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Books that every girl should read: a list

Drawing up lists is a thankless task. Anyone who likes to read, does without any lists, just by the order of the soul. And those who do not like to sit with a book, advice is all the more unnecessary. The books that every girl should read is a vague concept and unwilling to be reduced to a common denominator. Because literature is also different, and a woman is different to a woman. But nevertheless it is possible to outline the main milestones and give concrete recommendations.

Books should arrive on time

Strictly speaking, the books that every girl should read are listed in the course of Russian and foreign literature. Alas, this list is usually compiled in chronological order - from early literature to late, 20-21 centuries.

Of course, few of the teenagers are able to evaluate works designed for an adult and trained audience. A complex language, unfamiliar facts, feelings and thoughts are still far from the school reality - all this makes classical literature in the subject rather indigestible.

When a person compiles a list of the literature himself, for self-development or even simply for pleasure, he will necessarily take into account personal preferences, interests, and views of the world. Age in this matter is of no small importance. Dostoevsky, read at 14 years old, is not at all what Dostoevsky read in 30. To see this, it is enough to take from the shelf a volume familiar from school and repeat it. The book opens with a new side, the eye immediately hooks on the moments that were simply not clear in adolescence and therefore passed by the reader.

Search yourself

In their youth, people are romantic and open to everything new, unusual. Many try to create themselves, try themselves in art. Therefore, the book that every girl must read at 15 years is like a restaurant menu: in it all dishes are still unfamiliar, and everyone wants to try.

In literature, as in life, there are many untrodden ways, everyone seems curious and tempting. What can you advise girls at this age? What will seem interesting, touch for the living, make you feel sharper and brighter?

Youth is primarily romantic. If you recall all the books that every girl should read, the list will not do without the works of Bunin and Charlotte Bronte. Bright, strong feelings, love and loyalty, emotions, beating over the edge - this will not leave indifferent the girl, just experiencing her first love. For older people, these works may already seem irrelevant, too romantic and sublime. But the soul of a teenager, these feelings are quite in tune. So "Dark alleys", "Easy breathing" and, of course, "Jane Eyre" at this age - the best choice.

Fantasy, similar to reality

Those girls who love not only novels with a pronounced romantic line, you can recommend "The Lord of the Rings" of Professor Tolkien. This book has become not only the classics of literature in the genre of fantasy. Tolkien is a professor of philology, a connoisseur of British mythology and culture. The universe created by him amazes with complexity and thoughtfulness, and the plot of the novel has long turned into a model for imitation. Of course, you can just watch a movie, but it will never replace a book. "The Lord of the Rings" is one of the brightest, many-sided and fascinating books of our time, which had a huge impact on the world view of the whole generation. You can not list the books that every girl should read until 16, and not mention this novel.

Later, the time will come for more complex works. "Three comrades" Remarque - a novel about love and friendship, about life and death. Written in simple, easy language, the book makes you look at your life in a new way, appreciate every joyous, sunny day, every moment spent with friends and family. After all, this world is so fragile, just seconds to lose everything.

Girls should smile

Those girls who like to laugh, you can not pass by such a masterpiece of Russian literature as the "Twelve Chairs" by Ilf and Petrov. In the end, not a single woman breathes a true woman. A sense of humor is an excellent quality, which helps to cope with any difficulties in life. Calling books that every girl at 16 should read and not mentioning this novel is a gross negligence. Juicy, lively language, sparkling humor, quotes, long turned into aphorisms - you can only envy people who first plunge into this delightful world, created by the imagination of writers.

Ostap Bender, a brilliant swindler and a handsome man, a true macho ... Who else could seduce the sultry Madam Gritsatsuev, being dressed in barefoot boots? Watching his adventures is incredibly exciting. If a minute of laughter can make life longer, then the readers of the novels of Ilf and Petrov will necessarily reach the centennial jubilee.

Queen of detective intrigue

Another worthy author, on whose books the lover should always laugh - John Hmelevskaya. This woman - one of the founders of the genre of female humorous detective. The heroines of her stories are clever, resourceful and cheerful. They can unravel any crime, cope with any disaster. And, of course, find a man who can appreciate them. If you list books that every girl should read, the list would be incomplete without the wonderful novels "What the deceased said", "Wedge wedge" or "All red." Such works not only teach you not to give up, smiling at any storm of life, but also raise your female self-esteem well. Khmelevskaya is the best remedy for melancholia and an inferiority complex.

The nineteenth century and the twenty-first century

Romantic natures can advise the novel of British writer Jane Austen "Pride and Prejudice." Despite the fact that the book was written about 200 years ago, the language of the narrative does not at all seem archaic. At first, it may seem that the events are developing too slowly, but soon the reader becomes accustomed to this unhurriedness and even finds some pleasure in this. The truly British atmosphere, clever graceful humor, lively, compassionate characters - all this did not allow Jane Austen's creation to get lost among thousands and thousands of love stories.

Discussing the books that every girl must read at the age of 17, one must always mention this novel. The story of a smart, independent girl and a sarcastic bachelor is still enjoying the deserved love of readers.

Another great novel is Gone with the Wind. It is often said that this is an American analogue of "War and Peace". It is unlikely that such a comparison makes sense, but there are undoubtedly common motives for these works. Human destinies, wound on the rim of the wheel of history, the war that destroyed the life of the main characters - both Tolstoy and Margaret Mitchell knew firsthand what they were writing about. But, of course, "Gone with the Wind" - the book is incomparably more light and exciting. The main character is a strong, intelligent woman. She falls in love and is disappointed in love, makes mistakes and creates her own new world in the midst of chaos and destruction. This is one of the most interesting female characters in the history of literature, which generated a huge number of imitators.

Books that every girl under the age of 18 must read is a preparation for life in the adult world, and he often turns out to be cruel and unfair. Novel Margaret Mitchell is an excellent guide to overcoming difficulties. Strict, resolute, contradictory Scarlett can hardly serve as a moral guide. But, of course, she is a great role model. Optimism, love for life and perseverance of this girl are admirable.

Woman and power

The older the person, the less faith in the miracle, the rational and good order of the world. And the more clearly the understanding that everything is not so simple and obvious as it seems. Not always a good man makes the world better, and the evil one - worse. The universe is dualistic, light and darkness are just two poles, between which is an ocean of infinite grayness. Books that every girl must read before the age of 20 are no longer so simple and easy to perceive, they should not just be interesting, but also make you think.

"Maria Stewart" - the novel of the outstanding writer Stefan Zweig, telling about the confrontation of two queens - English and Scottish. Romantic, sublime, sensitive Maria and dry, prudent Elizabeth ... Watching the chess game that the queens lead, playing with the lives of people and the destinies of countries, is extremely exciting.

Reading this novel, it is so easy to put yourself in the place of a ruler, but not a fairy princess, but a real queen, on which the destiny of the people depends. One of the curious features of the book is that its perception changes drastically with age. Young girls sympathize with Mary Stewart with all their heart and hate the soulless Elizabeth. And older women, re-reading the novel, are surprised to realize that they were wrong. It was Elizabeth - the true queen, who sacrificed her personal life, her happiness for the sake of the country.

In life there are also black days

The books that every girl should read are selected, of course, based on personal preferences. But there are topics that can not be ignored. Readers of the novel "Rose of Marena", owned by the pen of the famous Stephen King, await a completely different world. In this novel the master of horrors has departed from the usual scenario, there are no vampires, monsters, or werewolves. The most terrible creatures are the people themselves.

Despite the apparent lightness, the novel raises important problems, simply serves them under sauce from mysticism and horror. A woman, a victim of domestic violence, decides to leave her husband. Usually male authors do not like to address such topics, but King was not afraid to step on the unstable ground of gender conflicts and was absolutely right.

He does not just pedal an acute, painful topic for many women, he suggests a definite solution to the conflict, a strategy of behavior. Not literally, of course, - King's methods are extremely categorical. But the idea that life should not be a nightmare, it can become better, most importantly, to decide and to meet the future is a very correct idea. Perhaps in a difficult situation, the courage and strength of the heroine will help readers overcome difficulties and regain their self. "Rosa Marena" takes a worthy place in the list of "Books that every girl should read."

Master and Margarita - novel in the novel

Another of the novels, which can be considered "staged" in the life of each person - "Master and Margarita." Perhaps there is no work that is so widely perceived by readers. Some believe that this is a novel about good and evil, others believe that they have read the story of great love, others admire the processing of religious subjects and the depth of philosophy. And there are readers who will remember only the merry adventures of the huge black cat of Behemoth and the cheerless poseur of Koroviev.

Well, everyone is right. Because all this is in the novel. A multi-layered work in which the mysticism and realism were bizarrely intertwined, Moscow of the 30's and the biblical Jerusalem. Here the devil talks about God, the Master writes a novel, and the fifth procurator of Judea awaits a crazy prisoner, with whom he did not have time to finish talking about something very important.

Books that every girl must read before the age of 25 should not be collections of culinary recipes and not advice on losing weight. Adulthood is not only skills and abilities. This is also spiritual development. It is necessary to choose literature that not only enthralls, but also helps to rise a step higher, better understand yourself and the world around. The best novel by Mikhail Bulgakov will be appreciated by an experienced reader, and a person who only enters the world of great literature.

Always topical classics

Books, which every girl must read before the age of 27, hardly makes sense to list. Tastes have long been formed and what does not meet the interests will be mercilessly rejected. But there is one thing that can not be overlooked. Becoming older, people understand the classics better. What seemed stupid and boring in school suddenly filled with feelings and meaning.

It is worth trying to re-read the novels, which only ten years ago were unbearably dreary and monstrously endless.

Anna Karenina is not just a book about how a woman left her husband for a lover. It is also the story of a man who could not find himself, his place in life, and therefore lost everything.

"Idiot" - a novel about a man who was so afraid of hurting someone, that he could not do anything at all. Helpless before any choice, he by his inaction destroyed the lives of others and his.

Yes, these are only variants of the interpretation of literary works, the reader can see this story, or maybe quite another. But this is good! That and attracts the world of literature, which allows everyone to see in the book not only the author, but himself.

Books that every girl must read before the age of 30 can be different. Cheerful and sad, intelligent and naive, kind and tough. The main thing is that they should be. Then reality will not turn into a boring monotonous highway tape, laid along the route home-work-house. Books are oases on this path, windows to another, a bright world. Sometimes it's so important, when there is an opportunity to rest from everything, to escape from reality and just read a good novel.

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