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Why not look at the mirror at night. The Mystery of the Otherworld

Why can not you look at the mirrors at night? Is it worth crossing the road if a black cat has run across it? How to react if you met a woman with an empty bucket? These and many more of the various issues associated with the people's perceptions arise in our minds.

Almost every one of us at least once in my life came across different perceptions and beliefs. To believe in them or not is a personal matter for everyone. But we can not disagree with the fact that signs were born in ancient times, at a time when people still could not explain many phenomena through scientific knowledge. So they warned each other about the unknown.

Greetings from the past

Separately it is necessary to say that some beliefs exist to this day. Moreover, belief in them is not hampered by an age of modern technology, nor a logical understanding of the situation.

In fact, it would be high time for us to stop believing in various signs and beliefs, because scientifically some phenomena have been proved long ago. But the whole point is that the appearance of the sign is connected not only with the danger of unknown phenomena, but also with the experience of our ancestors, which accumulated for centuries. From all that has been said, it turns out that, nevertheless, some signs need to be listened to at least.

Mirrors are mysterious things

Why can not you look at the mirrors at night? This issue remains relevant to this day.

Such a thing as a mirror appeared in people's life for a long time, and for a long time it not only serves as an assistant in our life and is a favorite attribute of the beautiful half of mankind, but also causes fears and some fears. And this is not at all surprising. After all, a large number of signs and beliefs are associated with this particular subject. Well, for example, they say that no one should ever be given a mirror as a gift. If this still happened, then it is necessary to conduct a whole ritual for purifying yourself and the object. In addition, the signs say that you can not have your bed in front of the mirror surface.

Mysterious object

Mirrors already for a century have caused fear and fear among people. Our distant ancestors were convinced that the mirror should be looked at as rarely as possible, and in the dark it is not desirable at all. So why not look in the mirror at night? Is there any scientific explanation for this belief? Let's try to understand this issue.

Entities from the Otherworld

Why can not you look in the mirror at night? Signs on this issue have long worried the minds of many people, because, in fact, there is no scientific explanation for this fact. And people continue to tell mysterious stories about the troubles that occur with those who disregard such warnings.

Our ancestors believed that in the mirrors live essences from the otherworldly unknown world. And if a person looks too often in the mirror, in the end, the inhabitants of the mirror can take his soul. Moreover, after that, it will be impossible to get out of that world.

Portal to another world

If you turn to the ancient mythology, then after the sun sets, the mirror becomes a portal to another world. Why can not you look in the mirror at night and what is the danger of disobedience? In addition to the fact that the inhabitants of the other world can take away the soul of a person looking in the mirror, they can also show him a piece of his life, after which the beholder is most likely to lose his mind. It is for this reason that there is a sign that looking at the mirror at night is not recommended.

The arcane magic of mirrors. Fiction or unavoidable reality?

At the present stage, people, of course, do not believe in any existence of a mirror portal, but many listen to the signs relating to this subject.

Why can not you look at the mirrors at night? Is it worth believing in this? If you think carefully, then some kind of logical explanation for this notion can still be found. Let's try to plunge into those days when a lot of legends and beliefs were invented. Of course, there was no question of any electricity in those centuries. Therefore, in order for anything to be seen, people used candles. But not everyone could afford their purchase. Therefore, many people were sitting in the dark at night. You, of course, understand that looking in the mirror without any kind of lighting, a person, thanks to his rich imagination, can imagine everything he likes. Seeing a certain figure, he can simply go mad. Most likely, this is connected with a sign about why you can not look at the mirror at night.

Good lighting

If we talk about our modern life, then, of course, not worth it, going into the bathroom with lighting, afraid to look in the mirror. In such fear, there is simply no point. In total darkness, of course, you do not need to look in the mirror. And this is not due to the fact that you will be dragged into the other world, just at some point you may think that there is someone else in the house, except for you. Perhaps you will not react to it physically, but your reactions will necessarily react. This situation will lead to the fact that you can not fall asleep, or you will be tormented all night by nightmarish dreams.

From all of the above, we can conclude that no one will take you to another world through a mirror, but you still need to avoid your reflection in it in the dark.

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