Self improvementPsychology

What is shock: how to prevent this condition?

The concept of a "shock state" is very well known to doctors, visiting ambulance brigades, who work with people who have received injuries associated with risk to life. A car accident, a collapse, an earthquake, a fire, an electric shock - all this can cause a shock, which is nothing more than a short-term decline in body functions. Extreme factors can upset vital systems, and in the event of failure to provide first aid, they can even lead to their stopping. However, this term is widely known in psychology. What is an emotional shock? Let's try to understand.

Prerequisites for the appearance of a state

Any experiences from the past are capable, one way or another, of reminding oneself. Even if enough time has passed, and the man was quite able to cope with the problem. Sometimes frightening memories come back short-term scraps of memory, sometimes unexplained emotional outbursts, and sometimes an obsessive sense of fear. In this case, the shock state can be caused by a situation that duplicates an eerie scene from the past, which as if makes a person relive all the horror.

Symptoms of shock

The most vulnerable are people who have suffered severe emotional trauma once in the past. Most often, the preconditions for a possible shock situation occur in persons subjected to violence in the family or by peers, as well as those who have suffered an attack of mentally unbalanced people.

In this case, the overlapping of pictures from reality and from their past life can indeed cause shock symptoms - lowering blood pressure, dilated pupils, a state of stupor, a decrease in heart rhythms, a general weakness, a decrease in the temperature of the skin, a failure in the pulse. And the symptoms of different people manifest themselves in different ways. Shock from an event can cause both a practically stopping of breathing, and, on the contrary, a rapid intermittent heavy breathing.

Traumatic experience

The psychological trauma is almost always associated with a threat to life and personal safety. In this case, the person seems to be alone with a threat, not seeing the forces to resist it. Very often people subjectively assess the situation, seeing in it a danger, even if there is no threat of physical impact. That's why what is shock is well known to people who have experienced severe psychological trauma in the past. To get rid of obsessive phobias and fears, a long rehabilitation period is required, preferably under the supervision of specialists.

What situations can cause emotional shock?

One single reminiscence of a past life about the disaster that has occurred can constantly persecute a person. However, people who do not have strong negative prints may also experience a state of shock. So, this feeling is often caused:

  • Some unexpected, completely sudden events.
  • Repeated repetitions of the same situation.
  • Intentional cruelty on the part of others.
  • Negative childhood memories.

"I was shocked," says a woman who lost her young relative in a car accident. Indeed, she could not foresee something like this, did not expect this, because her relative was full of strength and health.

Similarly, people feel themselves, having learned that in their city a serial maniac is operating . Fear and horror seize their mind for a while, then they begin to feel terrible alarm for their loved ones. Moreover, this fear can be cultivated by the realization of one's own helplessness and the inability to influence the situation. In this case, every new crime that has been publicized can cause another wave of shock.

Who is the most exposed to this?

In addition to those who once experienced a deep psychological trauma, which left an indelible mark on the rest of their lives, the most emotionally vulnerable are people who are currently in deep depression. Stresses in themselves are capable of producing shock situations, as if from nowhere. Too vulnerable are those who not so long ago experienced a series of events that led to losses and losses. People seem to cease to belong to themselves, any unexpected cry or surprise can already cause the notorious state of shock.

What is shock and how to prevent it in the future?

Incompatible psychological trauma, so often capable of causing the next emotional turmoil, often drags on us from childhood. If an adult person sooner or later can reconcile with the loss of a loved one or with his own fears, the child will receive an imprint for the rest of his life. That is why it's very important to take care of the mental state of your children, not to subject them to severe punishments for the slightest faults, not to introduce them into the environment endangering, not to withdraw, not to bully, not to neglect and in no way to offend.

What is a shock is known to parents mocking their own children from their bitter experience. People who are capable of causing physical and emotional harm to others, as a child, have themselves been systematically subjected to violence. Think about how to maintain the mental health of your children.

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