
What is the function of the tonsils? Function of tonsils

About what function the tonsils perform, scientists argue to this day. At the same time, throughout the last century, the notion of their significance has changed very much. Not so long ago many scientists expressed tonsils as certain endocrine glands. In many ways, this contributed to the peculiar structure of this body.

What is the function of the tonsils actually?

At present, this body has already been thoroughly studied. At the same time, scientists are still arguing about what function the amygdala performs - defensive or promote speech. In fact, this body can be attributed to both these, undoubtedly, important tasks. At the same time, their main function is, all the same, protecting the body from pathogenic microorganisms. This problem is solved by forming the so-called Valdeier ring. It consists of palatine, lingual and nasopharyngeal tonsils, as well as smaller clusters of lymphoid tissue. The Valdeierovo ring is a fairly powerful barrier to infection.

When is the protective function violated?

It is worth noting that the tonsils are though a powerful, but unstable protector for the body. The fact is that the infection is often striking and this body itself. In this case, it is difficult to talk about what function the amygdala performs - protective or, conversely, negative, as a hotbed of bacteria. The fact is that this body, being inflamed, becomes unable to maintain local immunity at a sufficiently high level. Without etiologic treatment, the number of pathogenic microorganisms gradually increases there , which ultimately can lead to their spread. The danger here is that bacteria that develop on the tonsils can damage the heart, leading to the development of serious diseases.

On the formation of speech

The function of palatine tonsils is not limited only to protecting the body from all kinds of bacteria. They also have one more important property. Like teeth, palatine tonsils narrow the lumen of the mouth, which is a passageway for air exhaled from the lungs and passing through the vocal cords. As a result, they also contribute to the formation of speech exactly as it is.

What is the peculiarity of the tonsils?

However lightly, the scientists did not relate to the immune function of the tonsils, but recent studies have already shown that the activity of this organ is absolutely unique. The fact is that they are able not only to destroy the pathogenic microflora. Almost the main function of tonsils is to recognize the infection, record information about it, and transfer the accumulated data to other immune organs. All this is necessary in order to get rid of the infiltrated pathogenic flora as soon as possible.

About thoughtless removal of tonsils

Only a few decades ago, physicians did not know what function the tonsils performed, and in the most developed countries their preventive removal was widespread. The result of such actions was reduced immunity and, as a consequence, more frequent and difficult to treat infectious pathology.

Preventative operations continued after physicians learned the function of tonsils. This is due to the very recent assumptions of many scientists that their importance for the body's immunity is not so great, and their problems can be successfully performed by other clusters of lymphoid tissues.

Why are the protective properties of the tonsils so often reduced?

The main cause of this phenomenon is chronic tonsillitis. This disease is a periodically exacerbating inflammatory process that affects the tonsils. Once penetrated into this organ, the infection usually remains here for a very long time. This is facilitated by the specific structure of the tonsils. The fact that the palatine tonsils include in their structure the so-called lacunae. They are deep enough and can become an excellent shelter for any pathogenic microflora. What is the function of the tonsils being inflamed? Virtually no. They fall out of the general complex of antibacterial protection of the body.

When are the tonsils most active?

It is worth noting that throughout life this body, even being completely healthy, functions with varying intensity. Immediately after birth, the baby does not work yet. The first lymphoid tissue on it begins to form only to 2-3 months. In this period, it has practically no role. A sufficient level of functioning is established only by 1 year. Subsequently, the lymphoid tissue gradually increases in volume. This is due to the fact that it is from 1 year and up to 6-7 years that a child encounters a large number of new microorganisms for themselves, both pathogenic and not. As a result, it is to school age that the tonsils, especially the palatines, reach their greatest development.

In the future, there is a gradual decrease in the amount of lymphoid tissue in this organ. Over time, it is replaced by connective tissue. By 16-20 years, this process is almost complete, and lymphoid cells in the tonsils no longer remain. From this time, tonsillitis almost does not bother the person.

How to maintain the function of tonsils?

Make it so that this body functions properly, it is not so difficult. First of all, it is necessary to abandon its removal with a preventive purpose, even if it is advised by the doctor. An exception here is tumors of the tonsils, their mechanical damage, and also an increase to such an extent that they will prevent swallowing and breathing through the mouth.

In addition, it is very important to always fully recover from tonsillitis and angina. To do this, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy, one of the components of which must necessarily be antibacterial drugs. Take them need at least 7-10 days in dosages recommended by a specialist.

In case of angina development and formation on the surface of the tonsils plaque, in no case should you try to remove it yourself. Even one mild wrong movement can severely damage the lymphoid tissue, as a result of which the function of the tonsils will decrease forever.

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