Self improvementPsychology

An example of a conflict situation as a short guide to avoiding it

In all spheres of life of each of us, as it may sound terrible, a conflict situation awaits. It can be based on a scandal, or be of a purely debatable nature, it can involve two or more people. Any example of a conflict situation is based on the characters of its participants, on the circumstances in which a misunderstanding occurred, on the norms of morality that are generally accepted within a particular society.

Misunderstandings most often arise in families, at work, on the road. The husband quarrels with his wife, the subordinate is angry with the chief because of his constant quibbles, the finicky passenger of the plane is dissatisfied with the temperature of the water that the stewardess brought him. An example of a conflict situation can be found in the subway, in the store, and you can also feel for yourself at the quarrel of a domestic or service plan. But consider everything in order, starting with the family circle.

We take a family that consists of two people - husband and wife. Very often everyone, as they say, pulls the blanket over, tries to outpace his companion in all spheres of life. Often spouses compete for greater earnings, for greater education and wisdom, for prosperity in something. All this, as a rule, is accompanied by endless reproaches, and if they do not stop on time, it comes to a divorce. Such an example of a conflict situation can be observed in families with children, where the latter, as they say, add fuel to the fire. Dad wants the kid to love him more, mother tries to lure him to his side, while this should not be at all. If this is one family - people who love each other, have a common child, then all three of its participants should be one whole, like the three musketeers.

Another sphere of endless quarrels is the office. Examples of conflict situations in an organization can be based on competition among employees or be the result of interaction between the boss and the subordinate. In the first case, as a rule, people brag about each other with their achievements. For example, one takes the position of secretary to have the opportunity to feed the family, and the other - in order to occupy himself, get rid of idleness, while absolutely not needing anything. Naturally, such an example of a conflict situation gives rise to envy, a desire to spite, to substitute a colleague. With the chief of affairs are even more difficult. Often a young, smart, but too ambitious person is put on the manager's post. Under his supervision, there are cadres who have spent many years working for the benefit of the company and have an excellent work experience. Naturally, between these people there are constantly misunderstandings, which can result in dismissal.

After all of the above, it is worth noting that it would be easier to live if each of us was different in tolerance, restraint, respect for the other, good nature. It is on these qualities that examples of conflict resolution are based, both in the family and at work. In the first case, psychologists recommend recalling what made these people tie themselves up by marriage, why they love each other. The second situation is more difficult, but with the help of kindness and understanding any quarrel is resolved.

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