remaining gelatin in 100 ml of water, then dissolve it over a small heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Then cream with sugar beat in a lush mass, add the diluted gelatin and mix. Put on top of the berry jelly and put into the refrigerator for another 3-4 hours. After this time, decorate with grated chocolate and you can enjoy a bright in all senses dessert.

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