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Appetizers for the winter from tomatoes: recipes with horseradish, with pepper, with cucumbers

A rich harvest from your favorite garden does not always bring joy: it is sometimes impossible to quickly eat everything that rises on it. It becomes insulting if vegetables, in particular tomatoes, begin to deteriorate. But fresh vitamin salads bother them, but they do not bother to fully salt them. Despair is not worth it, because the solution to this problem exists, you just need to spend a little free time on it. In this article I would like to offer some ideas on how to prepare the most delicious snacks for the winter from tomatoes. For their basis, however, not only tomatoes are taken, but also other vegetables, greens for a variety of tastes. Efforts to prepare the proposed snacks will have to be done relatively little, but in the cold season there will always be something to pamper relatives and guests. Many experienced housewives must know for sure what kind of snacks from tomato for the winter (recipes that can be modified by them) like their family.

The most popular way of cooking

This classic snack for pepper and tomato winter is ideal for those who appreciate simplicity and do not like to spend half a day in the kitchen, rolling up jars. It turns out to measure a dense and fragrant vegetable stew, universal in terms of combining it with other products. So, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 3 kilograms of tomatoes (ripe and red);
  • 1 kilogram of onion;
  • A kilogram of carrots;
  • Kilogram of Bulgarian pepper.

The course of preparation is simple. Carrots three on a grater, onions shinkle half rings, and tomatoes and peppers are cut arbitrarily by slices. We combine them together and cook on low heat, adding sugar and salt to the vegetable mix, to taste, slightly more than half a glass of oil (sunflower). Boil a snack should be a half to two hours, not forgetting to add at the end of 1 st. A spoonful of vinegar (for procurement, it is better to buy 70%). Finished dish to spread on hot clean jars, roll up and clean for cooling in a warm place. It remains to wait for the winter to taste with the family such a simple but tasty assortment of garden gifts.

Those who prefer more nourishing snacks for the winter from tomatoes, rice (long-grain parboiled, as a rule) will come to the rescue. So, in the middle of the cooking, add two cups of washed and boiled to half-ready cereals. Delicious!

Tomatoes with cucumbers - the best union

Snack for the winter from cucumbers and tomatoes "Lubava" to your attention. This salad includes:

  • Cucumbers - about 2 kilograms;
  • 2 kg of tomatoes (ripe);
  • A kilogram of sweet lettuce;
  • Kilogram of onions;
  • A bunch of greenery (to your taste).

We cut all vegetables with mugs, and chop the greens. Add to the resulting company half a liter of sunflower oil, 1 tsp. 70% of acetic essence, five st. L. Sugar and two st. L. Salt. All mixed, then leave the mixture for half an hour, so that the vegetables are allowed to juice and brewed. We set to cook it for an hour. We put the snack hot in sterilized jars, preferably for storage take half-liter. We roll up and leave them for the night, wrapped in something that keeps the heat, for a smooth cooling.

In addition to "Lubava", you can take on the arsenal of an alternative and no less delicious option of cooking a vegetable delicacy. Appetizer (for the winter) from cucumbers and tomatoes "Lakomka" is offered to your attention.

This layered salad reminds you of a colorful and sunny summer and will give a portion of vitamins on a cold winter or autumn day. It should be noted that it is absolutely worthwhile to start up all overgrown cucumbers, which were rejected for pickling. To lay out a ready snack is better in liter or half-liter jars, depending on the number of eaters in the family. In each of them we pour vegetable oil: in 1 liter each. L., In half-liter, respectively, at ½ st. L. In equal proportions, we cut cucumbers, tomatoes, sweet pepper and onion on rings, spreading them straight through the banks in thin alternating layers.

Now you need to prepare the fill. For 3.5 glasses of water we put two st. L. Sugar, we also lower the generous st. L. Table salt and half a glass of 9% vinegar. Bring the marinade to a boil, then immediately pour the vegetables. About seven to ten minutes, depending on the capacity of the can, sterilize them and roll them up. We turn each jar and put it in a warm place for a day.

Similar appetizer with cornichons

At the bottom of half-liter cans lay out the spices with which you can usually preserve food. Small tomatoes and strong cucumbers (gherkins) cut across, circles. Combine them in one dish and mix thoroughly, and then fill them with jars. Marinade is offered to them unusual: in 1 liter of water it is necessary to stir 1 can of tomato paste (400-450 g), add two st. L. Salt, almost a full glass of sugar. All boil together. Do not let cool fill, immediately fill it with tomato-cucumber mixture, sterilize the jars for ten minutes. Roll them with metal covers. It turns out insanely delicious appetizer of tomato for the winter combined with crispy cucumbers. You can also consider this option, when cucumbers and tomatoes in such a filling are prepared separately.

Green tomatoes are also a delicacy!

If you have never heard of salads with unripened tomatoes and have not tried anything like this - you must certainly catch up. Below are a few recipes with this vegetable in the title role.

What is the most delicious appetizer of green tomatoes for the winter? Recipes for salads "Uslad", "By Standard" and "Green Light" are at your service.

If the red tomatoes are not enough, and the green blush is not in a hurry, we will start processing both. The course of cooking "Uslady" is as follows:

  • Cut slices 2 kilos of green tomatoes and 1 kg of red.
  • Add 1 kg of onion, shredded semirings.
  • 1 kg of grated carrots.
  • 1 kg of sweet pepper, cut into rings.
  • Sand of sugar will require 200 grams, and salt - 2 large st. L.
  • Pour a glass of oil (vegetable) and mix everything as it should.
  • We put the next snack on a moderate fire to cook for one hour, stir regularly.
  • At the end of the preparation, we put into it a teaspoon of vinegar (70%).
  • Even in the hot state we fill it with sterilized cans, close them with lids and leave them for the night, wrapped in warm clothes to keep the heat.

Many have long been fond of this particular appetizer from tomatoes (for the winter). "Real jam!" - so speak about it. Unripened tomatoes in it appear to the best of juicy and fragrant. Preparation plan:

  • Select the same medium-sized green tomatoes, rinse and slice each.
  • Inside a single vegetable put a piece of parsley and a plate of garlic (not the entire denticle). Fill them with 1 liter cans.
  • Now it's the marinade. On a liter of water we put 1 tbsp. L. Salt, 2 tablespoons. L. Granulated sugar and half a l. Vinegar. The resulting mixture is boiled. Hot marinade pour into tomatoes.
  • Wait 15 minutes, then drain the brine back into the pot and bring it to a boil again, pour it into the jars again. It remains to roll them up, turn them around and wrap them in warm clothes until they cool down completely.

Even the most refined salads and appetizers of a tomato for the winter will not equal the "Green Sparkle". This dish resembles sweet lecho, tomatoes in which give a special flavor and uniqueness to the dish. It should be prepared as follows:

  • First, prepare the vegetables. 2.5 kg of juicy scarlet tomatoes are ground in a blender or meat grinder.
  • We select 2 kg of green (it is better to take the smallest ones), since they are used entirely.
  • 3 kg of lettuce pepper cut into slices along and across.
  • In this recipe, a bitter pepper (zest of snacks) is obligatory - 30 grams of small grams, finely chop it.
  • We will do the same with 4 bunches of parsley.
  • Chop 300 grams of garlic. All the mix.
  • Now in a large saucepan we prepare marinade, for which it will be required: half a liter of clean water, two st. L. Vinegar (6%), 4 large tablespoons of table salt and almost a glass of sugar, and a half cup of oil (sunflower).
  • Bring the ingredients together to a boil and gently dip the prepared vegetable mixture into it.
  • We boil for fifteen minutes, constantly interfering. Quickly put the finished vegetables in sterilized jars, but do not remove them into heat. On the contrary, it is necessary to cool the finished product and store it in the cold.

It turned out to be quite an unusual, but uncomplicated snack from green tomatoes for the winter. Recipes of these three ways of marinating this vegetable are the most popular and approved by many talented housewives.

On a note

Mistresses trying to find an original way of how to prepare a snack from tomatoes for the winter can take advantage of the following.

  1. In filling one liter of water will be a glass of sugar, two st. L. Salt and four tablespoons of butter (conventional vegetable), a tablespoon of 70% vinegar.
  2. In the boiling marinade we spread the sliced Bulgarian pepper.
  3. We cook it from the moment of boiling exactly 7 minutes.
  4. Then take out the vegetable with a noise, put the pepper as tightly as possible into half-liter cans (previously sterilized).
  5. Add in each 3-4 small cloves of garlic, we top up the marinade up to the top, roll.
  6. We remove the jars until they cool down completely into heat.

And the remaining marinade after cooking pepper is used for pouring tomatoes. Fork or toothpick each and poke into sterilized jars. Add a piece of cloves and sweet pepper, pour all the same brine, boiling it. We wait a quarter of an hour, then we merge the marinade into a saucepan, once again we heat it on fire and fill it with cans again. We roll it up and put it into the fur coat for a slow cooling down. Many recognize that this snack of tomatoes for the winter - "lick your fingers", not otherwise! Especially praise is the brine with its harmonious aftertaste left by the pepper.

Aromatic appetizer of tomatoes with garlic for the winter

Very simple and understandable even for a beginner in canning seasoning products. Usually all the snacks from the tomato for the winter, the recipes of which are offered in various culinary books, Internet forums, prescribe the use of various spices, but this does not provide for them.

  • To prepare marinade for 3 liters of pure water, take 3.5 st. L. Table salt without a slide and 12 tbsp. L. Sugar without a roller coaster.
  • In each tomato stick a slice of garlic.
  • We put the tomatoes as tightly as possible in sterilized jars, pour in them just removed from the fire marinade.
  • After waiting 15 minutes, the brine is drained into a saucepan, boiled, and finally poured tomatoes.
  • Do not forget about vinegar. On one three-liter jar calculated 1 tbsp. L. Vinegar (70%).
  • Top with tomatoes sprinkled with red pepper, roll.

Ideal seasoning for dumplings

Without attention should not remain and this snack of tomatoes with garlic for the winter. By the way, in addition to dumplings, it will be well combined with pasta, meat dishes and even simple bread.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • 5 kilograms of scarlet ripened tomatoes.
  • 1 kg of sweet pepper.
  • 350 grams of garlic.
  • 300 grams of dill.
  • 200-250 grams of parsley.
  • 2 stacks. Oil (sunflower).

Separately we pass vegetables through a meat grinder. Tomatoes are cooked for 2 hours. After that, they pour in a heavily heated (before the smoke) oil. Add the pepper, cook for almost an hour. We pour the chopped greens, boil the vegetables for another quarter of an hour. The same operation is also carried out with garlic. As soon as the mixture boils, we spread it over sterilized jars and roll it up. So, one more tasty appetizer from a tomato for the winter will replenish stocks of your pickled delicacies.

Proven recipes with pepper

Salad "Jelly" - this is probably the most exemplary appetizer for the winter of pepper and tomatoes. It is universal, as it improves the taste of any dish. In order for the seasoning to work out as it should, the Bulgarian pepper should be red and large. And it will need 5 kilograms.

  • Pepper, clean, rinse and cut into 4 parts.
  • 2.5 kilograms of tomatoes and 300 grams of garlic chopped in a meat grinder.
  • To them add 300 grams of sunflower oil; Introduce a glass of sugar and 4 good tablespoons of salt.
  • Pour chopped parsley or any other greens, pour 1/3 cup of vinegar (table).
  • Put the vegetable stew on the fire and allow it to boil, then boil for another twenty minutes.
  • Add the prepared pepper. From the moment of boiling, simmer the mixture for another 20 minutes.
  • To lay out the ready dish in ready sterilized cans, add them with tomato filling to the brim, roll up.
  • To snacks for the winter from tomatoes and pepper did not explode, the banks with them should be put upside down and overlaid with warm things.

Fried salad "Moldavanka"

  1. We cut with fine straw 2 kg of the most red, juicy tomatoes.
  2. 2 kilograms of onions and 2 kilograms of sweet pepper, too shinkuem.
  3. Separately fry vegetables in vegetable oil and mix.
  4. Add about 3-4 wedges of peeled and chopped garlic, salt to taste, season with ground red and black pepper.
  5. Mixing, a little extinguish the future salad. We lay out on the banks (total will be about 8), sterilize a quarter of an hour, carefully rolled.

In the ingredients try to include carrots, cooked on the same principle.

In fact, all the snacks for the winter from tomatoes can be modified and adjusted to suit their tastes, there are no strict restrictions. Enjoy!

Tomatoes with pepper in own juice

A natural and simple snack is ideal for those who do not have much free time. Tomatoes cut into slices and put into half-liter jars, pouring rings of Bulgarian pepper and finely chopped parsley with dill. Shake the jar to make the styling more dense. It only remains to expose the cans to 15-minute sterilization - and can be rolled up.

Horseradish snack will not spoil!

This appetizer of tomato for the winter with horseradish is definitely the favorite among many others, because everyone remembers what delicious sandwiches are obtained with her. For her, it is better to take away the most red and even ripe tomatoes. To cook this hot sauce is not problematic, it will take a minimum of time. So, the original snack from tomato for the winter (with horseradish) is prepared this way:

  1. We take 3 kilograms of ripe tomatoes and scroll them either in a meat grinder or in a food processor.
  2. We put on low fire and from the moment of boiling, cook the mixture for 25 minutes, stir regularly.
  3. From the roots of horseradish we remove the top layer, grind them in a meat grinder or blender.
  4. In the same way, prepare garlic, which will need 100-120 grams, and half a kilo of pepper salad (sweet).
  5. They, along with horseradish, are added to the company for tomatoes, mixed until homogeneous and cooked for about ten minutes. In the end, pour 2 tbsp. Spoons of sugar, as well as 3 tbsp. Spoons of table salt, add ground black pepper to taste.
  6. We distribute the seasoning on clean cans and cover with metal lids.

Appetizer of horseradish and tomato for the winter is also called in the people "horseradess" or "hrenovina." And despite such a variety of names, its taste is unchanged. In any case, it turns out to be sharp and moderately vigorous, but at the same time juicy and aromatic seasoning, which they like to spread on bread, simply eat with spoons, fill it with basic dishes, etc. Many recognize that it can not be compared in composition and flavor characteristics With shop ketchup and mayonnaise and is an unquestionable leader among sauces.

Here, for example, another option for cooking this dish without cooking. Appetizer of horseradish and tomato (for the winter) "Fiery Miracle" includes the following products:

  • 6-7 roots of this plant (small);
  • Ripe tomatoes - 2.5 kilograms;
  • 3 garlic cloves;
  • 4 tbsp. Tablespoons of salt and granulated sugar;
  • Vinegar (9%) - 6 tbsp. L.

Course of preparation:

  • First of all, it is necessary to treat the roots of horseradish, thoroughly washing them, soaking for an hour in plain water and then cleaning with a knife.
  • After that, scroll them either in a meat grinder or in a food processor.
  • Shredded horseradish with salt and forget about it for a while, letting it brew.
  • The queue for tomatoes: they also pass through the combine, you can whip it in a blender.
  • Grind the garlic.
  • Next, in a saucepan, combine the latter with the tomato slurry and the gruel from the horseradish roots.
  • Blend the mixture, send, pour in it the specified amount of vinegar.
  • After thoroughly mixing the snack, leave it in the fridge for a day or two.

The horseradish is unfolded over clean cans and closed with ordinary lids. However, keeping the horserader better in the refrigerator, and it will stay there until winter.

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