LawRegulatory Compliance

Application to the registrar: how much should you give before the marriage ceremony?

The decision to marry must be conscious and serious. Once it is accepted, large-scale preparation begins. The day of marriage is important not only because of the appearance of seals in the passports of spouses. The wedding is a big lavish holiday, and it is not surprising that all newlyweds want to celebrate it at their best. But everything begins always with an official ceremony. And before her statement to the registrar for how much you can apply in our country?

Choose a number and go to the registry office

Many newlyweds choose the date of their marriage on some personal preferences. Some use numerology to calculate the most favorable number, others prefer to sign on the anniversary of acquaintance or on some major holiday. For how many it is necessary to file an application with the registrar, if you want to arrange a wedding on a certain day? According to the legislation of our country, registration of the marriage is carried out within a month from the date of the application. But keep in mind that if you come exactly in a month, there might not be any vacant seats on the chosen day. Employees of the registry office are required to accept the application and two months before the scheduled date, but earlier it will not work.

Online application to the registrar: for how much to file?

You can visit the site of public services and book the date you want in advance. After that, about a month to visit a real institution and duplicate the application you still have to. This method is ideal for couples who wish to sign up for the very season of weddings or some special beautiful date. As you can see, it is not necessary to fill in the application form for registering a marriage in the registry office at the last minute. There is an opinion among the people that you can try to book the date in advance and in the registry office yourself, having talked to the staff in person. It is possible that someone really succeeds, but remember: there are no guarantees. In addition, the solution of issues with the help of money, gifts or personal relationships is illegal in our state.

Special circumstances

The registrar may order marriage registration on any day after the application is submitted. If you want to sign as soon as possible, you need to indicate the reason for this rush. In this case it does not matter, the application to the registrar for how much to file. Without an interview with his supervisor, you will not achieve anything. Respectful reasons to approach the date of marriage are pregnancy or the birth of a child. Also, you can declare you husband and wife without waiting for a month, in the event that one of the married people is seriously ill.

The legislation of the Russian Federation provides for other "special conditions". In this category, you can enter any personal circumstances, and if the registry office recognizes them as significant, the wedding can be appointed at least for tomorrow. If the date is not fundamentally important to you, then as soon as the decision to legitimize the relationship is unanimously - go write a statement to the registrar. For how much to file, in this case you decide not, you have to choose only the date available within the next month. Please note that during this time to prepare for the wedding is not so simple. Therefore, it makes sense to spend several weeks to choose clothes, search for cars for the tuple and photographers. And only after this, to submit an application, after which you can finish preparations for the celebration.

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