
When there was an electricity: the history of occurrence

Few people think, when there was electricity. And its history is quite interesting. Electricity makes life more comfortable. Thanks to him, television, the Internet and many other things became available. And a modern life without electricity is impossible to imagine. It greatly accelerated the development of mankind.

History of electricity

If you start to understand when there is electricity, Then you need to remember the Greek philosopher Thales. It was he who first drew attention to this phenomenon in 700 BC. E. Phalles discovered that when rubbing amber on wool, the stone begins to attract light objects to itself.

In what year did electricity appear? After the Greek philosopher, nobody investigated this phenomenon for a long time. And knowledge in this area was not added until 1600. This year, William Gilbert introduced the term "electricity" by examining magnets and their properties. Since that time, this phenomenon began to be intensively studied by scientists.

First discoveries

When did the electricity appear in the technical solutions? In 1663 the first electromachine was created, which allowed to observe the effects of repulsion and attraction. In 1729 the English scientist Stephen Gray conducted the first experiment, when electricity was transmitted at a distance. Four years later the French scientist S. Dufet discovered that electricity has two types of charge: resin and glass. In 1745 the first electro-condenser appeared - the Leiden bank.

In 1747, Benjamin Franklin created the first theory to explain this phenomenon. And in 1785 the law of Coulomb appeared . Electricity for a long time studied Galvani and Volt. A treatise was written about the effect of this phenomenon in muscle movement and a galvanic object was invented. A Russian scientist V. Petrov became the discoverer of the voltaic arc.


When did the electricity in the houses and apartments appear? For many, this phenomenon is associated primarily with lighting. Thus, it should be considered when the first light bulb was invented. It happened in 1809. The inventor was the Englishman Delaru. A little later, spiral light bulbs appeared, which were filled with an inert gas. They were produced in 1909.

The appearance of electricity in Russia

Some time after the introduction of the term "electricity" this phenomenon began to be investigated in many countries. The beginning of the change can be considered the appearance of lighting. In what year did electricity appear in Russia? According to public resonance, this date is 1879. It was then in St. Petersburg that the Liteiny Bridge was electrified for the first time with the help of lamps.

But a year earlier in Kiev, in one of the railway shops, electric lights were installed. Therefore, the date of appearance of electricity in Russia is a somewhat controversial issue. But since this event was left without attention, the official date can be considered exactly the lighting of the Foundry Bridge.

But there is another version when electricity appeared in Russia. From a legal point of view, this date is the thirtieth of January 1880. On this day in the Russian Technical Society appeared the first electrical department. His duties were to supervise the introduction of electricity in everyday life. In 1881 Tsarskoe Selo became the first European city, which was completely illuminated.

Another landmark date is the fifteenth of May 1883. On this day, the Kremlin was illuminated for the first time. The event was timed to coincide with the accession of Alexander III to the Russian throne. To illuminate the Kremlin on the Sophia embankment , electricians installed a small power plant. After this event, the lighting first appeared on the main street of St. Petersburg, and then in the Winter Palace.

In the summer of 1886, by the decree of the emperor, the Society of Electric Lighting was established. It was engaged in the electrification of the whole of St. Petersburg and Moscow. And in 1888, the first power plants in the largest cities began to be built. In the summer of 1892 in Russia the debut electrotram was launched. And in 1895 the first hydroelectric power station appeared. It was built in St. Petersburg, on the river. Great Ohta.

And in Moscow the first power plant appeared in 1897. It was built on the Raushskaya embankment. The power plant produced an alternating three-phase current. And this made it possible to transmit electricity over long distances without significant loss of power. In other cities of Russia, power plants began to be built at the dawn of the twentieth century, before the First World War.

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