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Analysis of the internal environment of the organization. Analysis of the external environment of the company

Any organization is and performs its functioning in an environment, both external and internal. In order for it to become successful in the modern market, it is necessary to regularly analyze its activities and development prospects. Let us consider this in more detail.

Analysis of the internal environment of the organization

The internal environment is the same potential that will enable the company to function successfully and to exist, and, therefore, to survive and develop over a specific time frame.

Analysis of the internal environment of the organization includes:

  • Evaluation of existing strategies and application of the company's potential;
  • Comparative characteristics of competitive advantages;
  • Identification of weak (strong) parties and strategic tasks.

The analysis of the internal environment of the organization, first of all, is based on the characteristic of the current strategy, which can not be "measured" by a generalized single indicator, since it affects a large number of aspects of the organization's functioning. For this, a number of indicators are also highlighted. Let us consider them in more detail.

First, the indicators of internal and external effectiveness of the strategy are highlighted. The most unprofitable situation for the organization will be if there are excellent indicators of the company's functioning with a low demand for its products.

Secondly, system-wide and private indicators are used: the achievement of the result and the state of the system.

Thirdly, economic indicators need to be confirmed by the effectiveness of the company's behavioral data.

Analysis of the internal environment of the organization should also take into account a number of indicators. The fundamental ones are:

  1. The effectiveness of the company, that is, the ability to achieve its goals and objectives.
  2. Economical - the amount and rationality with the use of resources that are allocated to the production of goods.
  3. Profitability, which takes into account the relationship between costs and revenues.
  4. Productivity of the organization, which is expressed by the value of profitability.
  5. Change in the market share, which can be expressed not only in the increase, but also in the reduction in the number of market sectors for the sale of products.

The analysis of the main indicators should be supplemented by an assessment of the basic areas and a detailed description of those projects that are carried out by the firm and have the greatest, strategic importance.

But any company operates in the marketplace. Therefore, it is also necessary to characterize the external environment of the organization. In this case it is recommended to analyze the entities that are outside the company and which influence its activities.

The external environment includes two levels: a marco and a microenvironment. Let us consider them in more detail.

Macromedia includes such components as economic, political, legal, social, technological, natural-geographical and so on. Its analysis is recommended when it is necessary to obtain complete information in order to carry out tactical and strategic planning of the organization's functioning.

The study of the microenvironment must be directed to characterizing the states of those elements of the external environment with which the company is in constant interaction. These include: suppliers, consumer and labor market, competitors. Naturally, the most important link is the company's customers.

Therefore, in order for the company to become competitive in the market, it is necessary to regularly analyze the external and internal environment of the organization. Only under such conditions will it be expected by success and prosperity.

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