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Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder: causes, symptoms, treatment

Life is full of changes and events. Some of them make us happy, others - unhappy, and still others knock the ground out from under the feet. To keep one's mind in a situation where the whole world is collapsing is incredibly difficult, and, unfortunately, not everyone succeeds. A consequence of this are various mental disorders.

One of them is an acute polymorphic psychotic disorder. It can be cured if you turn to a specialist in time, but you need to know the reasons that stimulate its appearance, as well as the symptoms of ailment.

Causes of appearance

How does an acute polymorphic psychotic disorder arise? The reasons for its appearance are associated with a severe emotional shock, which simply knocks out the soil from under your feet, deprives the ability to adequately assess the situation and even in some ways ruins the familiar world.

It is not possible to establish a complete list of the causes that can lead to the onset of this disease, however, its approximate version takes place. An acute polymorphic psychotic disorder develops against the background of:

- death of native people (family members, relatives, friends);

- different situations during which a person is subjected to violence (these can be rape, assault, beating, etc.);

- hobby of narcotic substances;

- lack of sleep for a long time;


- unrequited, hard-lived love;

- failure of the exam.

So, acute polymorphic psychotic disorder, as you can see, can arise both against the background of really serious causes in the form of deaths of loved ones, rape, beatings, drugs, and, apparently, at first glance, against a backdrop of very trivial. Everything depends on the perception of each individual person, it happens that for some, failure in the exam is equivalent to one's own death.

What else can be the cause?

Relying on possible reasons, one should pay attention to the importance of a healthy regime. An acute polymorphic psychotic disorder can occur due to numerous night wakefulness on the background of overwork. Even if they do not serve as its cause, in any case, they will hardly add health to you.

In addition, it should be noted that a constant nervous strain can not cause a disease, it only gradually shakes mental health. The cause can only be sudden, unexpected events that give the final push.


How is acute polymorphic psychotic disorder manifested? Symptoms of this disease are different. All of them are difficult to enumerate. Since many of them depend on whether an acute polymorphic psychotic disorder occurs with or without schizophrenia.

However, regardless of this, you can identify a number of "common" symptoms.

First of all, they include nervous breakdowns. They represent a sudden change in the mood and condition of a person. The one who was calm and complacent a minute ago now falls into a state of rabies for no reason at all or with a reason not at all relevant.

If this symptom occurs, you should wait for the relative calmness of the person and send him to an appointment with a specialist who can diagnose and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The next symptom is hallucinations. They can be expressed in various forms. Most often with this disease - in the auditory.

The persecution mania is also a common symptom.

The patient may fall into delirium, he may be disturbed by the perception of time or events. This is quite common in people who have lost their loved ones. For example, a person can forget that his father has died, and refuse to take this fact as reality.

Speech and thoughts of the sick person can also suffer and be slowed down. For example, when communicating with a patient you may think that he does not pay attention to your words, does not react to them, but after a few minutes he can respond.

If you notice such symptoms in yourself or a friend, it may be that an acute polymorphic psychotic disorder manifests itself. In this case, you need to contact a psychiatrist for diagnosis. He will diagnose and determine if such a disease has occurred, it passes with schizophrenia or without it.

Each of the forms of the disease is characterized by its own symptoms. They help to distinguish them. Do not try to diagnose yourself, without the help of a professional. This is due to the fact that the symptoms are mostly similar. Of course, there are differences between them, but often they are small, and only the person specializing in problems with the psyche can conduct a line between them.

Symptoms of a disease with signs of schizophrenia

Consider in more detail how an acute polymorphic psychotic disorder with symptoms of schizophrenia occurs . The first feature of the disease with symptoms of schizophrenia is that it passes without bright attacks of aggression. The most common symptoms are:

- delirium;

- hallucinations;

- anxiety;

- absent-mindedness;

- loss of time;

- physical activity.

They appear within two weeks from the date of the event that provoked the disease.

It takes three months to treat this type of disease. If during this period it does not pass, then you need to undergo a second diagnosis, because, probably, you have been diagnosed with the wrong diagnosis.

Psychiatrists recommend that people who are prone to schizophrenia should periodically be tested for this disease. In addition, they recommend preventive treatment.

Disease without symptoms of schizophrenia

An acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without symptoms of schizophrenia is characterized by the following manifestations:

- persecution mania;

- a constant sense of fear;

- a constant sense of anxiety;

- hallucinations;

- excited state;

- a person can stop recognizing people he has previously known;

- retardation in thinking;

- retardation in speech.

Features of treatment and diagnostics

The peculiarity of the diagnosis of this disease is that it must pass when the patient is in the maximum possible balanced state. It should be held at the personal meeting of the patient and the doctor.

The patient should spend at least forty-eight hours with the doctor so that he can fully assess his condition and make a diagnosis.

How is acute polymorphic psychotic disorder treated? Treatment can be appointed by a psychiatrist only after the diagnosis and disease are determined.

Most often, medications take part in the treatment. Among them, drugs that improve blood flow to the brain, containing B group vitamins, hypnotics, neuroleptics are used.

It is important to note that outpatient treatment is best minimized. It is better that the patient is under medical supervision. In addition, it is necessary that he does not remain alone. For recovery loneliness is strictly contraindicated.

After the course of treatment, there are all chances to correct the patient, after three to four months the doctor can remove the diagnosis of "acute polymorphic psychotic disorder."

The treatment is affected not only by medicines, but also by nutrition. To accelerate the recovery, it is recommended to eat more fruits (preferably daily), white chicken meat, white turkey meat, tuna, legumes, eggs, boiled corn.

The food must be a fraction. You need small portions at least four or five times a day. In order for the treatment to be effective, you need to make a diagnosis on time. An acute polymorphic psychotic disorder is not a verdict.

The consequences of ignoring the disease

Regardless of the form of the acute polymorphic psychotic disorder in the patient, he needs a complete complex treatment that includes medication, daily regimen, diet, communication with friends and relatives who support.

Ignore the disease can not be, otherwise, sad consequences may occur.

In the absence of therapy, the disease can lead to personal degradation. That is, a person has problems with motor activity, confusion of consciousness, he loses memory. Moreover, in especially neglected cases, a person may lose the ability to think.

The most dangerous consequence of ignoring the disease are hallucinations, during which the patient talks about a mission that he must perform. Most often this is a suicidal mission. However, it can harm not only yourself, but also those around you who will be near nevovremya or try to help.

Therefore, if you notice similar symptoms in your loved one, be sure to show it to a specialist. Reinsurance in this case will not be superfluous.

You can not let go of it, in this matter control is important.

Prevention of disease

It is always easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. However, the prevention of this ailment is rather difficult. This is due to the fact that it arises suddenly, against a background of a strong emotional shock. However, the base that prepares the nervous system for the disease is stress, lack of sleep, and poor nutrition. Therefore, prevention is still possible.

In case of stress, drink sedatives, preferably of vegetable origin.

Optimism is the best friend. Forget about negative thoughts, they have a detrimental effect on the nervous system.


It will not be superfluous to advise on the regime. Acute polymorphic psychotic disorder can arise in connection with a systematic violation of the working and rest regime. To avoid mental disorders, go to bed and get up at the same time. A healthy sleep is necessary, it is recommended to sleep eight hours a day. And in order to make sleep as effective as possible, you need to sleep in a ventilated room, in the dark and quiet.

Walking in the fresh air will also have a positive effect on the body.

Proper nutrition will improve both the immune system and your mood.

And the last, but by no means significant. If something bad has happened to you, do not worry about it alone. Share with family, friends, relatives. It is their support that will give you strength and allow you to move on.

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