HobbyBoard games

Chess pieces - the philosophy of victory

Those who are interested in this ancient and most useful intellectually intelligent game, first of all it is worth getting acquainted with the main characters of any party. So, let me introduce chess pieces to you! There are six different types. Each of the two rivals has one king, one queen, two rooks, two elephants, two knights and eight pawns. The player can play either white or black figures, and White initially has some advantage. In principle, the names of the chess pieces speak for themselves, and one can orient on them in their comparative value, but nevertheless it makes sense to consider each figure separately.

His august majesty is the king!

Find it on the board is very simple: for white it is in the middle of the first, and for black - the last row and resembles a man with a crown in the form of a cross or a pike. This is the tallest and most prominent figure. At the beginning of the game, when the chess pieces are just beginning their development, it is a miserable sight: they attack him, seek to pick it up, and because of his weakness he is compelled to draw a rook for protection (to be castrated) and from afar to observe the course of battles. But if the strength of both armies has decreased noticeably, the King turns into a formidable figure, which often decides the course of the battle.

Gray Cardinal - Queen

Is next to the king and wears a round cap on his head, and on the demo board - a beautiful five-crowned crown. In Europe, this chess piece is usually called the Queen, but we have an Indian name more common. The concubine, or the vizier, was so called in this remote country the first adviser to the king and chief commander. In the party - this is the strongest character, and other chess pieces are noticeably inferior to him in the maneuverability and strength of the attack. By himself, he can replace a whole squad of nine pawns.

An impregnable fortress is a boat

Sometimes it is called Tour, which means the tower. So in France and some other countries called fortresses that can move on land. The chessmen swam for so long on ships from India to Russia, that this figure turned from an impregnable tower into a rook. This is how our ancestors called in the old days large boats. In its value, the rook (Rook) replaces five pawns and feels great if it is at the beginning of open lines. Each army has two such chess pieces, and they are at the corners of the board.

Elephant or officer

Do not look for a figure with a trunk on the field, it's not there! True, in the old days the chess elephant (Bishop) really looked like a real elephant, but now such figures can be found only at the exhibition in the Hermitage. Each player has two, and they are on each side of the king and queen. And one elephant moves only on white, and the second - only on black cells. This is the division of functions. By force this figure is equal to three pawns.

Horse or rider

In the West, this figure is called Knight, which can be translated as a "knight". Maybe the rider was too heavy, or maybe too unwieldy. Anyway, the proud horse decided to get rid of it and now it's doing it well on its own. And sometimes it jumps so gracefully that the enemy only grabs his head and does not know what to do with it! By its strength, the horse, like the elephant, is also equal to three pawns, and there are two such chess pieces. He is near the boat and looks like a horse's head.

Pawn or infantryman

The smallest warrior in a round helmet. Unlike other figures, they only advance or keep the defense, they are not allowed to retreat. They have 8 opponents, and this formidable squad, lined up in a chain, can deliver a fair amount of trouble to the enemy army. Pawns are weak and often perish, following the orders of their king faithfully. But if, despite all the obstacles, this figure still manages to reach the last horizontal, it is immediately promoted to rank, and it can turn into a queen. Therefore, the further the infantry advanced, the stronger it is.

Chess Fischer, or chess-960

Let it not be surprising to you that the arrangement of chess pieces may differ from the standard one. The reason for this invention of Robert Fisher, the eleventh world champion in this game. Since 1996, this kind of chess has slowly gained popularity and a considerable number of fans. In it, the figures before the start of the game are arranged randomly, taking into account some small limitations. The rules of Fischer chess coincide with the traditional ones, and there may be 960 initial starting positions. Elephants in the opponents are necessarily different, and each army is aligned symmetrically. Here, perhaps, and all that we wanted to tell about the figures in this wonderful board game.

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