
Can I crush pimples: everyone decides for himself

You can not suppress acne ... So we are constantly being inspired from the pages of magazines and from the TV screen. It is necessary to consult a doctor, make an appointment with a cosmetologist for the procedure "cleaning the face", undergo a course of treatment, etc.

Let's define at once. Pressing pimples is not recommended. Whether it is possible to press pimples - you should define or determine. After all, the cosmetologist does the same in his office, but calls this process "cleaning the face". But! The whole procedure is sterile, the skin is pretreated and prepared, and besides "squeezing out" there is also the final mask.

Then why do not you do it all yourself, showing concern for "your beloved"? If you have the opportunity to regularly go to the procedures for a cosmetologist, then you go there. Our advice for those who do not have this opportunity or afford the frequent waste of time and money to clean the face they can not in the near future. Thus, whether it is possible to suppress acne, you decide for yourself.

How and what to extrude

Pimple is a nonmedical concept, but rather a household one. On the face there is also an acne, and "separately standing" large eel, and inflammation in the subcutaneous layer, turning into a nasty abscess, which does not want to dry out. The question "Is it possible to suppress acne on the face?" Should be considered after determining what exactly you are going to get rid of.

Pustular formation on the face, associated with adolescent changes in the body, can not be suppressed. The main way to combat this phenomenon is diet and facial skin care. Dry and take care of masks and lotions, do not touch your hands again and carefully remove the dried out after the maturing pimples purulent masses. But only after the pimple is "ripe" and the pus easily comes out at the slightest pressure on it. It is obligatory to wipe the wound with tincture of calendula after "opening". Instead, you can apply the lotion, or some other herbal tincture.

The procedure of "cleaning the face" at home

Can I squeeze pimples at home? If you follow the purity and accuracy in the procedure, you can. It's about small and not very large pimples, clogged pores. To do this you will need:

  • Deep bowl with hot water.
  • Sterile wipes for wrapping fingers when squeezing out.
  • A large terry towel to cover yourself over the steam.
  • Mirror on the stand for the convenience of the extrusion procedure.
  • Disinfectant liquid (lotion, tincture of calendula, etc.).
  • A pre-prepared face mask that matches your skin type.

Only under these conditions of sterile cleaning of the skin can you give an affirmative answer to the question: "Is it possible to suppress acne?".

The procedure itself is simple. Pour hot water into the bowl, add useful grass (celandine, chamomile, St. John's wort, etc.) and cover with a terry towel. Look carefully under the towel - not too hot. If tolerable, then we sit under it and inhale the healing steam, while steaming the pores on the face. After sitting for 15-20 minutes, remove the towel and remove the droplets of water from the face. Wrapping sterile napkins ends of index fingers (for cleanliness and not to leave traces from nails), gently squeeze out black dots, small reddish acne (white knobs can not touch - not ripe). All cleaned places are wiped with a pre-prepared lotion. After all, rinse your face and apply a mask.

If this process is your first, do not rush into all the flaws of your face immediately. You already know if you can crush acne. Therefore, remove so far only a portion of contaminated pores and acne. Leave the rest to the next time.

It is advisable to do face cleaning not more often than once a week. Do not forget to treat acne from the inside - a diet and a healthy lifestyle. The combination of these conditions will help you regain a healthy complexion, velvety and delicate skin.

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