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What is the essence of the Martingale system? Martingale system: reviews

There are many operating and pseudo-strategies about how you can earn in a casino or on Forex, how to successfully trade binary options and to break a jackpot in roulette. Anyway, but people have always sought to develop some operational strategies for making a profit without much effort. Already too inviting sphere was always gambling. In them, you can really increase your fortune in the shortest possible time (or, on the contrary, lose it).

Passion is inherent in us for a long time ...

From time immemorial, when mankind already knew games with a random outcome (for example, "Eagle-tails", "More-less"), people began to bet. We know that on their own, gambling entertainments have their origins for hundreds more, if not thousands of years earlier. This desire to risk and win (or lose) human nature is explained. We always think that this is our chance, that now we will break our jackpot and fabulously get rich. On the basis of this illusion, there is the whole gambling sphere that operates today. And due to this feeling inherent in all people, casino owners receive incredible income.

How to guess?

Knowing that one successful outcome of a game for money can make them fantastically rich, people have always tried to somehow predict what will happen in the end. Someone was counting on their intuition, and someone was creating different strategies and tactics for the game. With their help, supposedly you could get rich if you "deceive" the casino, to lure him of all the money.

Such desires were inherent in all players, but to achieve this result, hardly anyone could. It's all about special protection techniques that gambling establishments use. Even online gambling services today have special algorithms that do not allow somehow to "adjust" to the game, to begin to win in it constantly. Due to this, in principle, there are gambling sites and real gambling establishments - people come to them, they hope to win something and leave with nothing. So it was always and so it will be - nothing in this sphere does not change.

Bid system

However, the desire to get rich with the winnings in the casino is inherent in all lovers of excitement. Therefore, each of them (yes, surely you too) has often thought about how to develop some kind of special winning strategy. After all, if you look at some feature films, you can see how the next daredevil calculates the algorithms of issuing cards at the table and thus breaks the millionth of a dollar. The explanation is simple - it develops its own betting system, which allows you to guess the next combination.

Is this real in our life? Let's find out together!

In this article, we will outline the material about what a Martingale system is. Why is it so called, what is it, where it is used?

The Martingale Method

First, let's explain the name. It seems at first glance that this system was named after some Mr. Martingale. Our imagination draws a cunning gentleman living in the 18th century, who manages to outplay all the gamblers and ultimately earn a fortune with his winnings. But is it real?

We will describe what the given method offers the player, and, probably, you will understand everything yourself.


So, the method is simple: the player is offered to bet on a certain algorithm. It will be more understandable if we explain by example. Let's take the famous game "Roulette". The player's task is to guess which figure / color will appear in the next game.

You set a minimum bet for yourself (for example, 100 rubles) and make it to one of the options (for example, to "black"). If you win, you get twice as much (200 rubles), then you make the same bet (100 rubles), but on the opposite option (now for "red"). While you receive a prize and guess the color, you should follow the same logic and just put your 100 rubles one by one.

If you lose, you must repeat the bet on the "losing" option, doubling it. Say, put 100 rubles for "black", but lost money, and now put 200 rubles. Again on the same color. If you are not lucky again - it does not matter, we make a contribution of 400 rubles and repeat the action. Thus, the user must increase the amount he puts, twice.

Martingale system is designed just for the ultimate "yield in plus." Double the win due to the constant increase in our rate will cover all losses.

It even went so far that this strategy, in the interpretation on various information sites, is described as such that it can work an infinite number of times. For example, advertising portals publish information about the alleged ability to earn 300-500 dollars a day with the help of such tactics. True, all these sites, like the theory of such a game, are pure deception.


As you can read on various Internet sites, the Martingale system is ideal. There are a lot of opinions that indicate that people are supposedly really making a profit in this way. Enough, for example, "pour" $ 100 on an account of some casino, wait until the funds are credited to it. Then start playing.

It is not necessary to make a special decision on which color to bet on. Really, there is no difference in what exactly will be chosen by you for the first time. Much more important, according to people's opinion, adhere to the above system of double increase, due to which you can make a profit. The main thing is just to "go up" until you win.


This subject has become very popular with the development of modern Internet and new technologies, as well as the spread of online games among ordinary users. More and more people learn about this technique and often try it in practice. Unfortunately, it does not work.

Why this happens and what inconsistencies we do not notice when we think about what the Martingale system is?

Reviews show that people do not think about the real probability that next time they will get a different color on the roulette. It seems to them that, constantly playing on such tactics, they can sooner or later, without going beyond the budget, make a profit, but this is not so.

In fact, your money will run out much earlier than the system will work and you will win. Perhaps you will go to the last with your bet, but, again, this will only lead to an even greater loss of money. In fact, the Martingale system (reviews of experienced players will confirm this) does not work. Why this is so, read on.


There are several factors that deny the theory of alternating doubling rates. To their number belongs, for example, total control by the casino. Once the administration notices that you are using such a scheme, they immediately include some "measures". This includes: deletion of the player, blocking his account (after all, such actions are aimed at deceiving the institution and are prohibited by the rules). In such a situation, you will not be able to test fate further.

In addition, even if you just look at the dry figures, you can mathematically confirm the impossibility of winning if you use the Martingale system. Think for yourself: you could win only if the chances of losing "black" and "red" were the same. However, in roulette the situation is somewhat different and there is also a third option - "zero". This is "green 0", which (according to the theory of probability) will periodically fall out clearly not in favor of the player. Thus, the entire strategy collapses very quickly.

Other areas

In fact, as we have already noted, users often write about the fact that the Martingale system in roulette is different from that in other spheres of gambling, because of what is likely that you will be able to beat, for example, a bookmaker's office or the Forex market ". For this it is sufficient to apply the same principle of the rate to one of the two and a further doubling.

Even if you imagine that you are really playing with an unlimited bank, we can assure you that the Martingale system does not work better in sports betting than in a casino. Here, you also will not have a guarantee that one of the two events will not drop out regularly for another 100 times. And imagine if this really happens, how much money you will end up losing on such a "doubling". Even if you start with 100 rubles, for the fifth time you will have to put a huge amount. Where is the guarantee that you will be able to cover this bet with a winning combination? Correctly, it is not. This means that this principle does not work. And believe me, the Martingale system on "Forex" gives the same results.


In order to convince you of this and to confirm theoretical reflections by practice, we found some feedback from people who tried to apply the mentioned system in practice. You can predict the result now.

On different forums, blogs and other thematic sites, users note that the Martingale system on binary options, on "Forex" or on roulette does not work. Most often, it leads to the fact that the player simply loses his money, trying to raise rates in the future.

If to speak purely about a casino they for a long time have provided on the sites special mechanisms of protection (about what we already spoke earlier). And trying to get around them is simply meaningless.


In fact, if you try to play by the described method, most likely, you have already fallen victim to another fraudulent site. Most often, those who use this scheme, learn about it from special blogs. In them, the author describes what the Martingale system is (responses). Roulette or "Forex" - does not matter. The creator of such a site in every possible way convinces us, visitors, in the fact that he was able to earn a huge amount of money due to his methodology. Only in this statement is only a certain part of the truth. In fact, they manage to earn income from such trusting people who experience this approach, supplement the balance in various "fake" casinos (created by scammers). As you can guess, you can not win in them!


So, the Martingale system in binary options (we also managed to find feedback about which to prepare this article), as in any other sphere, will not work. No matter how you try to increase your investments due to a banal rate hike, you will not be able to do it with a stable profit. It may happen that you will stupidly lose your money until you come to the limits of your balance or to the limit of the bet allowed in the casino. By the way, this restriction also applies to many projects.

If you would like to experience this approach from your own experience, it will not be difficult to do this. Perhaps you will even get some profit at the initial stage. Translate this is a regular basis and constantly earn - the task is simply unreal.

The only thing we managed to find is the opinions of individual users that only certain elements of Martingale can be used for real earnings. However, these strategies, as a rule, can not be found in free access, it is too valuable information.

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