
Aspergillosis of birds: description, symptoms, treatment and prevention

Aspergillosis is an infectious disease, caused by fungi Aspergillius. This ailment affects not only birds, but also farm animals. To date, there are two forms of this ailment - acute and chronic. After reading this article, you will understand whether it is possible to eat meat of birds, sick with aspergillosis.

A Brief Historical Reference

For the first time, mold fungi were found in bronchi and light birds as far back as 1815. They were found by the German scientist A. Meyer. Forty years later, in 1855, they were revealed by another scientist, Fresenius, who was studying the respiratory system of birds. It was he who gave the name to this disease.

Over time, it was found that this infection affects not only birds, but also many mammals. This is one of the most common mold mycoses officially registered in most world states. The disease causes massive economic damage to poultry farms, as more than half of the young population die from it.

How does the infection occur?

Most often, aspergillosis of birds occurs due to fungus Aspergillus flavus, but it also happens that it is provoked by other pathogenic microorganisms. It is established that the causative agent of the disease is found in the reproductive material, fodder grain and soil. Fungi are resistant to high temperatures, so they actively multiply and develop even at 45 degrees. Some varieties of Aspergillus are not afraid of chemicals and disinfectant fluids.

In most cases, infection occurs aerogenic. As a rule, individuals are infected, but sometimes the disease becomes massive. Outbreaks of aspergillosis occur exclusively when there is a sufficient number of pathogenic microorganisms. The source of infection is most often the infected litter in the henhouse.

Another cause is considered to be a resistance disorder caused by the use of immunosuppressive drugs, an improperly formulated diet or stress. Also, infection can occur during exposure to infected individuals.

How does Aspergillosis proceed?

Symptoms in birds differ depending on age. The disease can occur in acute or chronic form. The first is usually found in chickens under the age of thirty. The first symptoms appear three days after the infection. Sometimes this period decreases to one day or increases to ten.

Chickens infected with spores of the fungus have a lag in growth, difficulty and rapid breathing. They become sluggish. Recognize aspergillosis of birds can be one characteristic feature. Infected individuals begin to stretch their necks and swallow air. At an acute current, at least half of the infected young animals die. In some cases, they develop diarrhea, coughing and discharge from the eyes.

Symptoms of aspergillosis in adults

Laying hens usually develop a chronic form. The course of the disease is somewhat different from that observed in young cattle. In adult birds:

  • Expulsion from the nose and eyes.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Difficulty breathing, shortness of breath and cough.
  • Death of embryos.
  • Exhaustion.

Chickens stop rushing. Some individuals experience paralysis leading to death.

Aspergillosis of birds: diagnosis

An experienced farmer easily recognizes the disease. To confirm the diagnosis, corpses of dead birds are sent for autopsy. As a rule, in their air sacs and lungs are found whole colonies of microorganisms, in appearance resemble small yellowish granules, crumbling under the scissors. In the process of opening the hatching eggs of laying hens, dark green or black spots are clearly visible on their sub shells.

In the future, the resulting biomaterial, collected using certain antiseptics, is sent to a laboratory study. Specialists are sowing on special environments. As a rule, Agar is used for these purposes on the basis of the Czapek solution or dextrose. Since it takes at least ten days for the final result to be obtained, the treatment is started before the final diagnosis is made. The rather low efficiency of serological tests is associated with the uncharacteristic nature of the antigens.

Methods of healing

Farmers who realized that their livestock has been diagnosed with aspergillosis of birds, whose treatment is reduced to the destruction of the causative agent of the disease, should immediately begin to act. These microorganisms are sensitive to iodine-containing drugs and antibiotics of the antifungal spectrum. This feature should be used not only in medical, but also for preventive purposes.

At the slightest suspicion of aspergillosis in birds, the treatment of broilers should begin with mandatory aerosol treatment of the livestock. It is advisable to do this indoors. Ill-treated individuals were given potassium iodide , calculated at 0.15 milligrams per head. Copper vitriol, diluted in a ratio of 1: 2000, proved to be quite good. The bird needs to drink this liquid for five days.

Additionally, it is possible to give chickens antibiotics of the antifungal spectrum. It should be noted that the effectiveness of such drugs usually does not justify their cost. You can use medicines such as "Intraconazole" or "Mycoplasma". It is desirable to select antibiotics individually.

Preparations suitable for aerosol treatment

In a room where individuals live, in which aspergillosis of birds is diagnosed, special means must be sprayed to prevent further spread of pathogens. For this purpose, iodine monochloride can be used . In this case, the treatment is carried out by wire or sublimation with aluminum powder. One millimeter of poultry house requires 0.5 milliliters of the drug. If the room is poorly sealed, it is advisable to double the dosage. Half an hour after treatment, the chicken coop is thoroughly ventilated.

Not bad proved to be chlorcupidar. Processing is carried out by sublimation. One cubic meter will require 0.2 milliliters of turpentine and bleach. Iodotriethylene glycol can also be sprayed into the room. This treatment is carried out for five consecutive days. After a 48-hour break, it must be repeated.

Preventive measures

Such a complex and dangerous disease, like aspergillosis of birds, is more difficult to treat than prevent. For the purpose of prevention, daily cleaning and disinfection of containers intended for drinking water should be carried out. To avoid the possible spread of infection, it is recommended to water birds with a solution of copper sulfate, prepared in a 1: 2000 ratio. But this method can not be considered a panacea, since it does not guarantee complete protection of the livestock from the harmful effects of pathogens. Specialists do not advise too often to resort to this method.

For prevention purposes, a special vaccine can be used. To reduce the number of microorganisms, the house must be systematically ventilated. It is desirable that in the room intended for keeping chickens there was natural ventilation.

The basis of the diet of poultry must be high-quality feed prepared in full accordance with generally accepted standards. It is recommended to use dry closed rooms for their storage. To avoid the rapid development of microorganisms that provoke aspergillosis in birds, one should get rid of dampness in the hen house. It is recommended to dispose of uneaten food by burning.

Measures taken during an outbreak

If, despite all the preventive measures taken, in the poultry farm the infection of the livestock occurred, it is necessary to conduct a whole complex of actions aimed at arresting the disease.

First of all, you need to identify all sources of infection and exclude from the bird's diet all questionable food. Individuals who have already begun paralysis should be surely destroyed. After this, it is necessary to disinfect the house in the presence of feathered inhabitants. Also, you need to get rid of all litter and litter in a timely manner. Such a competent approach will allow to significantly reduce the mortality of a livestock or completely avoid initiation.

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