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Celery root: good and bad. Properties of celery root and their positive effect on the human body

During the reign of Catherine II the Great, Russia was first visited by an amazing vegetable called celery. For a long enough time, it was considered an exclusively ornamental plant and was only occasionally used for medicinal purposes. Then, numerous studies were conducted to find out whether the celery root was eaten. The benefits and harms of it, as well as the remaining parts of the plant, were thoroughly studied. It turned out that this vegetable is fully suitable for food: edible roots and stems, and leaves, and petioles.

For a long time, many generations have been working on the introduction of new species of this plant. The result of their work was petiolate and leaf varieties.

general description

Celery is a two-year cold-resistant plant of the Umbrella family, numbering about twenty species.

To date, this vegetable is cultivated everywhere. The most popular are such species as leaf, petiolate and root. The latter type was especially liked by the housewives and gourmets. The thing is that it forms a fleshy, well developed root crop. But we can see such splendid varieties only on the pages of editions devoted to gardening and vegetable gardens, because such "handsome men" do not grow in our region. The largest root crop reaches the size of a male fist.

The celery root has a very fragrant and tender flesh. There are simply no alternative vegetables in nature. Such enviable characteristics of the plant is due to the exceptional substances that make up its composition. From time to time, celery is even put on one level with ginseng having medicinal properties.

Celery for normalization of weight

One of the most exciting topics for a modern person is, perhaps, the desire to lose weight. And in this respect the celery root is immensely useful. The benefits and harms of it are well known to nutritionists. With the regular intake of the mentioned vegetable (along with the food), the extra kilograms are cleaned easily and qualitatively, without having a negative effect on the body.

And corrects the nerves ...

Celery has a positive effect on our nervous system. In the blood of a person there is a so-called stress hormone. The substances that make up the plant under consideration pacify and soothe us. This is due to a substantial reduction in the content of the hormone in the blood. Therefore, instead of resorting to sedative, you can simply eat a little magic vegetable or drink the juice obtained from it.

And sugar will lower ...

It would not hurt to remember the wonderful plant of celery in diabetes. Its roots contain substances that are similar in properties to insulin. Therefore, this vegetable is able to activate the functions of the adrenal glands, which is extremely important for diabetics.

Root for general health of the body

The success of treating various diseases with the use of celery is explained by the high content of magnesium in it. After all, the lack of this substance in the body leads to frequent attacks of unexplained anxiety, fear, irritability, increased excitability, convulsions at night, and the appearance of signs of atherosclerosis. Due to the fact that the root of celery (the photos presented in the article will help to get an idea of this vegetable) is rich in iron, its use is also improved by water-salt metabolism. In addition, this product is also used as a preventive measure of premature aging.

Useful properties of the celery root, which contains biologically active substances, are excellent assistants in the fight against atherosclerosis, because they significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood. Also, consumption of vegetables helps to lower the pressure, which is extremely important in a disease such as hypertension. The celery root, moist and fresh, improves the functioning of the heart muscle.

With the help of this product, you can easily cope with such ailments of the digestive system, as flatulence and constipation. Celery contributes to the rapid healing of ulcerative wounds in the stomach, and also serves as the basis for numerous diets prescribed for colitis or gastritis.

This root will decisively replace almost all the contents of the home medicine chest, because it is characterized by wound healing, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antiseptic and diuretic action. Let's notice, that the considered vegetable is especially recommended to the men suffering from sluggish potency. Women, he also helps to say goodbye to the problems of the genitourinary system. Among other things, the root of celery strengthens nails and teeth, gives shine to the hair, and the skin of the face - freshness and elasticity.

Precautionary measures

The root of celery, the benefit and harm of which should be taken into account when using it, has some contraindications. The negative impact of the vegetable on the body for pregnant women (after the sixth month in particular) and nursing mothers has been known for a very long time. Studies have shown that a green plant causes abundant formation of gases. This has a negative effect on the fetus and condition of the already born child, who is fed by mother's milk.

Surprisingly, the damage to the vegetable is also manifested in its negative effect on the brain of a person suffering from epilepsy. Abstain from excessive celery root eating is recommended for those who suffer from varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and hyperacid conditions. In addition, people with urolithiasis should confine themselves to using this plant, as it causes the active movement of stones in the kidneys, and this is an indisputable fact. Regular ingestion of this root led to the need for surgical intervention. But for a healthy organism such negative influence is not essential. However, in everything you need to observe the measure.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the root of celery, the benefits and harms of which are unquestionable, should be eaten rationally. If you doubt whether you can eat this useful vegetable, consult with specialists.

Ways of preparation of tinctures and juices from a vegetable

Let us take a closer look at what can be prepared from such a part of the plant as the root. Celery, the recipes of which are quite simple, can safely enter the daily diet of a healthy person, but one should not forget about the wisdom of using this vegetable.

Of course, the most useful and effective is the juice from fresh roots. Also suitable celery, stored relatively short (until mid-February). In this case, it is recommended to use one tablespoon three times a day for half an hour before meals.

From the roots of celery is also made powder, but it should be noted that with this method of processing, a significant part of the therapeutic properties of essential oils evaporates.

However, if all the conditions for storing this part of the green vegetable can not be met, it can be crushed into large fractions (ranging from five to ten millimeters) and dried in the fall. In winter, just before use, you can prepare a powder, from which is then made infusion.

The extract of the celery root is used in the same way as the juice, only the intake norm in this case is increased three-fold. Prepare it as follows: 2 teaspoons of powder brewed with one glass of boiling water, and then insisted for ten minutes.

You should also pay close attention to the use of celery roots for the prevention of joint diseases and the treatment of gout. To do this, one tablespoon of ground raw material is poured into two glasses of boiling water. Further the drink is infused for a couple of hours in a tightly closed vessel.

How to eat celery root

Almost everyone faced this problem. How to eat the root of celery properly, so that all its useful properties are preserved? The vegetable should be eaten fresh. This method is the most advantageous. Washing, drying, drying. You can just chew on the spine, and you can add it to all sorts of salads (rubbed or finely chopped). This vegetable is perfectly combined with spicy greens. A perfect solution is to add a root of celery, apple and carrots to the salad. In addition, an appetizing plant perfectly emphasizes the taste of fish, mushroom and meat dishes, as well as seafood treats. The celery root can be baked at will. Often this vegetable is used as a spicy seasoning. For its manufacture, all the components are suitable: roots, stems, seeds and leaves. Sometimes the seasoning from such a plant has a slightly bitter taste.

Celery: how to choose

First of all, when evaluating root celery, the fetal integrity and hardness should be assessed. The smaller the vegetable, the softer it will be. But the useful properties equally have both small and large fruits. Therefore, here the size of a special role does not play.

Celery root - how to store

This vegetable, as a rule, does not have a long shelf life. Therefore, when buying, you should pay attention to its freshness, so that he stayed with you for three to seven days in a similar condition. If you buy an already overripe vegetable, remember that you need to use it as soon as possible.

When storing celery, you must follow the elementary rules. Vegetables should be kept in the refrigerator, pre-packed in a plastic bag and put in any container of water. You can extend the shelf life a little if wrapping the vegetable not in polyethylene, but in foil.

If you do not plan to save the root for a long time, before putting it in the refrigerator, it should be packed in a paper bag.

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