
Worried about the figure? Try to calculate BMI

The body mass index is a world-known technique for determining the presence of excess weight. With the help of the simplest formula, experts propose to calculate BMI based on body weight and human growth. For most people, this technique allows to determine whether they are overweight, which adversely affects health and increases the risk of developing diabetes, hypertension, arthritis and even cancerous tumors.

For whom this technique is not effective? For professional athletes (due to the presence of dense muscle mass), children, pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as older people with a fragile physique. For children, a separate classification was developed, and everyone else should try other methods to assess their weight.

Calculating the BMI is very easy. To do this, take the value of your weight in kilograms and divide by the height (in meters), squared. For example, let's take a girl with a height of 1.7 m and a normal weight of 58 kg. To begin with, let's square up the growth: 1.7 * 1.7 = 2.89. Now we can easily determine the BMI: 58 / 2.89 = 20.06.

When we got a certain value, it's time to turn to the decoding:

  • Less than 18.5. Such indicators indicate a lack of mass. Of course, the likelihood of diseases that often accompany obesity is minimal, but the risk of acquiring various other disorders increases. In particular, the lack of weight in women can lead to a serious malfunction of the menstrual cycle, which entails problems with childbearing. In addition, there may also be osteoporosis, poor digestibility of nutrients, etc.
  • 18.5-24.99. This is the most optimal indicator. Weight is in ideal proportions and does not pose a danger to human health. Do not lose weight, or recover, but small adjustments are acceptable for the acquisition of a more fit figure. It all depends on the weight of the muscle tissue and the individual characteristics of the body. At the age of 30, the ideal BMI is 22-23, so when approaching the upper limit, it is worth thinking about reducing weight or stabilizing it. In the case when the waist in the girth is more than 80-94 cm, there is a risk of developing diseases caused by excess weight.
  • 25-29.99. If the BMI calculation shows such indicators, then you are suffering from excess weight. The likelihood of concomitant diseases increases several times. In order to more accurately determine the level of health risk, measure your waist. Try as soon as possible to stop gaining weight and get rid of the surplus. With a BMI of 27-28, both men and women have a dramatic increase in the risk of developing diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.
  • 30-34.99. Such figures indicate the presence of obesity of the first degree. Obesity is a disease that is associated not only with a high content of fat cells in the body, but also with the likelihood of serious heart problems. Also, with this weight, diabetes and hypertension can develop. The risk increases with the waist. In this situation, people should immediately reduce weight, because even a slight decrease in BMI will improve health.
  • 35-40. The indicator is high enough and signals about obesity of the second degree. The risk of acquiring co-morbidities leading to premature death is greatly increased. It is necessary to immediately revise the diet and exclude from it all unnecessary.
  • More 40. The indicator more than 40 speaks about a serious problem - adiposity of the third degree. With this weight, the duration of your life is significantly reduced. It is strongly recommended to lose at least a kilogram of 20-30.

It is not enough to simply calculate the BMI and determine the presence of a problem, because if nothing changes, then the accompanying diseases will begin to weaken the defenses of the body, which significantly reduces life.

First of all, always consult a dietician who will pick up a certain diet for you. The use of healthy food and a moderate amount of calories will allow you to get rid of dangerous fatty deposits. In addition, the body will be cleansed and skin and hair problems will disappear, sleep will normalize, the feeling of fatigue will disappear in the mornings.

It is also desirable to determine the percentage of fat in the body. If you can calculate BMI yourself, then the amount of fat tissue can be determined only by special devices. In people with normal weight, the fat content is 15-20% for men and 25-27% for women. It should be taken into account that in athletes these figures are reduced by 5-7%. With obesity, the percentage of fat tissue is more than 30% for men and more than 35% for women. Indicators of 55% and above indicate a third stage of obesity.

Now that you know how to calculate BMI, it's time to pull yourself together and give yourself health and beauty!

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