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Can pregnant women drink alcohol, coffee, milk?

Pregnancy is a unique and unforgettable time in a woman's life. How to turn the nine months of the child's expectation into a sense of chosenness and unlimited joy? There is nothing difficult in this, it is only good work. Future moms face different problems, there are many questions, one of which: "Can pregnant women drink this or that drink?" About this and many other things further.

How much fluids per day are you pregnant?

The tasks of water are the delivery of useful substances to the cells of the body, the removal of harmful products of vital activity. Its importance in pregnancy increases: in the womb of the mother the baby's body consists of 90% of the water and surrounds its amniotic fluid.

Water helps:

  • Normalize the work of the digestive tract and cleanse the body.
  • Maintain a water balance in the norm.
  • Prevent constipation and toxicosis, reduce blood pressure, fight the occurrence of edema.

A woman during pregnancy can consume at least one and a half liters of plain water a day or with the addition of lemon. Is it possible for pregnant women to drink industrial juices and soda water? Answer: not recommended.

The main amount of water is better to drink in the morning and evening hours, and in the daytime - tea and compote. This will prevent the appearance of edema. If they make themselves felt, the best way is to drink during the day water with brewed cranberries or lemon.

Can pregnant women drink green tea?

Tea can be different, but much depends on the way it is brewed and fortified. Understand all this is simple, you need to know what kind of variety brings the maximum benefit for the future mother and baby. You can drink pregnant tea, but do not abuse it.

Black is useful for the theobromine, vitamins B, PP, C, K, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and fluorine.

Is it possible to drink green tea for pregnant women? Yes, but do not brew hard. Drink better with milk 2-3 times a week, as it interferes with the absorption of folic acid.

An exotic white variety is suitable, there is practically no caffeine in it. Can pregnant women drink tea from the hips? It is even recommended, since it contains a large amount of vitamins and iron. Well proven broths of currant fruit, this tea helps to relieve nausea in toxicosis.

Can I drink coffee in the early stages of pregnancy ?

According to statistics, many of the women are coffee lovers, they can not imagine a single day of life without a cherished drink. If a woman has a child, she should forget about this habit, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. According to the research:

• Coffee in any quantity can interfere with the development of the nervous system in the embryo.
• The risk of miscarriage increases by 60% if the future mother drinks on the day more than three cups of coffee.
• A pregnant woman who drinks coffee in large quantities may experience problems due to a decrease in blood flow to the placenta.
• The use of caffeine by the mother can cause diabetes in the child.
• The baby still has a frequency of heart contractions in the womb.

Sometimes doctors give pregnant women coffee in small doses and a minimum strength. But it is better to abandon it altogether, and all the thoughts to direct to the health of the future baby. And if you can not do without a favorite drink, the body can outwit and drink chicory. This healthful drink with a flavor strongly resembles coffee, does not contain caffeine, has a number of advantages.

Milk during pregnancy. Benefit or harm?

The future mother worries about whether it is possible for pregnant women to drink milk. If possible, how many, so as not to harm the child.

There are no reasons to worry. To drink milk during pregnancy is necessary. There are nutrients in it:

• Proteins are the building material of muscles.
• Amino acids and fatty acids involved in the formation of the nervous system.
• Calcium and iron - are involved in the construction of the skeleton.
• Microelements and vitamins.

Therefore, milk must be included in the daily diet. Contraindication is only an individual intolerance.

Non-alcoholic wine and beer during pregnancy

Sitting at a festive table, when champagne sparkles in glasses, oh, how I do not want to hold a wine glass with sparkling water. Non-alcoholic wine and beer will come to the rescue. Or not?

Can pregnant women drink non-alcoholic wine and beer? A common opinion does not exist. In recommendations for safe nutrition during the period of gestation, these beverages are listed as prohibited. But some doctors give advice to drink a small portion of quality red wine to maintain the level of hemoglobin.

Whatever you choose, you should not allow alcohol abuse. The harm depends on the dosage, the likelihood that an allergic reaction will occur is possible. If you are pregnant, choose quality products, save no time!

Pregnancy and medications

According to statistics, almost 80% of pregnant women within 9 months at least once, but took the pill. Some of them bought in pharmacies, others - they used those that they found at home. The question arises: "Can pregnant women drink tablets, if not, then what is the reason?"

A pregnant woman should limit the intake of medicines. Do not include patients with diabetes. Under the supervision of doctors, they should receive insulin, which at different times of pregnancy has its doses.

How to act in the event that the future mother becomes ill, she decides to take an already proven means? The main rule is: before you drink a pill or another drug, you need to get permission from the doctor. Any medicine does harm more or less.

The future mother must at that moment think not only of her unborn child, but herself as well. During pregnancy, the body is rebuilt, the liver and kidneys work in a different mode, the sensitivity to drugs increases, allergy may start.

Learning about pregnancy, it is more careful to treat health. This will eliminate the need for drugs. Important: no self-treatment!

Tips for pregnant women

A few more rules:

• Beware of lifting heavy things.
• No need to smoke, drink coffee and alcohol.
• Do not sit at your computer for more than four hours a day.
• Be less nervous. Can pregnant women drink valerian? It is permissible sometimes to take a pill-two, but not alcohol tincture.
• Try to do without medication.
• Take more dairy and milk.

Women who are preparing to become mummies are more beautiful than doubters. From them emanates a wonderful radiance, the reason for all this is that under their heart they have a baby. Let everything go well and the little miracle will be born healthy!

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