
Admiral Tributs: Biography

Admiral Tributz Vladimir Filippovich is a man who has gone through a difficult life, a commander of the Baltic Fleet, one of the founders of the Soviet naval forces. He made a huge contribution to the victory over Nazi Germany and did everything to strengthen the power of the USSR.


Tributs Vladimir Filippovich, whose biography is unique, was born on July 15, 1900 in St. Petersburg. Despite the poverty of his parents and constant malnutrition, he managed to finish several classes of primary school and after continuing paid education in the Petrovsky School.

The result of his studies was Vladimir's admission to the military medical school. Here he was always dressed, shod and fed. The training was already free. After passing the exams, Tributs served in one of the hospitals in Petrograd.

Getting Started

In 1918, Vladimir decided to go to the front. During the conduct of battles against the Germans near Narva, he falls into the detachment of Baltic revolutionary sailors. This gave him the opportunity later to go to the Caspian Sea and prove himself in the battles for the cities of the Caucasus region.

In the 1920s, Vladimir began training in a naval naval school and, having completed two courses, received the post of platoon commander on the battleship Paris Commune. Here he managed to prove himself as a purposeful and hardworking commander, ready for anything for the fleet. Just three years, Tributz managed to attain the assistant commander of the ship. After he was transferred to the battle ship "Marat", and eventually became commander of this destroyer.

Commander of the Baltic Fleet

Four years after his successful training at the Maritime Academy, Vladimir Filippovich becomes the chief of staff of the Baltic Fleet, and two years later he holds the post of commander of the Baltic Fleet. He was in Talin, when an attack of fascist Germany and their allies on the USSR occurred. For a while Tallinn became a stronghold of the Baltic Fleet. Despite the awareness of the Germans' attack, the fleet had to be evacuated from its base, and in August 1941 the ships arrived in Kronstadt. Admiral Tributs, whose photo is now adorned by the BOD, named in his honor, coped well with this task.

This retreat was a difficult test for the admiral. The entire naval squadron moved along Cape Yumind, being exposed to enemy coastal artillery and air raids. The situation worsened when the fleet landed on a minefield. As a result, in a few hours, many people were lost, three destroyers and many transport ships. Having stood up at night and brought the ships to a normal state, in the morning the fleet moved again. By evening, the fleet with large losses arrived at its destination.

Upon his arrival in Leningrad Zhukov GK, who at that time headed his defense, ordered the ships to be withdrawn to the Neva and cover the 42nd Army, destroying the enemy's living force and equipment. Most of the sailors from the ships were ordered to be sent immediately to the defense of the city. This was a serious blow and a difficult decision for the fleet commander, but Admiral Tributs had to accept it, since there was no other choice.

In 1942, Tributs insisted on the repair of ships and the construction of new ships. It was necessary to revive the fleet and recruit new ship maintenance specialists. At the same time, the Baltic Fleet and naval aviation maintained the existence of a road of life through Ladoga, and all attempts by the Germans to suppress the Baltic Sea were suppressed.

The next test, which Admiral Tributs overcome with honor, was the liberation of Leningrad and the transfer of the army to the shores of the Baltic Sea. The whole operation began under cover of night, and ended at dawn, when artillery began to work on the fortifications of the enemy. For two months of the artillery work of the Baltic Fleet, aviation, maneuvering operations of both the fleet and the ground forces, it was possible to lift the blockade from Leningrad.

After the Second World War

After this, Admiral Tributs continued to direct the operations of the fleet in the Baltic Sea. Under his leadership, liberated Königsberg, the fortress of Pillau. At the end of the war, Vladimir Filippovich participated in the demining of the sea borders of the USSR.

He continued to serve and did everything to strengthen the power of the Soviet fleet. He passed his invaluable combat and commander experience to young officers, welcomed the technical re-equipment of operating ships and the construction of new ones. Admiral Tributs died, whose biography is studied by all cadets of naval schools, August 30, 1977.

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