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Are you sure that you drink water correctly? 16 cases when it is not so

If you do not drink for several days, your body will suffer. But the idea that you need to drink eight glasses a day is not entirely correct. This theory is not supported by any clinical studies. People for some reason perceive this recommendation as fact, but ignore the fact that most of the necessary fluids are already contained in their food. Now the water is constantly recommended to everyone who wants to lose weight, and last year the sales of bottled water reached a record level. Of course, the level of body hydration is important, but not in the form in which it is offered by fashion. Find out if you do anything wrong!

You do not take into account the water that is contained in food

Almost twenty percent of liquid intake is from solid foods, especially vegetables and fruits. Of course, you need to monitor how much water you drink, but you can replenish the stock and vegetables. For example, a cucumber consists of water more than ninety percent. Lettuce, celery, tomatoes, watermelons, grapefoots and green peppers - all these products consist of water. In addition, they have a lot of vitamins and nutrients. Eating an impressive percentage of the necessary liquid is a great way to achieve your goals in a healthy lifestyle, so try to take this into account in your diet and not rely solely on drinking.

You drink too much

Many people drink enough, listening to thirst. If you force yourself to drink more, you may overdo it. The water can indeed be too much, which even harms the body. The level of salt in this case is greatly reduced, which can lead to brain edema, seizures and coma. Under normal conditions, you need to drink too much to achieve this state, however, if you run or sweat too intensively, you can quickly come to such a state. To avoid this, you need to monitor the balance of electrolytes.

You are in vain refusing caffeine

You probably know that caffeine spurs metabolism and helps to focus. At the same time, many are convinced that it can lead to dehydration due to the fact that it acts as a diuretic. In fact, it's a myth. Do not be afraid to enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning! In addition, it is proved that this is a healthy drink. Do not deprive yourself of its advantages due to stereotypes!

You leave a glass of water on the bedside table

If you drink a lot before going to bed, you have to get up at night. Try to reduce your fluid intake before going to bed, it will allow your body to better absorb water. Visit the toilet, before going to bed, so that nothing would interfere with your rest.

You drink water from plastic bottles

This is a widely known fact: drinking from plastic bottles is not worth it. These bottles contain chemicals that affect hormones that cause infertility in both men and women, leading to cancer and excess weight. Better get a reusable bottle and always take water with you.

You do not supplement water with lemon

If you add a couple of lemon slices to the water, it will taste better, in addition, it will help you lose weight. Lemons contain a powerful antioxidant, which helps to cleanse the body of toxins. In addition, so you get an extra portion of vitamin C, which reduces the level of cortisol, a stress hormone. Be sure to try, this method is guaranteed to you.

You do not drink after waking up

If you do not drink water in the morning, your metabolism suffers. One of the simplest and cheapest ways to spur metabolism is to consume water immediately after awakening. The thing is that during the sleep the metabolic process slows down. In addition, the body spends all the night hours without the fluid necessary for different processes. Drink a little more to activate the work of the body, especially it is important for those who are trying to bring back to normal body weight.

You do not drink water when you drink alcohol

Alcohol reduces the production of antidiuretic hormone in the body, so that dehydration may occur. You may not feel the best way, so try to drink ordinary water when you drink alcohol to neutralize the negative impact of alcohol.

You do not understand when you are thirsty, not hungry

This is a common problem. Very many people confuse hunger and thirst. As a result, when you feel like drinking, you can decide to eat. This will lead to the fact that you will get more calories than it would cost. When next time you think about a snack, try to drink a glass of water and wait for twenty minutes. If the hunger still does not pass, then you can have a snack. This technique will allow you to keep the figure in the norm and maintain the body in a healthy state.

You do not drink green tea

Water remains water, even if it has a tea bag. To get the most benefit, try to drink green tea. The researchers found that this is the most effective way to combat excess weight: tea contains catechins, antioxidants, accelerating metabolism. If you drink at least a cup a day, the effect can still be noticeable.

You drink bottled tea

Yes, tea is really nothing worse than water, but only when you brew it yourself, and do not buy in a bottle. The thing is that recent studies have shown: you need to drink twenty bottles of tea in order to get the same amount of antioxidants that are in the cup of the beverage brewed at home. In addition, the shade of such teas is obtained from the dye. They have a lot of sugar, which will not help you lose weight, but rather, it will act quite the contrary.

You drink only ice water

Ayurveda believes that the body is easier to absorb warm water, besides it has a milder effect on the stomach. However, you could hear that cold water accelerates metabolism. In fact, this is not confirmed by any studies. The water temperature does not matter, so drink it both warm and cold.

You drink useful bottled water

Yes, this drink is actually called water, but there are as many calories and sugar as in the cola. Vitamin varieties are not at all what is really useful. If you need a drink with taste and aroma, just add a slice of lemon, strawberries and mint.

You use artificial sweeteners

In some varieties of beverages there are artificial colors, flavors and sweeteners. This is very bad. Scientists have determined that sucralose can act incorrectly on receptors and force a person to overeat.

You drink too little when you feel tired

You do not always need coffee for vivacity. Water should be drunk not only for moistening, but also for raising the energy level. Even mild dehydration can seriously reduce a person's energy level. All because the brain is eighty percent water. Your mental abilities depend heavily on liquids. Drink a glass of water and notice how your cognitive abilities improve.

You are not drinking enough

According to modern data, no one is obliged to drink three liters of water per day. It is worth knowing that most healthy people consume the required amount of water, simply by responding to thirst. If you feel hunger, your mouth is dry or your urine becomes too yellow, you drink too little. Take a bottle of water with you and drink regularly from it. If you do not do this, your body can be seriously affected.

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