HealthHealthy Eating

What you can eat after 6 pm

In our desire to balance the daily diet and achieve sustainable weight loss, we often turn to various popular diets and study the principles of proper nutrition and the properties of foods eaten. As a rule, a rather long period of time passes before we achieve the desired result. How to choose the right key to your body and can you eat after 6 pm?

Organize a healthy diet under the power of each of us. One of the open questions in dietology is the question of what you can eat after 6 pm. What foods can be consumed shortly before sleep and how they affect human metabolism. The question is purely individual and has many answers. But there are some general rules for healthy eating that fit most of us.

When choosing products for the evening diet, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the organism is preparing for bed, and all processes, including the digestive processes, begin to slow down. What you can eat after 6 pm to take into account the natural slowing of human metabolism. If the average time of sleep in a healthy person is eight hours, then immediately three to four hours before bedtime, you must stop taking those foods that may not have time to digest until the morning. This fully applies to oily and heavy food, the splitting of which requires a lot of time. Also during sleep, we are in a horizontal position, which makes it difficult to pass food through the digestive tract. This can lead to the formation of slags and weight gain. Such slags can stagnate in the body and poison it with toxic substances, disrupting metabolic processes. They can also cause various diseases and a food source for pathogenic bacteria.

Eating foods that accelerate the digestive process is also fraught with quite unexpected consequences for you and the people around you. What can you eat after 6 pm if you stick to a fruit diet? A small amount of freshly squeezed juice before going to bed, for example, grapefruit, does not hurt your health. Juices are easily digested and will provide you with the necessary amount of vitamins and microelements that you need during sleep.

The use of fruit salads or greens is recommended for a couple of hours before bedtime. The main thing - do not leave them to digest until the morning. A small amount of fruit will help to lose weight. Do not eat after 6 pm at all - this is the wrong approach to the body, which remembers well the feeling of hunger and tries to create a reserve in the form of fat deposits when food arrives.

The best option is to eat food that contains protein. What can you eat after 6 pm from protein foods? It can be a bird or fish, as well as cottage cheese or skim milk. Reasonable use of products containing proteins, a few hours before sleep will satisfy the feeling of hunger and will not lead to weight gain.

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