
Collecting is represented by an interesting lesson

Collecting (from the Latin collectio - congestion) - purposeful gathering, systematic selection and classification of any homogeneous things, combined according to specific indicators, which have historical, scientific or artistic importance. It differs from the usual gathering, which is striving for an unsystematic accumulation of those or other things.

The greatest fame has occurred in the collection of several types : philately (includes stamps and other postal products), filocarty (collection of illustrated cards), phylogeny (labels from matchboxes), faleristics (breast medals, tokens, badges), numismatics (rare coins), philophony (Tape recorders and records), bonistika (paper currency signs), reproductions of works of fine arts, filmstrips.

To outlandish variants that have specific names, you can include collecting stickers , kopoklefistiku (interest key charms), fromologistics (labels from different kinds of cheese), peridromophilistics (railway tickets). Also, there is an analogphilia - this is the collection of objects united by one thematic, for example, figurines of cats, toy cats, badges posters and calendars with cats, photographs of cats, etc. Including the most weird collection (buttons, packages, cakes and t Etc.), which is not considered to be empty employment, as it enriches the inner world of a person, allows to expand his horizons, produces insight, which allows you to create that which the rest do not observe. Find your landmark in this world to find the key to identifying the talent of your own person, to not show boredom and discontent in your leisure hours.

Each collection has its own features and methods of storage, which are selected based on the type of collectible items. To strengthen the icons are allowed to use a cardboard box. In the windows insert the clips of the badges, they are threaded with an elastic band, tightened and fastened. All sorts of tickets, cards and calendars are very convenient to put in envelopes, glued to album sheets. But more voluminous objects can be put on shelves in rooms or, in very large quantities, put in boxes prepared for it.

Children are engaged in different types of gathering in the kindergarten age. Therefore, it is very important to create this atmosphere, in which, probably, in its very source there is an interest to obtain the nature of real collectibles of objects, including calendars , to expand the outlook, develop the artistic taste of the baby, and his ability in independent research work. Accidentally appeared desire to collect, for example, stickers leads to the study of the chronicle, geography, foreign languages, requires familiarity with the basics of fine art. These knowledge, in their own order, become more extensive and more profound in the process of collecting something - any item of the collection that exists must be examined and explained, and for this lesson it is necessary to turn to encyclopedias, reference books, textbooks, dictionaries, etc. .

The task of the family consists in an experienced, polite boss over the child's addiction, which excludes the unproven prohibition. In schools, dwellings and palaces of pioneers, teenagers have clubs and circles of young collectors, in which place it is allowed to get competent assistance. The main thing is to make sure that the child does not focus only on collecting, does not stop communicating with peers, because such behavior can have negative consequences. One should not forget that in life there are many other interests that differ not less acute and fill the hour of pastime with meaning. Be wider in your hobbies.

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