
Blood in defecation in women: causes

Normally, stool masses should not have any blood impurities in their composition. Even minor inclusions of it are a sign of serious enough diseases. Most often, bleeding is diagnosed with hemorrhoids or anal fissures. However, the list of ailments is not limited to these pathologies.

general information

Blood during defecation in women is a fairly common problem, which should be the reason for an immediate call to a doctor. This symptom can indicate the presence of a variety of diseases, ranging from hemorrhoids and ending with colon cancer.

Experts, based on the nature of bleeding, identify the following forms:

  • Weak.
  • Moderate.
  • Strong.

With a weak form during defecation, blood appears in small amounts (a few drops). As a rule, the patient does not experience any obvious discomfort or painful sensations. Moderate bleeding is also often left unattended. A strong form is characterized by a large number of blood clots in the feces, the patient has a decrease in blood pressure, and in some cases even a loss of consciousness.

Main reasons

Most often, the blood during defecation in women appears with the following pathologies:

  • Hemorrhoids.
  • Cracks in the rectum.
  • Diverticulosis.
  • Polyps.
  • Cancer of the colon.


The development of this disease is based on varicose veins in the rectum. Blood after defecation on paper is a clear sign of this pathology.

It appears due to the consequent damage to the so-called hemorrhoidal cones by the calves in the case of constipation. Such secretions, as a rule, are not characterized by painful sensations. Discomfort occurs only if the disease is accompanied by anal fissures or paraproctitis.

Rectal cracks

The defeat of the mucous often occurs from the constant stretching of its walls with large calves. Scarlet blood during defecation in women remains on toilet paper and even on underwear. Patients, as a rule, complain of severe pain in the anus. In some cases, drops of blood can appear after serious physical work or attempts at constipation.

It is important to note that with cracks in the rectum, bleeding does not mix with the feces. Slime is either completely absent, or comes out in small amounts. If spotting is mixed with feces, there are likely to be tumor intestinal diseases.


With this pathology, small protrusions gradually form on the walls of the intestine. According to experts, the disease develops due to the weakness of these walls. The diverticula itself is not accompanied by obvious clinical signs until they are directly inflamed. As a consequence, there is a rupture of protrusions, the patient's temperature rises, severe pains appear in the abdomen.

If such pathological changes affect the mucous membrane of the diverticulum, blood appears at the end of the defecation. When the inflammatory process occurs in the sigmoid colon, the allocation is predominantly scarlet. When the pathology develops, dark and even black blood appears in the right parts of the intestine. Such a state should alert everyone and become an impetus for seeking qualified help.


Polyps are benign neoplasms. For a long time, the patient may not notice the presence of new "inhabitants" of the intestine. In some cases, diarrhea or constipation is observed.

The danger of this pathology is that, in the absence of timely treatment, polyps can be transformed into a cancer tumor. Their surface often bleeds. The larger the size of the lesion, the more easily the polyp itself is damaged.

Colon cancer

This is the most common type of oncology, which ends every year with a lethal outcome for hundreds of thousands of people around the world. A clear sign of the disease is blood in the emptying of the intestine, and the discharge is not accompanied by painful sensations. They, as a rule, for quite a long time may be the only symptom of the ailment. Patients confuse him with hemorrhoids or other non-life-threatening illnesses, as a result, do not hurry to the doctor. Moreover, many people try to cope with the problem independently, resorting to the help of recipes of traditional medicine.

This approach to fighting pathology is wrong. When the blood at the end of defecation increases in volume, the patient decides to see a doctor. By this time, the disease is already moving to a new stage, which significantly hampers its therapy.

In the group of risk of bowel cancer, first of all, people aged 45 and above, as well as those who have previously been diagnosed with polyps.

Blood during defecation in women during pregnancy

Many ladies in the position often note scarlet discharge from the anus. Most often with such a problem you have to face in the last months of pregnancy. Doctors explain her appearance by the most common disease called hemorrhoids.

Do not worry too early. The development of hemorrhoids is associated with a change in the habitual localization of certain internal organs. After the appearance of the baby in the light, as a rule, the body of the lady is completely restored.

If the blood after defecation on paper increases in volumes, hemorrhoids interfere with the habitual way of life, it is recommended to seek medical help from a doctor. Taking into account the interesting position of a woman, the specialist prescribes appropriate treatment. As a rule, it is based on the removal of existing constipation and the removal of painful sensations.

To normalize the work of the digestive tract, it is recommended that women completely reconsider their habitual diet. It is necessary to use more sour-milk products, to avoid heavy and harmful food. An excellent laxative effect differs many dried fruits, for example, prunes.

The conservative methods of treatment include the following: the administration of antihemorrhoidal suppositories, lubrication of the anus with special ointments and creams. Such medications do not adversely affect the fetus inside the womb, since they act exclusively locally. Included in their composition components prevent the formation of thrombi, relieve inflammation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. Before taking any medications it is very important to consult a doctor so as not to harm the fetus.

Other conditions in which there is a discharge of blood during defecation

  • Crohn's disease / nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Both pathologies are associated with impairments in the functioning of the immune system. In this case, patients are diagnosed with ulceration of the mucosa, severe pain in the abdominal region, and fever.
  • Thrombosis of mesenteric vessels.
  • Colitis after radiation therapy.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Ischemic colitis.
  • Some forms of helminthic invasion.

What to do? Necessary treatment

Diagnosis and therapy of pathologies that provoke the appearance of blood during defecation is performed by a proctologist, oncologist, gastroenterologist or therapist. If the patient has doubts about which specialist to apply, the therapist should be visited first. He must appoint a series of tests and conduct an examination. By results of tests it is possible to define the reason why there is a blood at an emptying of an intestine, and to go already to the narrow expert on reception.

To clarify the specifics of the disease, the doctor can additionally conduct an examination of the anus, palpation of the lower part of the intestine, prescribe irrigoscopy and sigmoidoscopy.

Taking into account the fact that a variety of diseases can act as a cause of bleeding, there is no single way to treat this pathology. First of all, it is necessary to determine the ailment that provoked it, and then to proceed to the therapeutic course.


In this article, we examined in as much detail the main reasons why blood appears during defecation. Treatment of this pathology in each case is assigned individually depending on the initial disease. Currently, medicine can not offer a universal remedy for bleeding from the anus.

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