BeautySkin care

What is useful for a cucumber for the face? Cucumber masks

Cucumber is a vegetable familiar to everyone from childhood. However, in addition to the fact that it has a pleasant refreshing taste, it contains a lot of useful substances, due to what this vegetable has become a valuable dietary product. But, as is known, what is useful for the body as a whole, usually benefits also for the skin. What is the role of the cucumber for the face, what is its useful composition for the skin, will be considered further.

Its useful features are proved by scientists, therefore this vegetable is actively used in cosmetology and in the manufacture of a variety of cosmetic products. A mask of cucumbers are universal and, most importantly, affordable ways to refresh the face and solve a number of problems associated with its condition.

So, let's see what a cucumber is useful for the skin of the face.

Benefits of cucumbers

Many women have a question about what a cucumber is useful for a person. This question can not be answered simply because this vegetable plays a significant role in many cosmetic procedures.

- It includes a large number of vitamins, macro and micronutrients. In addition, it contains vitamin C, potassium, iron and phosphorus.

- Than the cucumber for the face, so also that contains folic acid is useful. Therefore, these vegetables help in the fight against inflammation on the skin, acne and rash.

- They are used to lighten the skin, including freckles and other skin pigmentations.

"Also these wonderful vegetables cope with the first signs of skin aging - with the first wrinkles and flabbiness due to the fact that they contribute to the production of collagen.

- Cucumbers contain a very large amount of silicon dioxide. This substance rejuvenates skin cells, so these fruits are very often used as a remedy against early aging.

Also, it is necessary to note separately their unique feature, which is that they very rarely cause allergic reactions. This indicates the safety of their use for cosmetic purposes.

So, after considering the useful properties of a cucumber for a person, you can be sure that this vegetable is simply indispensable for those who want to keep their skin young and supple.

Benefits of cucumber masks

Having studied what properties a cucumber has, for a person what its composition is useful for, it should be considered when using masks from it.

Masks from this vegetable are used most often:

- For moisturizing dry skin. Cucumber masks can relieve the skin of peeling and a feeling of tightness, including after washing.

- To eliminate some cosmetic defects and pigmentations on the face.

- To eliminate various eruptions, acne and small inflammatory processes.

- For toning, moisturizing and rejuvenating the skin.

- To improve the overall appearance of the skin of the face and neck, especially before any activities. Cucumber is the best replacement for expensive creams that have a similar effect.

- To eliminate too much sebum and greasy shine on the face. Cucumber has a cleansing and matting effect.

In addition, the mask of cucumber for the face is useful if you get rid of such phenomena as:

- enlarged skin pores;

- Unhealthy complexion;

- problems with skin age.

So, the masks with cucumber are an excellent cosmetology tool, the effect of which can be seen after the first application. It is best, according to cosmetologists, to use young fruits up to 7 centimeters long, since it is in this condition that the maximum amount of nutrients is concentrated in them. It is also worth noting that there is no difference where they were grown on the street or in the greenhouse.

Contraindications for the use of cucumbers

Having considered whether a cucumber is useful for a person, one can not, however, ignore the cases when it can not be used for cosmetic purposes:

  1. If a person has an allergy to these fruits, which, fortunately, is very rare. This should also include allergy to the pollen of this plant.
  2. Use cucumbers can not be in the presence of open wound surfaces on the face.
  3. Also, this vegetable can not be used for cosmetic purposes, if there is a serious skin disease on the site of the person on whom the cosmetic procedure is planned.

These cases are very rare, but they need to be remembered, since when using cucumbers in such situations, a relapse of the disease may occur.

In all other cases, this vegetable can be used as a cosmetic remedy without restrictions.

How are cucumbers used?

Most often of these fruits make different masks. What is useful is a mask from a cucumber for the face, will be considered below. However, only this is their use is not limited. They make lotions, alcohol tinctures, mousses for the skin, using both the juice of this plant and the flesh.

Many women are wondering: is it useful to wipe the face with a cucumber? Undoubtedly. To do this, it is enough to cut off a piece from it and wipe their face. In addition, many beauticians recommend to prepare a special ice with cucumber juice - if every morning and evening to wipe your face with a cube of such ice, the skin will noticeably refresh and become more elastic.

Mask preparation technologies

The undoubted advantage of cucumbers is their availability and ease of use. They can be found everywhere, even in winter, while the cost of this vegetable is several times lower than other, more exotic products used for cosmetic purposes.

Check whether it is useful for a cucumber of the face, and how quickly the masks on its basis are effective, is easy. It is enough to grate the vegetable on a grater and apply the resulting gruel to the skin. You will immediately see the result.

What is useful for a cucumber for the skin of the face, so also because it can be applied even on the delicate skin of the eyelids.

Consider the most popular masks from this wonderful vegetable.

What is the best way to put a mask on your face?

It has already been considered, what is a cucumber, what is its juice useful, and what is the effect of using masks with this product. However, there are also some rules for applying such a mask to the face.

In particular, it can not be rubbed in the face. It should be applied with light movements. For such a case, you can use a cosmetic brush. When the mask was applied to the skin, it is necessary to lie down and maximally relax the muscles of the face. This will maximize the saturation of the skin with all useful substances.

Mask for quick skin refreshing

Such a mask can be prepared by mixing the following components:

- Average uncooked cucumber.

- White clay.

Cucumber should be rubbed, then mixed with clay in a proportion of 2: 1, respectively. Should be a mixture, a consistency resembling sour cream. If the mixture was too thick, then it can be slightly diluted with water.

This mask should be kept on the face for about 10 minutes. Then it is simply washed off.

Masks for moisturizing and soothing the skin of the face

The average cucumber should be peeled off, peel the flesh on a fine grater. The resulting mass must be mixed with fatty sour cream and milk (1 tablespoon of each ingredient), and also add a little green parsley and 1 tbsp. L. olive oil.

This mixture is best blended with a blender to a homogeneous mass, which then must be applied to the skin and keep at least 20 minutes. After that, use a contrast wash to remove the mask.

You can also prepare this kind of mask: mix equal parts of cucumber juice, fat cream and rose water. Mix the mass until foam is obtained. This foam should be densely applied to the skin of the face. Remove the remnants of this mask in a quarter of an hour with a napkin.

Mask for oily skin

What is useful for a cucumber for the face, so this is because it is indispensable for the normalization of the sebaceous glands. However, it does not overdry the skin. In order to prepare an effective mask, it is necessary to mix oatmeal and pulp of a small cucumber. Oatmeal can be prepared independently, grinding oat flakes in a coffee grinder. But you can also buy ready-made flour. Cucumber should be rubbed. The flour should be gradually added to the resulting mass to a state of creamy mass.

This mixture is applied to the face and held on the skin for about 15 minutes. Then the mask should be washed off with half-warm water. The face skin should be moistened with a light day cream.

So, having considered, than the cucumber for the face is useful, it is possible to tell with confidence, that this vegetable is an indispensable ingredient in many cosmetic procedures. At the same time, given its availability and relatively low cost, they can be used at any time of the year, refreshing and rejuvenating your skin with this safe and effective means.

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