
"Cotofey" (felt boots): reviews, prices. Valenki "Kotofey": the dimensional grid

Russian winters are distinguished by their severity and perversity. Then a thaw will come with slush and wet snow, then the frost attacks at 25 degrees. The question of which shoes to choose for themselves or their child in this difficult time of year, worries all. It is very important that the feet of the baby remain warm and dry in any weather.

Surprisingly, until now, most parents choose for their children old good felt boots! However, if we remember the simplest boots that do not differ in the variety of colors and designs that our grandparents wore, now progress has gone far ahead. On the shelves of shops are such beautiful, lovely and funny shoe masterpieces made of felt, which is simply amazing!

Product History

Earlier boots were worn only by well-to-do peasants. Such footwear was considered a symbol of the security of the family. And getting a felt boots as a gift was akin to an unprecedented success. They were made by hand, because they cost dearly. Such shoes were even inherited.

Widespread popularity felt boots only in the XIX century, when their manufacture began to be carried out on an industrial scale. Some sources indicate that for the first time mass production of this warm footwear was established in the Nizhny Novgorod province, but residents of the Yaroslavl region claim that they invented felt boots.

Nowadays the glorious city of Yegoryevsk of the Moscow region has distinguished itself, where now popular children's felt boots "Kotofey" are produced. Reviews about these products are positive. We will tell you about the success story of the brand.

"Cotofey": how it all began

The brand of shoes Kotofey has over seventy years of history. It belongs to JSC "Egorievsk Footwear".

Over the years, the company has experienced both ups and downs, but its difficulties have only been tempered. Now the products of the brand "Kotofey" are in demand all over Russia and in neighboring countries. It is considered a standard of quality.

The company took off in 1996, when it signed a contract with the Italian firm IGI. JSC "Egorievsk Footwear" has improved the old technologies, equipping its production with the most modern equipment. And in 2001, Russia finally learned about the trade mark "Kotofey". It was in this year that the brand was registered and a logo was created - a cheerful running cat with hat and boots.

At present, the trademark is consistently pleased with its customers by collections of new models of the middle price category. Today, "Kotofey" is a synonym for an ideal balance of price and quality.

One of the main directions of the company is the production of children's shoes. The products meet the highest requirements, it is very convenient and comfortable. But moms and dads can also choose the perfect pair of shoes for themselves. The main pride of the company, probably, are felt boots "Kotofey". Customer Reviews do not lie: JSC "Egorievsk Shoes" was one of the first in Russia, decided to produce this footwear in a modern way. And you have not lost your fortune, having grown fond of hundreds of thousands of our fellow citizens!

On the official website of the company you can get acquainted with the catalog of products and choose men's, women's and children's boots for every taste and color!


Why are felt boots to this day in incredible demand? Now that the stores are ready to provide thousands of different models of winter shoes? We assume that the reasons are as follows:

- The naturalness of the material. Valenki - this is nothing like sheep or goat wool.

- Usefulness . It is believed that valenki - an excellent tool for the prevention of colds.

- Frost resistance . This shoe is able to protect your feet even in 40-degree frost. It's not for nothing that people whose work is related to being on the street (for example, sellers in open markets) choose for themselves warm boots "Kotofey" with fur. The reviews claim that only in such products the feet do not freeze.

- Practicality . This footwear can be worn not only in frosts, but also in a thaw, putting on galoshes. And modern models do not need them at all, since they are already produced with an excellent rubber outsole.

There is also another component in the felt boots, perhaps, thanks to which they are still remembered. This is the love and thrill of the people who have made a hand in their manufacture. Maybe that's why they are so cozy and nice to wear? Maybe not only the wool, but also the warmth of the hands of the masters warm our feet?

What are felt boots?

JSC "Egorievsk Shoes" at the moment produces the following types of these natural products:

- Ordinary and warmed felt boots "Kotofey" . Reviews of owners of both models claim that their feet do not freeze. Heaters, rather, were introduced by designers for the peace of their parents, who always worry about how warm and comfortable the legs of their children are. In the warmed version for additional protection from frosts in shoes there is an inner layer, which is made mainly of artificial fur.

- Low and high boots "Kotofey". Reviews (on the size of the bootleg) are somewhat contradictory and depend on which model is considered: adult or child. Women, as a rule, choose high models for themselves and remain very satisfied. The design and decoration of such products are so diverse that you can pick them up to any combination, whether it's rock style or everyday-business. Children are trying to choose models of medium height, because in high boots they are not easy to move (especially to kids who only learn walking skills).

- With the use of dyes or without them. Gray, white and beige colors of felt boots attest to their absolute naturalness. But "Kotofey" provides its customers with color models. They are also natural, but the technology of their production is somewhat different. Felt of such shoes consists of two parts. The exterior is painted, but the inner one (the one that comes in contact with the foot) is not. Thus, you can not worry about the fact that the inner layer will color the clothes. The quality of such products as it was, and remains at height, and the appearance becomes brighter and more fun! This is especially true for children and dandies.

- Male and female, for boys and girls.

- Children, teenagers and adults.

- With decoration and without it. Minimalism or the riot of detail is only a matter of everyone's taste.

Clasp - which one to choose?

Engineers-designers and designers of boots "Kotofey" did not only work on the appearance of their products, but also thought out the level of comfort in both adults and children's models.

What kind of clasp to choose and what it is? The main view, of course, is lightning. It can be sewn in front and side, go strictly upright or along an oblique line.

What is noteworthy: in children's models, the zipper does not open the boots completely, but simply makes its bootleg wider thanks to a felt insert. Parents recommend and praise such felt boots "Kotofey". Reviews (on the sizes and types of models) are different, but buyers unequivocally agree that children's products with such zippers are the most convenient.

No less parents praise velcro fasteners. They are also popular. First, wear such felt boots much faster. Secondly, you will agree, the Velcro breaks down much less often than lightning.

Outsole is an important detail

Since the winters in the middle zone of Russia became unpredictable and sometimes too wet, manufacturers of felt boots had to invent something new.

Now you rarely find on sale such shoes without soles. It is not practical, felt has a property to wear off, and it can be worn only in severe frosts, and even then in a village where roads are not sprinkled with reagents. In cities, even in severe frosts, there are mud and slush on the sidewalks.

"Cotofey" also took into account all the nuances. The company produces felt boots only with a rubber sole. With it you can not be afraid to soak your feet. But "Kotofey" went further, foreseeing the desires of its customers! In addition to the high and thick soles of the toe and heel, felt articles are also protected from wetting by special moisture-resistant spraying. That's how "Cotopheus" felt boots improved! Reviews of parents who bought their small "cross-country vehicles" such shoes, confirm: with such protection the feet of their children in any weather remain dry. And to whom this will seem too little, he will easily find models with a protected lower part of the boot in the form of real galoshes.

To ensure that happy owners of felt boots do not slip or fall, the creators tried and here: the soles of all products - both adults and children - are distinguished by a three-dimensional pattern and an anti-slip shape.

Boots "Kotofey": a dimensional grid, reviews

So, you decided to buy the felt boots of the brand in question. For this purpose it is desirable to familiarize with the dimensional table of footwear which will help not to be mistaken in a choice. If you buy boots for yourself, then problems with determining the size should not arise. You just need to carefully and carefully try on the model you like.

And what about when the shoes need to choose a small child, and he still can not really explain, it is convenient for him in it or not? In this case, first, measure the length of its foot, then add 1 cm to this value, and, based on the result obtained, find out what shoe size you need.

So, the size grid for shoes "Kotofey" looks like this:

The size

Suitable for the length of the insole in cm



















































When choosing insoles, pay attention to their thickness. It should be at least 4-5 mm.

Price list

Nesprosta have gained such popularity unusual products of the trade mark "Kotofey" - felt boots. Reviews about them confirm the unusually high quality of these products at a democratic price. Now "Kotofey" is in the lead in the average price range. Children's boots can be purchased at a cost of 800 to 1900-2000 rubles. The price increases with the warmth of footwear, its protection from moisture and the design used. But almost all parents who bought their children felt such felt products say: the cost is justified and corresponds to the quality of the product.

The price for adult models varies from 1000-1100 to 2000 rubles.

Boots "Kotofey" - customer reviews

As practice shows, there is never such that everyone is 100% satisfied with the purchase. Not an exception and "Kotofey" (valenki). Reviews on the Internet can be found both positive and negative. But for the sake of justice I want to note: there are no negative reviews. As a rule, buyers are satisfied with the acquired footwear, and note only minor shortcomings, such as:

- Rapid loss of presentable appearance. As a rule, this refers to felt felt boots, because it quickly gets dirty.

- Awesome weight of products. This is especially reflected in very small users who are just beginning to walk. It should be noted that this, rather, refers not to shortcomings, but to the characteristics of the products of the brand "Kotofey".

Buyers appreciated and positively characterized the following qualities:

  • Fashionable design.
  • Affordable cost.
  • Naturalness.
  • Convenience.
  • The presence of anti- slip soles.
  • Quality.
  • Comfort.
  • A wide range of.

Modern medicine confirms the undeniable usefulness of felt boots for human health. Sheep wool has long been used as a remedy for colds and rheumatism, with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. And the wool in its most natural manifestation is nothing else than "Kotofey" (valenki)! Feedback from buyers of this brand's products only confirm this and urge them to purchase wonderful shoes for themselves and their children. Be stylish and healthy with the "Cotopheus"!

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