Spiritual developmentAstrology

Who fits Libra in the sign of the zodiac?

Scales are happy owners of a very light character. They are able to adjust to a partner, to respect someone else's opinion. Nevertheless, to understand who is suitable for Libra, is not as simple as it seems. There are signs, relations with which are rather difficult and tense. Common points of contact with these people are not so much as with the rest. Let's try to determine the signs of the zodiac, suitable Libra, gradually describing each.


Astrologers are sure that the best pair can not be found. Particularly favorable relations, if the man is protected by the constellation Libra. Lady Aries lights him with her spontaneity and activity. He is happy to follow her, not forgetting to lay straws where she can fall. That is, a man gets an opportunity to show his knightly qualities, which he simply needs. In the reverse pair, relations are not so cloudless. A Libra woman does not like to be jealous, but her chevalier will always give a reason for this. At some point they will have to endure a serious conflict, caused by its popularity with the opposite sex. Will find a consensus - they will be happy to gray hair. Those who are interested in what kind of woman suits Libra, astrologers with confidence recommend Aries. This couple will be able to create an ideal family.


It is impossible to pass by representatives of this sign when you are looking for someone who is suitable for Libra. The fact is that these remarkable people sometimes lack perseverance. They are focused on penetrating the essence of phenomena, taking all their sides. This feature leads to the inability to firmly defend personal positions. This Libra has to learn from others. The ideal teacher is a person guided by the constellation of Taurus. He sometimes surprises the partner with impenetrable stubbornness, but perfectly demonstrates the need to be able to stand up for one's own interests. This pair is not easy, especially in a Taurus-woman and Libra-man pair, but it's even harder to part. It will not be interesting with other partners. Therefore, if you are looking for signs that fit Libra, be sure to take a closer look at Taurus.

a lion

In this pair, compatibility depends on the partner's sex, controlled by Libra. If it's a man, the relationship is built relatively easily and harmoniously. Lioness immediately takes her partner in the suite. She is calm with him, because he does not try to take her pedestal. The man fully corresponds to her idea of a beautiful knight. And Libra really needs a companion who knows how to present herself in society. That is, harmony is possible if the Lioness does not become jealous of a loved one, harassing him with unfounded claims. The reverse pair has no such bright prospects. Therefore, it is necessary to separately disassemble who suits Libra: men and women. The lady, governed by this constellation, with Leo will become bored after a few dates. He is too immersed in narcissism.


Astrologers are doubtful about the relationship of couples managed by one sign. But this does not apply to Libra. These people have similar interests, they understand and accept the goals and principles of the partner. That is, such a couple will not encounter special contradictions. Love will shine between them as a beautiful star, until it collides with the first domestic problems. When you are looking for a sign that suits Libra, you should take into account a tiny nuance. These people do not like responsibility, because they are often indecisive and slightly timid. From the side it seems that before making a decision, they think about it a thousand times. And the fact is that it is scary to bend to a variant - then you will have to answer. The pair consisting of Libra, will swear only on one occasion: who to command in serious situations. Everyone will push responsibility to the partner. And otherwise their relationship is almost cloudless.


That's who suits Libra in fact! These people have the same level of intelligence, similar interests, the desire to develop, to constantly try new things. But what binds them to a strong family is love for travel. Have you met couples who are constantly planning a vacation? Moreover, they embody the conceived, as soon as time and money appear. Surely these people are born under the signs of Libra and Sagittarius. The whole world is uninteresting to them when a new dream comes on. This partnership is doomed to success if they manage to establish a life, too a different attitude to this issue. The scales do not pay attention to the mess, which irritates Sagittarius. Especially strongly such a different view of the state of a cozy family nest is manifested when a woman does not want to clean. That is, a lady, controlled by Libra, will have to constantly listen to her husband's claims. Can treat them with humor - they will be happy to gray hair.


To the representatives of this sign Libra itself is drawn intuitively. And this has every reason behind it. With Aquarius, Libra has almost perfect compatibility. These people live in unison, they are fun and comfortable. Love and understanding reign in this pair. Both are able to feel when a partner needs support, and in which cases it is worth to wait with advice. In addition, the partnership is based on perfect physical harmony, it is warm and good. While the whole world is looking for an ideal, these two enjoy the love, mutual respect and affection. They create their own space, filled with incomprehensible images and feelings for others. In addition, both love communication, which brings them closer together.


Astrologers believe the partnership is difficult, but very strong. Libra is rather difficult to get used to the idea that life can be planned for decades to come. And Capricorns do not understand how a partner succeeds in penetrating the worldview of any counterman and justifying his senseless actions. But in bed, these people do not have any controversy or disagreement. However, physical intimacy does not become the basis of their complex partnership. They begin to respect and accept each other when faced with the solution of the first common task. Here, their partnership is almost perfect. Capricorn is a strategist, Libra is a tactician and a part-time performer. The couple has all chances for a golden wedding, if it takes up a common business.


Understanding which zodiac suited Libra, we missed Gemini, Scorpion, Pisces, Dev and Cancer. Stars do not give such couples much chance for harmony. Of course, in life quite often there are exceptions. However, to create a marriage in which love reigns, these combinations require a lot of energy and energy. But they can and should be spent on happiness, not on combating contradictions. With Cancers, for example, Libra will constantly find out the relationship. The first is infuriating the partner's indecision, the second is the floridity of thoughts and deeds. Scorpions are too mean for the soft representatives of the sign under investigation. In addition, they are able to commit acts that shock the latter. With Virgo Weights it's hard to find a common language. Such partnership is unfavorable not only for marriage, but also for business. People argue about small things, picking one against another, and most importantly escaping their attention. Twins are somewhat similar in character to Libra, which distances them more than brings them closer. Everyone lives in their own world, and they, unfortunately, have few points of contact. It should be noted that all of the above is not a postulate. Life is given to man so that he builds it according to his own understanding. And the stars only tell, do not they?

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