Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Why does a living person dream of a deceased person? Who will have trouble?

How to decipher the vision in which a living person died? The dream, it turns out, is not so bad. In many sources, it is treated as a foretaste of a change of weather. Yes, and the night "corpse" guarantees longevity. But not always. Let's figure it out.

Sudden death. Interpretation of dreams

The deceased unexpectedly dreams of sudden events. In the best case, this means, indeed, a change of weather. Perhaps the pressure in the street is dropping, and next morning it will rain. Therefore, there is no reason to worry - it's useless! Dreaming a living person to the deceased means you are simply reacting to atmospheric phenomena. It's quite another matter if you see how he dies in a terrible catastrophe (accident). Such a dream is an advice to remain on the alert. You will fall into the maelstrom of events, anticipate (or plan) which could not. Everything will change rapidly, so much so that it will be difficult for you to understand: where is the enemy, and where is the friend. You can only sympathize. Of the good news is this: the whole cycle will pass like smoke. Do not have time to dive into events, how they will remain in the past. The council is this: do not get too involved in the "debriefing". Let the events go by themselves. You remain an outside observer. Then your losses will be minimized. And again: you will understand that what has gone, you already to anything! Dreaming live A person is dead, then strange changes are coming. If it is close - changes should be expected in the personal sphere, the colleague - at work and so on.

See the dead of close relatives

If a native man dies, and you experience a real grief, you need to rejoice in the morning. Such a dream says that your possible worries about this person are vain. It is protected from all troubles. Bury a still living mother - to serious trials in person. Your views on the partner can not withstand any criticism. Perhaps you create barriers to yourself where they do not exist. At the same time, you project your complexes to the behavior of your loved one. This approach only offends him and moves away from you. And this you do not need anything? A living person dreams of a deceased person - a clue: pay attention to yourself. A simple analysis will show you what error is allowed. If your father has died, then analyze financial issues. There you have a mess. Yes, such that it can result in losses! A woman bury her The child - to his health. To cry over the deceased son - to the special destiny of the latter!

What does a living person dream about

It happens that unfamiliar people who have gone to another world will meet. Such a dream is not particularly scary. It says that it's time to change. What do you associate with the deceased? In this area, and start a change. They will be prosperous! If you are so scared that you are awake, then wait not for the wind, but for the "squall" of change. You do not need to resist. Everything that happens will only benefit you. The council is this: with all your might, help fate change your life. After a while, you will see that this behavior is just right for you! Change can be in any area of life (even in all). When they come, you will realize that you have become a different person. And ... you are happy!

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