
Where in the "Windows 7" "Run" hid?

This article describes where in "Windows 7" "Run" Can be found. In previous versions of this operating system, this command was located in the root directory of the "Start" menu. But the developers decided to make changes, and now it's so easy not to find it. On the other hand, such a solution is justified: an untrained user, using this command window, can cause significant damage to the computer system.


In "Windows 7", the "Run" command, as in previous versions, is used to execute various commands. For example, "ping" allows you to check the quality of the connection over the network by sending and receiving data packets. Another version of its application is "regedit", which allows the built-in operating system tools to edit the registry. Also from this dialog box, you can run the command line by typing "cmd". This list can be continued indefinitely. But this window is used by well-trained specialists who know what they are doing and why. But the intervention of a poorly versed user in this matter in this system can lead to the failure of a personal computer. So the use of this window should be approached very seriously.

Start Menu

Although in the main menu "Start" this command was removed, it still remained in it. Now she was moved inside so that an unprepared user could not harm the computer system. To execute this command, go to the following address:

  • "Start" button.
  • Then go to the "Programs" section.
  • Then we find the "Standard".
  • In the submenu you need to find "Run".

After that the window we need is opened. This is the first answer to the question about where in "Windows 7" "Run" is located. As can be seen from all the above, there have been no big changes. Just this command moved to the depths of the Start menu. "Run" in "Windows 7" hid to improve the reliability and security of the computer. And this solution is completely justified: now a beginner and an ill-prepared user will not get into this window so easily.

Key combination

As in earlier versions of this operating system, "Winds 7" supports a hot key combination, designed solely to execute only this command. Using it, you can easily open this dialog box. One of them is labeled "Win", but the keyboard does not have a key with this
Designation. An untrained user is misleading. Some even try to type "Win" sequentially on the English keyboard. And everything, it turns out, is very simple. Behind this abbreviation is a key with the logo of the operating system (it is usually in the bottom row between "Ctrl" and "Alt", sometimes also duplicated from the opposite side of the alphabetic keyboard). The second of them is the English "R" (from the English word "Run", by the way, in the English version of this operating system this window is called exactly that way). Therefore, the second version of the answer to the question of where in "Windows 7" "Run" is, will be the next. We press "Win" at once and, without releasing it, "R". Then remove the hands from the keyboard. After that the "Run" window will open.


Within the framework of this article, the answer to the question of where the "Run" is located in "Windows 7" was answered. These two methods work excellently in this version of the operating system. But here the first of them is tied exclusively to "Windows 7" and in other versions does not work. And the second one is universal. It works in all versions of the Microsoft operating system, without exception. It is recommended to use it in practice more often. Another of its plus - the speed of execution. It's enough just to press a key combination, and everything is ready. But in the case of the "Start" menu, you will have to spend more time.

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